Respect. Cut it in half for a dog that weighs around 25 . When faced with a case of upset tummy (read: diarrhea) in your dog, its natural to wonder if you really need to make a trip to the veterinary office or if you can treat your dog at home with something like Imodium. A great article, thank you so much for your help. If you do the math, this means that a ten-pound dog might receive a dose of 0.4 mg of Imodium while a dog who weighs 50 pounds could be given around 2 mg. Make sure you follow these safety guidelines on how to use Imodium safely. Sudafed If administered the wrong types of medication, it can lead to toxicity and even death, so be sure to consult your vet before giving your dog any type of drug, even if he doesnt fall under the category of breeds listed above. But if your dog vomits up the Pepto-Bismol, call your veterinarian. The risk of infection is also greater for very young dogs or elderly dogs. Generally speaking, however, most experts believe that the effects of Imodium should last for around 6-8 hours in dogs. These were as follows: diarrhea (four dogs; severe enough to warrant cessation of treatment in one dog); vomiting (four dogs); fever, lethargy and cystitis (one dog); an inflamed footpad and vomiting (one dog); and diarrhea, vomiting and lethargy (one dog).". Some of the more common side effects include vomiting, soft stools, constipation, gas, weight loss, and bloody diarrhea. This causes a slowdown in heart and breathing rates to the extent that a dog loses consciousness. Of course, as with other medications, there are also risks for side effects when using Imodium. If your dog is a herding breed, Imodium will hurt it since it cannot break it down. If you have any of the conditions discussed here, you may be unable to take some forms of this medication. This should be administered two to four times a day for two days. Most people are only required to take loperamide for one to two days. 2. Symptoms of Thyroid Poisoning in Dogs. The usual dosage is 2 mg per 40 lbs of body weight (this equals 0.05 mg per lb). Many people will reach for Imodium AD (the generic name is loperamide) when they have a bit of diarrhea, and they figure it can't hurt when they see the same in their pets. Diarrhea is a process of elemination.. Imodium can be fatal to dogs under the age of 20, and dogs under the age of 20 are more susceptible to overdoses. It would help to determine whether your dog may have a food intolerance to some ingredients or if there's something else going on health-wise. Always check with your veterinarian before administering any drug to your pet. Imodium For Dogs: Uses, Dosage, & Side Effects. Dogtime, 11 Sept. 2018, Accessed 14 Nov. 2017. Dogs that experience these side effects will need to get to the vet right away. As a result, it helps to ease the pain, cramps, and other unpleasant symptoms that come with diarrhea and another mild intestinal discomfort in dogs and cats. Pepto-Bismol is a popular option for humans experiencing gastrointestinal distress. My dog go into a pool . Your dog's care is in your own hands and you don't want to unintentionally cause more harm than good by giving Imodium when it's not safe to do so. How much loperamide Can a dog have? Liquid Imodium is typically available in a concentration of 1 mg/5 mL (0.2 mg/mL), so is a better choice for smaller dogs. If your dog's symptoms don't improve, consult your vet. Lomotil (Atropine / Diphenoxylate) Lomotil is used by humans to manage diarrhea and it is also used to treat diarrhea and colitis in dogs and cats. There are several human OTC medications that are used off label in dogs, like Benadryl (diphenhydramine), Zyrtec (cetirizine), and Pepcid (famotidine). Pepcid AC is a drug called famotidine, and it can be used to treat ulcers in dogs, as well as other stomach conditions. Some people claim to have used it successfully on their dogs, while others say it was ineffective or even harmful. Just as certain medications can pose health risks to humans with preexisting medical conditions, the same rules apply to your furry companion. Symptoms of problems in your dog after giving birth. If you do decide to give liquid imodium to your dog, it is important to start with a very small dose and increase slowly as needed. You have to be careful with fasting puppies because they need to eat frequently in often. Buy Our Products at Local Retailers & Veterinarians. Still interested in using Imodium for your dog? Many people keep it around because it's so effective. Pepto Bismol is pleasant tasting. Imodium is an over-the-counter (OTC) medication that's used to relieve diarrhea. Cerenia Does NOT Cure Acute Vomiting. So, for a 50lb dog (but probably Delilah was . Gould, Wendy. Think diarrhea is a bad thing? Imodium can be given to dogs in a variety of ways, but five are the best. Diarrhea can be an indication of a serious illness in some cases. Answer: I had to look up the overdose Imodium symptoms on a veterinary website I am a member of. Instead, you'll need to consult with your vet to determine the correct dose by using the liquid form. It is strongly advised that you contact or visit your local veterinarian or an animal poison control hotline, as well as your local emergency room. Constipation is often caused by a poor diet, so you should also try . When you suspect that your dog has ingested Imodium, you should seek professional medical attention. Here are several reasons to think twice before administering Imodium to your dog: There are a variety of reasons why your dog may have diarrhea or a loose bowel movement, so knowing why hes sick is crucial to identifying the appropriate treatment. Breeds that are predisposed to this gene mutation include Collies, Australian Shepherds, Silken Windhounds, Shetland Sheepdogs, and German Shepherds. The presence of an overdose can result in a strong sedative effect, anorexia, salivation, hypothermia, and slow heart rate. Unfortunately, dogs are more prone to this condition, since they are apt to engage in many unsanitary behaviors and bacteria-laden situations (such as eating off the floor and consuming fecal matter or garbage), as well as being at risk of exposure to infectious illnesses such as canine parvovirus from other animals. Imodium should never be given to cats except under close veterinary supervision. Contains Artificial Sweeteners And Dyes , it is the result of food moving too rapidly through his intestines (referred to as hypermotility), preventing nutrient and water absorption and leading to the tell-tale signs of this unpleasant condition, including frequent loose bowel movements, severe indigestion, and dehydration. Cautionary measures should be used in treating dogs with Imodium, particularly those who have been diagnosed with Addisons disease, hypothyroidism, kidney, lung, and liver disease. If your dog is throwing up yellow liquid, you're likely wondering what is going on. According to experts, many herding dog breeds have a genetic predisposition to certain medications, including Imodium. You can take it as soon as you experience symptoms. It is a short-acting medication that quickly adds to the blood in order to treat your dogs stomach. Loperamide is also dosed at 1 capsule (2 mg) per 50 pounds (25 kg) if over 20 pounds (10 kg). If your vet approves Imodium as an appropriate form of therapy, he or she may suggest the medication in liquid form. A dog should be avoided taking Imodium, especially if he or she is suffering from Addisons disease, hypothyroidism, kidney disease, lung disease, or liver disease. Another good reason to see the vet. It is not intended for all dog breeds and can be harmful if taken in large quantities. Probiotics help support a healthy immune system by keeping the intestinal bacteria in good balance and aiding in digestion. Or, they might mask the symptoms of a more severe disease or cause a stomach ulcer far worse than the diarrhea you're treating. Imodium Dosing Chart for Dogs. As with many other drugs, there are risks for the drug to cause problems in dogs with certain conditions. It is very unlikely that the Imodium was the cause of her death. Her diarrhea last two nights (and possibly 8 episodes in total), so she had to miss a few flights. It should also be used with caution in pregnant or nursing dogs. We . That's why it is best not to give it to pregnant or nursing dogs. If your dog is having tummy trouble, you may be tempted to give a little Pepto-Bismol to offer relief. Incorrectly giving famotidine to your dog can be dangerous. For Imodium A-D caplets or EZ . Be sure your vet knows about all other medications that your dog may be taking, including vitamins, supplements, and herbal remedies, before you start Imodium. How are the dogs treated if they get a fever? Knowing your dogs complete medical history and visiting his vet annually for a check-up is not only crucial to keeping him healthy, but can help to avoid any potentially harmful medications or treatments. The pancreas is critical for the proper digestion of food. As is the case with any medication, Imodium does carry the risk of side-effects when prescribed to your dog. Did your dog eat something yellow, or is that yellow liquid actually bile? The medicine is safe to use and should be taken at least once per day, with a dose of one pill per 25 to 50 pounds of body weight. My dog, a German Shepherd/Husky mix, recently died. Dogs can't talk, so you may not know if your dog had a feast on who knows what when he was in the yard unsupervised. As a result, it can be used directly on the intestinal wall to control the amount of water and electrolytes in the body. The presence of loperamide in certain dog breeds (such as collies and sheepdogs) is incompatible with their health. The site said that the symptoms of an Imodium overdose in dogs are usually seen within 2 to 4 hours and include lethargy, respiratory distress and incoordination. Your vet may recommend a different dose (or different treatment altogether), but something along the lines of 0.1 mg/kg of Imodium given twice a day is typical. Because your dogs breed may be susceptible to a bad reaction to Imodium, its important to know what his medication limitations are. With severe overdoses, it is possible to also see muscle tremors and loss of consciousness. Those liquid squirts are the body's way to detoxify itself. Imodium should be given to dogs weighing between 25 and 30 pounds and used as a liquid form of Imodium every time they reach 20 pounds. So make sure to check with your vet beforehand to determine whether your dog's diarrhea would be responsive to Imodium or not. Imodium should never be given to a dog whose body weight exceeds 40 mg per kg. Learn some of the most common conditions requiring immediate veterinary attention. There is no one definitive answer to this question as it will depend on a number of individual factors, including the size and weight of the dog, the severity of the diarrhea, and how much Imodium was given. Unfortunately, veterinary-specific research is rather spotty in this area, so less common drug interactions are sometimes diagnosed using information taken from the field of . The terms 'off label' and 'extra label' refer to the fact that a medication, such as Imodium, is commonly used in a certain species for a certain reason but the FDA has not yet approved the medication for that species or reason. As a result, toxic substances in their brains are more difficult to remove from their bodies. To administer the medication, simply wrap the tablet in a small piece of high value food, such as a pill pocket, chicken, bread, etc. Imodium can make it difficult for dogs to break it down, and certain medical conditions may be worsened by it. Bloating. While it is generally safe for dogs to consume imodium, it can be difficult to do so in certain circumstances. Although it may seem obvious, what you feed your dog during his bout of diarrhea can have a huge impact on his recovery. Otherwise, in order to have a toxic dose of imodium causing death your dog would have to be given more than 5 mg/kg. Insomnia will be felt in a matter of hours. In a pinch, this medication can be used to treat diarrhea in your dog; at 1 mg per 20 pounds of body weight, it should be safe. Paradoxically, excitement may also appear. Given at the proper doses and under the supervision of a veterinarian, ivermectin is safe for most dogs and is very effective in treating and preventing a number of parasites. She may have died from cancer or a serious kidney problem. Imodium Dosage for Dogs. You should give one pill every 25 to 50 pounds of weight to a dog who is experiencing diarrhea. Loperamide is so good at causing constipation that this side effect has become the primary reason we use it as a medication. It will help your dog treat diarrhea very soon. In case you settle for the chewable tablet, have it crushed and sprinkled on food. So generally, diarrhea caused by ingestion of toxins, bacteria or viruses (think infectious agents like parvo-virus), is often better off managed (through hydration and fluid replacement) than treated with anti-diarrhea products. If you do not have a prescription and need to administer medicine, choose a low dose of Aspirin for anti-inflammation, or Benadryl for allergies. If the diarrhea is a result of an infection or toxins, administering Imodium will hurt it. Lomotil for dogs works by slowing the . Lets take a look at when it is okay to give your dog Imodium, and more importantly, when it is not. Dogs can benefit from CBD oil, an alternative to diarrhea treatment for pet parents. Ive been working with dogs since I was a child and have been dedicated to helping them learn and grow ever since. Generally, veterinarians . In some cases, diarrhea can be a sign of potentially dangerous conditions, and by using a drug like Imodium you may be wasting time when the condition needs prompt treatment with a totally different type of drug. Signs of thyroid poisoning in dogs may appear between 1 and 9 hours after the pills were ingested. Medication should never be administered without first consulting your veterinarian. Therefore, if your dogs diarrhea appears chronic or recurring, bring your dog to the vets office as soon as possible to figure out the cause of his illness and identify the best course of therapy. Question: What are the overdose symptoms of Imodium? From something as simple as eating spoiled food to an indication of an underlying health condition, only your vet can determine the root cause of your dogs tummy troubles. liver or kidney disease, Addisons disease, difficulty breathing, hypothyroidism, or a head injury) thatcould make them more susceptible to the side effects of Imodium. Itmodium is a medication used in the treatment of diarrhea in humans. Milk of magnesia can be prescribed in older dogs to ease constipation, which is difficult, infrequent or complete lack of bowel movements. Certain drugs and medical conditions can interact with Imodium and it can be tricky to dose smaller breed dogs, so always check with your veterinarian before giving your dog Imodium. In the United States, illness is the most common cause of death, followed by heart disease and cancer. This in turn helps to heal ulcers faster, as well as keep new ulcers from forming, because there is less . have a well-earned reputation for causing constipation. The ideal dose of Imodium is .5mg/10 ponds 2 to three 3 a day or as prescribed for the veterinarians. There are numerous brand names and/or forms of this medication available. Furthermore, Imodium should not be used for more than five consecutive days. Some dogs with certain types of diarrhea can take Imodium, . It could lead to central nervous system depression if a dog has consumed too much Imodium. This leads us to another second reason why this drug should be used with caution and under a vet's guidance. Waste is slowed down in their intestines as a result of the medication loperamide. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Every dog owner should have a can of pumpkin puree in their pantry. A dog should take the same amount of pill every 40 pounds of body weight. If the diarrhea does not . Pumpkin is a great way to soothe a dog's stomach and quickly put an end to diarrhea naturally, without the need for medication. If your veterinarian or internist agrees with your treatment, you may be able to resolve the underlying issue. Imodium has a high chance of causing vomiting in dogs. For every 30-50 pounds of weight your dog is overweight, you should give him one chew of 2 mg. The majority of dog side effects are mild, but you should contact your veterinarian right away if you notice any symptoms that are out of the ordinary. Very young/very old dogs. Our nutritional products are available for purchase worldwide. You can administer this to your pet by going to the veterinarian. Additionally, the pancreas assists your dog's body in controlling blood sugar. There is no definitive answer to this question since it depends on the size of the dog and its tolerance to the medication. Some dog breeds are at risk when a drug such as Imodium is given to them. Coates, Jennifer. Kaopectate in liquid form is administered orally according to the vet's guidelines. Imodium tablets are commonly given to dogs as a 15 pound dosage. TAKING TOO MUCH LOPERAMIDE CAN CAUSE SERIOUS HEART PROBLEMS OR DEATH. Each liquid-filled, clear blue-colored, oval-shaped, non-printed capsule contains 2 mg of loperamide HCl. She has edited more than 700 assignments, including research studies published in various academic journals,continuing medical education materials, and articles on pet health. Older dogs are more likely to experience stomach upset and diarrhea than younger dogs. Natural alternatives to diarrhea in dogs have very few or no side effects. Call your veterinarian first to verify dosage. Long term use of Imodium can lead to constipation. This medicine is recommended for use in animals at doses of 0.1-0.2 mg/kg [0.05- 0.1 mg/lb] according to the Merck Veterinary Manual. Pepto-Bismol may interfere with laboratory tests. So while Imodium can be safe to give to your dog, there are things you should consider before administering it. There is a chance that dogs will overdose on loperamide. Metronidazole (Flagyl) is a popular antibiotic a vet may prescribe for a dog to treat diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease, or infections. Here are several instances when you should NOT give your dog Imodium: If none of these conditions are relevant to your pets situation, call your veterinarian to see if he or she thinks giving your dog Imodium is a good idea. Imodium can be administered orally or through liquid Imodium chews. It is not recommended that children under the age of six take loperamide tablets. I have a deep understanding of canine behavior, and Im always striving to learn more and perfect my techniques. Second, dogs can get into contraband quite easily. Imodium is a brand name for a non-addictive drug called Loperamide, which slows the movement of material through the digestive tract, and encourages the absorption of excess water. Here is a short dosing chart for simpler understanding: A dog weighing 10 lbs needs caplet or 3.75 ml suspension. The medication should be discontinued and immediate medical attention should be provided if any of the following conditions occur. Clark, Mike. If your dog has eaten Imodium, it is critical that you consult with your veterinarian first. If she died after only a few days of being sick, it is extremely unlikely that a vet visit would have made a significant difference. In most cases, a dosage of 0.05-0.1 mg/pound can be given safely every 8 hours. Very little of the medication enters the bloodstream and it does not cross the blood-brain barrier, thus there is no risk of addiction. If your dog consumes too much Imodium, it should be taken to the veterinarian. Learn how to create a happy, healthy home for your pet. Imodium may not be safe for use in all dogs. Is Imodium Safe for Dogs? Healthy Paws, 14 Sept. 2018, Accessed 14 Nov. 2017. Unless your veterinarian specifically advises you to do so, it is not recommended to give Imodium more than three times per day or more than three days in a row. It is not recommended for children under the age of 12 to be given loperamide. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Dog owners typically give their dogs one 2 mg caplet or chew for every 25 to 50 pounds of body weight, depending on their size. For this reason, Imodium capsules shouldn't be given to them. Is Imodium Safe for Dogs? How Much Imodium Should I Give My Dog? Head injuries. It is critical to take lorapinamide as prescribed. The active . Imodium, an over-the-counter medication used primarily to treat diarrhea in humans, is the most commonly used medicine for this purpose. It is possible to do so every eight to twelve hours. If the medication does not improve within 48 hours, your veterinarian will most likely recommend alternatives. What is a very good dog food , my dog has stomach problems sometimes , he is a small terrier. Make sure you read these warnings and then ask your vet for advice. Hard poop or hard stools are also a telltale sign of constipation. Giving too much of it could lead to an additional illness or even death in your dog. For example, a 100-pound dog would need 5 mg of Imodium twice daily. Imodium isn't a good choice for all dogs, but fortunately, there are a few other things you can give your dog to help resolve his diarrhea. These dog breeds include English Sheepdogs. If your dogs diarrhea is persistent, make an appointment to see his vet. Really informative. Each Imodium tablet is 2mg. The medicine is easily available and works quickly, allowing you to avoid becoming overly concerned. If you notice any symptoms that are out of the ordinary, you should contact your veterinarian right away. Therefore, always consult your vet first to determine the proper dosage based on their weight, as well as the other health conditions as outlined above. Signs of acute abdominal pain. In addition, dog owners should proceed with extreme caution in the following circumstances, as studies have shown that such dogs are prone to complications if given Imodium: Pregnant or nursing dogs. Overweight, you should give him one chew of 2 mg keeping the intestinal wall control! Careful with fasting puppies because they need to get to the extent a... Imodium capsules should n't be given loperamide to learn more and perfect techniques... Likely wondering what is going on but five are the dogs treated if they get a?... If your veterinarian will most likely recommend alternatives in most cases, a Shepherd/Husky! 0.05-0.1 mg/pound can be an indication of a serious kidney problem 14 Sept. 2018, Accessed 14 2017! Lead to an additional illness or even death in your dog is having tummy trouble, you be! 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