"A revolution is upon us. He dies telling Unukalhai that he saved him because was gifted with the echo and that it's far too grand a gift to waste, saying that Emperor Varis may very well need people with gifts like that if there's ever a chance of ending the Primal threat once and for all. He fully understands the depraved and monstrous roles that Yotsuyu's parents had in ruining her life, and directly uses them to trigger the resurgence of her memories and then praises his sister for. Born into this world, bestowed name, bid to seek out strife and adventure Was this life a giftor a burden? Will be. Zenos yae Galvus is a playable character and a representative of Final Fantasy XIV. Chapter Text. Having felt little value in the world outside of drowning in the power bestowed upon him or the blood of his enemies, Zenos can find a kindred spirit in the one who can finally best him. Seeks to help trigger calamities to reunite souls and thereby strengthen people, believing that mortals will be "lambs to the slaughter" before the Ascians without the extra strength reunification can bring. Zenos is the most recurring boss in Final Fantasy XIV, being fought multiple times throughout several expansions. Before his ascension, he was Varis yae Galvus, High Legatus of the Ist Imperial Legion. FFXIV raids generally consists of a single boss fight and can be one of six difficulties. Zenos showed little interest in Fandaniel, though he angered when the Ascian noted he may have "singed [the Warrior of Light] a little". Known as a glory hound who wanted what was best only for himself, his confrontation with the Warrior of Light marks one of the last remnants of the Final Days. Even as the Telophoroi ravage his homeland, Zenos shows no remorse, dismissing that the destruction was "for nothing" when it failed to bring him his desired rematch. Zenos is just a straight-up monster with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. A commander of the XIVth Imperial Legion. he points a gun to his head and pulls the trigger. He makes this clear during the Stormblood stinger where he fully admits he is but a mortal man who will oppose the Ascians, on the basis of not wanting the world to end. and "RIP AND TEAR!" However, at the start of the Shadowbringers artifact weapons questline, he's fought as a memory in Cid's mind. Everything was grey, bland, tedious . he only takes minor offense at Fandaniel stealing his identity, he's. She curses her own weakness and once she learns of Alisaie's bloodline, she warns Alisaie to steel herself and her resolve for the harsh truth that came next, lest Alisaie lose herself in her misery like Eula herself did as a child. It isn't seen, but it's implied from the sound that he was squeezed so hard that his head exploded. he's willingly cooperating with Ascians to cause Calamities, in the hope that all sentient beings will be unified in one 'master race' with no racial differences or conflicts; to this end, he's even willing to use weapons of mass destructions like chemical weapons. It took a deep dive into Cid's memories for him to finally learn and acknowledge what had long been known by others. He then contrives a situation that leads to a summoning. this is played straight. Upon being confronted in the Magna Glacies, he reiterates his belief that ideals such as duty, honor, and morality are mere tools of convenience and that justice was but a means to an end, using the Empire's conquests as proof. English voice actor Whatever was done to him in his Hypertuned form basically destroyed any of his higher brain functions that don't involve hatred or revenge, It's not made clear how many Hypertuned came before him, but all of them seem to retain more of their brain function, suggesting Grynewaht was the first subject of at least some capacity of the experiment, or possibly that's Yotsuyu may have. Whether the Warrior accepts or denies this claim, Zenos and the Warrior engaged in a final duel to the death. Upon activating Oversoul, it ditches the lasers in favor of. June 15, 2022 . Zenos yae Galvus being Zenos yae Galvus Zenos lived a half life. The covers have hidden zipper closures, are printed front and back, and are. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by, This section in Mobius Final Fantasy is empty or needs to be expanded. Zenos yae Galvus Luke Allen-Gale is the English dub voice of Zenos yae Galvus in Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood, and Ksuke Toriumi is the Japanese voice. Wanting to cause multiple Calamaties that would kill thousands and, toe the line with the Ascians and cause Calamaties that could harm and impact even the Garleans themselves. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/FinalFantasyXIVGarleanEmpire. The soldier retreated in fear when Zenos failed to reply. Later on, when the Warrior of Light helped escort Thavnairian refugees across the Magna Glacies to Garlemald, Zenos unsuccessfully attempted to entertain himself by fighting beasts before encountering the Scions and the Warrior again. And behind her, she hears a low sigh of respite from him, barely discernible above the chilly evening winds churning the gravel into waves, his warm breath tickling her shoulder. Man should fight for the joy of it. As the son of Solus's firstborn, he wrested the position by force from the expected heir, the Emperor's second son and his uncle. when confronted by Gaius his over-reliance on combat data from other Garlean Legati only serves to protect him from the most basic form of Terminus Est before Gaius loads a gold bullet into Heirsbane and shows Valens that he'd not stopped improving Terminus Est following his defeat at the Praetorium. He was revealed during the Final Fantasy XIV Tokyo Fan Festival 2019. After her brother's death and her sister-in-law's suicide, Eula Darnus disguised herself as her brother, killed her father and anyone who knew of Nale's death, and took over the VIIth Legion to build a legacy to her late brother that would last throughout history. After taking over the Tower of Babil, the remaining Garleans punished Zenos for killing their Emperor by stripping him of his title, dubbing him "Zenos viator Galvus". (I start at 7' 2 because I've seen Jimmy Fallon, who is 6' tall, standing next to the roughly 7'2'' Shaq, and Zenos is at the VERY LEAST Shaq's height.) loads a single bullet into a pistol, puts the gun to his chin, and pulls the trigger. Machines will rule the heavens. He wants every last one of them to become like him, despite how terrified they are. The Warrior turns on her heel, pulling on Zenos' shackles once more. Each sword has a distinct glow: purple for the Storm, green for the Swell, and red for Ame-no-Habakiri. Yotsuyu was hardly kickable before her memory loss, but the moment he finds out about it he plots to force her to remember them, even if it means bringing back her. Zenos was brought up being taught all that an imperial heir was expected to learn, including book studies with tutors as well as combat. When Sharlaryan attempts to transport Thavnair's refugees to the moon teleporter in Garlemald after Anima's destruction, they are beset by a massive hoard of blasphemies that push the Radiant, Ilsabardian contingent remnants, and assembled Scions to the brink. Considering the scandal that would entail having people be aware that the crown prince of Garlemald was personally responsible for a primal summoning, it's pretty clear that having anyone involved in Asahi's mission survive would present real problems for the Emperor. Zenos, in the form of Shinryu, breached her nest and presented himself to the Warrior of Light. Canon Rewrite. Shortly thereafter the Garlean Empire crushed the Doman resistance under Lord Kaien, and Yotsuyu joined with Zenos. Zenos yae Galvus - Final Fantasy XIV Poster. Of course, given that Eldibus masterminded the whole affair with the full knowledge of the Emperor, he was nonetheless little more than a pawn. General of the Imperial armyHeir apparentLegatus of the XIIth Imperial Legion delivered with a chilling stare and monstrous scowl that shows his true personality. A later quest even states that noticing her obession with him, he started to keep her at arm's length which doesn't quite match up with him asking her to meet him in his bedchamber as he did in, Performs one with Estinien in their battle with Zenos in 5.4. Eye color Both are men who hated living in the shadow of others and both are skilled machinists. His portrayal when he reappears at the end of Stormblood is generally too noble for one to imagine him doing so, especially since it's stated he basically raised her from childhood. In 5.3, it's shown that Zenos doesn't remember him at all despite Fandaniel using his corpse, something that Fandaniel takes great joy in when mocking his late host. not have a Legate Related Oversoul, instead having a fused Alfonse as its core AI. Part of Nael's difficulty in Turn 9 is based on the fact each phase is completely separate from the prior, with virtually no carryover in mechanics. Job soulstones are treated with fear and suspicion by Garlean intelligence and propaganda exagerating and lying about soulstones as effectively being a sort of necromancy that traps part of the bearer's soul and memories, and then overwrites the next bearer's personality and soul. One of these torture sessions is shown after the defeat of the Emerald Weapon. Then you shall come to me, all roiling rage and rancor And the stars shall bear witness to our final contest. She's. Emphasized even more in the 2022 Hatchingtide-event; He wants to lead an invasion to conquer Eorzea, not destroy it and turn it into a smoking crater. He has poor motivations, no real personality, and actively takes better written characters out of the gamee that served the narrative better. Arriving at the camp, Zenos prepared to attack Alisaie Leveilleur and G'raha Tia, but the Warrior arrived just in time to intervene. Their deaths leads to him becoming furious enough to gain a second wind. Acknowledging that the Warrior of Light's hunt led them elsewhere, Zenos proclaimed that before they reunited, he would reclaim his original Garlean body. Zero supported Zenos, eventually Enshrouding him. His newly forged motivation to face the Warrior of Light drives him to remove all obstacles and distractions, his birthright of the throne being among them. Comic Con India winner Sameer Tikka Masala as Zenos Yae Galvus from Final Fantasy XIV. His preferred method of instilling discipline and obedience. The swordsman actually sought the life of Zenos's father, as his family was being held hostage to ensure he would train Zenos. The shapes of the horns that adorn his helmet, as well as the shape of the sum of the helmet in general, recalls the shape of the imperial crown of Garlemald. ", Legatus of the renegade IVth Legion, which seeks to build a new nation in occupied Bozja. Yotsuyu, who still has her primal powers and is very much wanting to kill her brother, uses it to impale him. He twists the knife even deeper in the next scene by forcing an Ala Mhigan mother and child to watch the father die from a fatal Oversoul test. Drunk on power as the crown prince and viceroy of both Ala Mhigo and Doma, Zenos cares little for his job of governing the provinces. In The Royal Menagerie Zenos can fuse with Shinryu, assuming the primal's form. Unlike the jingoistic militancy of people like Quintus, she realizes that the best course of action is to make peace with the Eorzean Alliance and work with them for the good of Garlemald. He plays with this, because he chooses "lawful" for the first part of his story arc, following orders that he knows aren't helpful in a desperate attempt to drive the Eorzeans out. By Im8You ( 1.3K ) $33.34. In this case, his sociopathic behavior, unsettling demeanor, and his penchant for human experimentation take after Hojo from. Upon seeing the Endsinger, he asked if she was the Warrior of Light's prey, and expressed confusion that they had not slain her yet, having assumed the Warrior was "above something so banal as despair". Upon finally facing the Warrior alone, Zenos sees a kindred spirit in them as they both seek to grow stronger in their own ways, and they, too, look for ever-mightier battles for their own sake. Get daily updates for video game art galleries packed with loads of concept art, character artwork, and promotional pictures. The fact that he takes up so much screen time and somehow bested elidibus while in a weaker body makes him even worse. Megaflare also. Zenos yae Galvus is the main antagonist of the expansion Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood. Affiliation No longer ambiguous as of 4.3. Especially not when it seems that he knew beforehand that his, And, needless to say: he takes the knowledge that his grandfather was an Ascian from the start about as well as an airship to the face, and has no time for Solus's prattle and deadpanning, and he reveals he really, When Varis comes to the realization that Solus "dying" was a completely intentional act to ignite the bloody war of succession that ended up killing a lot of Garlean citizens, Varis visibly looks like he's reached his, As much as he loathes his son, he expected if Zenos intended on killing him at the end of Shadowbringers, it was to gain the crown and rule the empire. His subsequent elevation to republican dictator and then emperor for life was only natural following his enormous accomplishments. not only does this plan require performing the Rejoinings the Ascians want, but that the unification of all souls into one race is, Is revealed to be this to the Ascians, specifically Solus, he tells the Alliance leaders he believes the Asicans' methods are legitimate, and that the only way to bring peace is to follow their goals, destroy the Ascians in lieu of that and win Garlemald its freedom, all the disparate races of Hydalen become united once again, Causing multiple Calamaties that will lead to countless of deaths, as well as the destruction of the other mirrored versions of the world, It also doesn't help that his empire was founded on a, his plan to create a peaceful united world involves deliberately causing. A Garlean scientist working for Zenos. And he's teaching them ruthlessness whether they want him to or not. During the Gunnhildr's Blades quest, you unlock Cid's repressed memories and confirm that Midas' attempts to commune with Dalamud left him tempered by Bahamut, and that Bozja was not an accident, but a sabotage under the dreadwyrm's auspices. Thanks to the Ascians. He's shown spitting on what appears to the coffin of his recently-deceased grandfather, showing that he's probably going to take Garlemald in a very different direction that his elderly grandfather was taking it in the early days; he's also shown doing a cape swish of villainy as he acknowledges his senior officers and begins his reign, looking much younger and more dynamic than the pictures we had of his ancient grandfather. Free shipping for many products! And then he met his friend. Garlean A footsoldier approached the viceroy on his throne in Ala Mhigo, informing that Baelsar's Wall had fallen to the Eorzean Alliance, asking whether they should divert some men to repairing the damage from the battle between Shinryu and Omega. Zenos assassinates him simply because Varis's use of the Black Rose would have spoiled his "hunt" for the Warrior of Light. Even being lifted into the air by two swords piercing him diagonally from below, making it more excruciating and prolonged for added measure. He strikes an alliance with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn to stop Zurvan's pre-mature awakening, but dies defending Unukalhai from Zurvan, and with his dying words expresses realization that the Echo is a gift that cannot be wasted if there's ever a hope of purging the Primals from the world for good. He was introduced in the March 26th update for the arcade version. He's an unwilling one to his grandfather and the fellow Ascians as an agent meant to spread chaos across the world. To add insult to injury, it's later revealed that the "Zenos" who gave him the plan in the first place wasn't even the real one. Yet Garleans are constantly at each others throats, from the small scale like Nero's animosity towards Cid, to the large like the. Zenos oversaw the attack, overpowering Lyse Hext, critically wounding Y'shtola Rhul, and defeating the Warrior of Light with ease. Yotsuyu kills him before you get a chance to. Zenos used his powers as a Resonant to take control of the Warrior of Light's original body, and traveled to Camp Broken Glass to kill their friends to "motivate" the Warrior into a rematch, leaving the Warrior of Light to fend for themselves in a Garlean soldier's body. A field captain who appeared at the Carteneau Flats in 3.56 to stop the Scions from accessing Omega Weapon. Zenos tested his scythe on some Eorzean fighters before looking up to the moon, musing that he would gorge on a sea of souls and power up while waiting for the Warrior, with the stars bearing witness to their epic final battle.[1]. Behind the scenes information There are tons of reasons to hate Zenos. While Tsukuyomi being defeated was part of the plan, Asahi's jealousy for his sister rises to the surface again in Yotsuyu's final moments, as he screams that her power as viceroy should have been his while brutally beating her to death. It's possible to back-interpret some of Gaius' lines during, fallen into the hands of Gilgamesh. The Alliance takes Baelsar's Wall, and establishes a base camp in Castrum Oriens. 26 that you are too dangerous to be left alive. At some point after taking up the scythe, Zenos learned the ways of the Garlean Reapers and forged a pact with Zero, a voidsent avatar from the Thirteenth. While crushing the rebellion of yesteryear in Doma, he took a liking to Far Eastern katana, which have since become his weapons of choice. When Fandaniel reported his progress of erecting the towers and his meeting with the Warrior, Zenos discarded Ame-no-Habakiri for a new weapon for his rematch: a scythe from among the various weapons he had acquired over the years. During Gaius van Baelsar's time as imperial viceroy of Ala Mhigo, Zenos oversaw the subjugation of Doma. And we shall dance before the pyre. It's the second type fought and acts as the boss of the 5.3 Sorrow of Werlyt storyline. This can't be! After assisting the Warrior of Light defeat the Endsinger, Zenos watched the Warrior of Light help Meteion regain her hope for the future before approaching the lone Warrior. There's also a special "viator" middle name that is forced upon those who the Empire has deemed to be traitors, regardless of their previous rank. Equipment: Dark Divinity Herklaedi Undyed glamours using this piece Peacock Gloves Jet Black glamours using this piece Peacock Skirt Ruby Red glamours using this piece Augmented Rathalos Greaves [F] After showing his true colors to the Warrior of Light, he tries to provoke them into attacking him knowing that it would endanger the peace proceedings between the empire and Doma. He turns from a fervently loyal soldier into a staunch ally and friend for the Scions, the twins and the Warrior especially. but TL;DR: Zenos is the source's shard of Hythlodeus and will join with this figure/Venat to be the surprise boss in 5.3 2020.06.27 88 notes #ffxiv #shadowbringers #theory #zenos yae galvus #venat #final fantasy xiv #ffxiv theory #peepo's theories #hythlodaeus #ff14 #shb spoilers #ffxiv 5.3 when he realizes that the legions he was expecting for backup aren't coming and that they have already entered into talks with the Eorzean Alliance, he releases his men from their service, allowing them to choose their own path before, He uses what little supplies he had on a last desperate gamble, despite the Eorzeans not only being willing to give the Garleans supplies, but outright telling him so. His and Estinien's attacks are effortlessly repelled by Zenos to show just how much stronger the latter had gotten after further mastering his Resonant powers. And he offers his opponents a chance to surrender and join the Empire peacefully. Alisaie scolded him, explaining that even though Zenos's path had led him to great strength, if he continued to indulge himself in his single-minded pursuit of a battle with the Warrior of Light at the expense of all else, he would always be alone, doomed to never get the rematch he was so desperate for. Calling a meteor and destroying everything in the process? Physical description Only man has the wisdom and the clarity to embrace violence for its own sake. He met Yotsuyu goe Brutus who would become his Doman viceroy. Even his design is a huge disappointment compared to his armor. He goaded Yotsuyu into becoming evil again whilst giving her a kojin artefact that she could use to become a Primal, which Asahi himself staged during the prisoner exchange by bringing along a hoard of crystals. glamours using this piece. His last moments are to be crushed to death by his own creation, fueled by the countless lives he sacrificed, and pathetically begging them to stop. How he's killed in the middle of 4.3's story. He is ultimately assassinated by a newly revived Zenos before the Warrior of Light can ever confront him. Eula, the Nael we know, renamed it after her in her honor after taking over her late brother's life. He ultimately shows his true colors, and dies a heroes death. Zenos used the blade to overpower the Warrior of Light and Yugiri Mistwalker when they attempted to assassinate him. He also knows about Cid Garlond who had defected from the empire. All the gods are dead. The Armor is very bulky and serves to make an already large Garlean appear like a giant among his peers. He is also the great-grandson of Solus zos Galvus, great-nephew of Titus, and first cousin once removed of Nerva. A Zenos figure is included in the Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood Collector's Edition package. until Yotsuyu tires of his natural incompetence and has him Hypertuned before the final encounter. Boss O mighty Dalamud, am I not Thy loyal servant!? EZcosplay.com offer finest quality Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker Zenos yae Galvus Cosplay Costume and other related cosplay accessories in low price. Granted, Zenos had no real intention on setting the record straight, which in turn leads to the speculation that he is Shadowhunter. Only natural following his enormous accomplishments own sake teaching them ruthlessness whether they want him to finally learn acknowledge!, the twins and the Warrior of Light and Yugiri Mistwalker when they attempted assassinate! And has him Hypertuned before the Warrior of Light with ease empty or needs to be left alive fight. To a summoning Festival 2019 into the hands of Gilgamesh natural following his accomplishments. 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