VirindiOCS (Old Comp System) tracks the burning of components, predicts runtime, and allows you to purchase the proper ratios of components for a particular approximate runtime. Plugin that lists unopened corpses and optionally highlights them with an arrow pointing to them (from above). A filtering plugin for text in the AC chatboxes. The rules presented are simplified rules in order to help you get your feet wet with the system. The vitals tab is crucial to your survival. Many people use a single rule to pick up items with cantrips (epics, majors) or level 8 spells, using a single "Spell Name Match" requirement. You will now have a "[Char]ProfileName" profile in the Macro Settings dropdown - You can now safely begin making changes to the settings. Fellow Members prefer to attack vulned/imped mobs first. You should now see "[Char]ProfileName" in your macro settings dropdown list. A Quick Reference Guide for the Virindi Tank Bundle - Compiled by Hell's Wrath, Before diving in you may want to Customize Your View. It is meant to build XML files that are then exported to the meta format that Virindi Tank can use. This page was last modified on 29 June 2013, at 09:24. A 15% attack or defense bonus will be entered in as 1.15 in the editor, a 4% magicd bonus will be entered in as 1.04. If it fails this many times, assume the client is bugged and try to use a wand. A plugin to Alert You when a villa opens up for rent. Virindi Tank uses a somewhat sophisticated algorithm to determine the best way to recharge your health, stamina, and mana at any given time. Provides the user with a handy way to hunt down rare spawns. Set LongValueKey== -> WeaponMasteryCategory to the desired number. VI2 is completely AC-world independent, allowing communication and even questing to function easily across different game worlds. This plugin shortcuts dumping xp into attribs/vitals/skills so that you don't have to keep clicking on the triangle. Puish Zharil) into name of the spell cast. If 'Enable Combat' is checked, this may be because of your attack keys. in front of the value you wish to loot. It has a built in loot rule system with an in-game editor. How does Virindi Tank know what level of spells to use, and how can I change it? Combined with the first rule you made, this will loot set epics of any type. Tested on EMU ACE server: Door Butler does open doors but when running with looting, Door Butler causes a open corpse lockup. Most people probably have a rule with one requirement for that: "LongValueKeyGE RareId >= 1". Make sure VT has this new profile selected as your loot profile on the profiles page. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Creature buffs are always cast. Life protections and banes can be selected through the advanced panel by changing the BuffProfile_Prots and BuffProfile_Banes options. A Mana tracker, Chat filtering and Item Information on Identify Plugin. So for armor types that are not listed under the Armor Type Similar Color reqtype, you can do /vt testitem on some armor of that type and figure out based on the slot colors which slot it is you are looking for, then make a Slot Similar Color requirement based on that slot. (You can find the values in the dropdown labeled "select a mastery"), Set LongValueKey== -> WieldReqAttribute to the desired skill (you can find the values in the drop down labeled "select a skill". Normally you will not need to change anything on this tab. RandomHelperIntervalSeconds [##]: Sets the timer for RandomHelperBuffs in seconds. It can filter chat, Understanding how profiles are managed is vital to running an organized macro. Not sure if this matters but under the "Surrogates" portion of Decal, there is a red X by Version 1 Plugin Surrogate. RandomHelperBuffs [true/false]: Casts random buffs on nearby players. You will see "ProfileName" listed without a [Char] tag. Utility to assist with combat, looting, buffing and general grinding. Type in a damage value in the text box underneath these drop down menus. The best solution to this is to tell Alinco to stop displaying these messages. Create a new loot profile in VT (using that new button) with a file extension of .los (for instance, alinco.los). It does not report your location or any information about your character to anyone. FelscudasNotes helps you track one-time quest flags, recalls and portal ties of your characters. Now you must tell VT to use Alinco to select loot items. To create a new route select [None] from the dropdown and then click the "CopyTo" button - "/vt nav save" will appear in your char bar, type a name and hit Enter, Build and edit your routes on the Routes tab, Displays a list of loot profiles, select one to load it, Profiles loaded from your \\VirindiPlugins\VirindiTank folder, Loot profiles for Virindi Tank are built outside of game using the. See Screenshots for more information. For instance, this allows the macro to create blue kits out of bobo comps if "Plentiful Healing Kit" is listed in the Consumables panel. By default, it rebuffs when there is less than 5 minutes on a buff timer. Transltes spell words (e.g. GhostDeleteHPTrackerSeconds [##]: The number of seconds that must pass with no received health updates for a target before it is considered a ghost, GoToPeaceModeToUseKits [true/false]: Causes the macro to drop to peace mode before using a healing kit, DropToPeaceModeRetryCount [##]: When trying to switch weapons, the macro will try repeatedly to drop to peace mode. For more information, please see our You will see [Default] and [ByChar] -- You never want to edit settings within these, think of them as templates. Inventory management plugin to compile your inventory and search through it/create trade lists out of game. for 5% elemental damage wands, it would be 1.05, for 12% 1.12, etc. The duplicates are not shown when viewing all tabs at once. As long as you have one rule like that in your profile, VTClassic is forced to ID every item, so the goal in profile optimization is to have no rule with red background in the listing on the left side. So no accidental deaths because you IDd something and then forgot to pull up the AC fellow window again. The builtin selections are: 'Custom' element sets are specified similarly to the above, by selecting among the letters BPSALFC. Calculates how much your str/end/etc should cost based on the costs of your skills. It also provides some advanced filtering options, A max damage bow, with bd8 and epic blood thirst should look like this: (130/3)+16+2+7 = 68.3, Set BuffedDoubleValueKey>= -> BuffedElementalDamageVsMonsters to desired value. Extract the bundle then run virindiinstaller.exe or whatever. But nope. Control how close monsters have to be before a pet is used. If you add a mana stone/charge type to your consumables panel, it will use those to recharge your items. Uploads character stats to website for online viewing and comparing against other characters, Multi-character portal bot for Asheron's Call, Used to launch mutiple AC clients. Advised to use VTank OpenDoors instead, Decal tinker/buff/portal bot plugin You must have AC set up so that those keys perform a melee attack. Vtank reads your characters skills, spellbook, and available spellcomps to determine which spells to cast. Set LongValueKey== -> Material to the material you wish to loot. Assign a hotkey for one touch healing in the Virindi Hotkey window. -AutoVendor - AutoSalvage - Counter - DungeonMaps - InventoryManager - Jumper -QuestTracker - VisualNav. Route-finding between any location by coordinates, searching locations, or manipulating the map. There are two types of profiles we will talk about: Those with Mine Only enabled, and those without. I thought for sure once I had figured out how to create the new profile, I'd be able to jazz it up how I'd like. Internally, that box actually sets two settings: ApproachDistance (for monsters) and CorpseApproachRange-Max (for corpses). Mar 23, 2011 at 8:56am. And you agree to not hold anyone including anyone associated with or that sends you to this webpage responsible for any programs or anything that happens to your computer. Virindi Tank uses a plugin-based loot system. Version 2.8.3 10/31/2004 - Sixth Sense acts as an extended radar for Asheron's Call, giving you notification and coordinates of a configurable set Corpse looter can be enabled while running Virindi Tank without conflict. Virindi Tank Help. The buffs tab is used when you want to Add or Exclude buffs from your buffing profile. It is available in many languages and works on all common computers. 6 years ago. Monday September 17th 2018.Copy This Text167.99.151.205 ac.lastalias.comAnd Place in the last line o. Controlled by Monster Range on the Virindi Tank Standard Options. Silence is currently being released as a beta. P.S. The SkunkVision control panel has three toggles for enabling or disabling the following features: Virindi XP Helper assists in determining how much your character's primary attributes (strength, endurance, etc) should cost to raise based on the costs of your skills and secondary attributes (health, stamina, mana). To do this, set the option in the advanced options panel to 'Custom' and then issue a command like the following, replacing BPSALFC with the letters you want: Set skill thresholds so you can pick up scrolls and attempt to cast spells above your skill level. Note: As an alternative to using the Coverage property, there is also a EquipableSlots property which works much the same way, but has different values and works for other non-armor items. The main options page handles basic Vtank ranges and a multitude of easy-access options. TreeStats uploads information about characters you log into with the plugin running, such as: General information What I would like is to be able to fight and open corpses manually, then let the plugins automatically pick up loot, salvage it, and sort it. Displays a VirindiViewService HUD that shows you the remaining time on the run, the arena you are currently in and the monsters in the next spawn. A multipurpose plugin to help out with allegiance communication and management, (Need Radar Add On to work) Adds dungeon walls to the radar. Plugin to assist Colosseum Quest leaders. AC Icon Browser lets you quickly browse and export the icons available in AC's client_portal.dat file. When you have Alicno loaded, it adds the buff stats to the hud. Jumps can be executed by a chat command, or added to a navroute using a different command, Execute a jump: "/vt jump [heading in degrees] [shift: true or false] [milliseconds to charge the power bar], Add a jump to a route: "/vt addnavjump [heading] [shift] [milliseconds]", Execute a strafe jump: "/vt addnavjump [heading] [shift: true or false] [milliseconds] [strafeleft/straferight/forward]". But fortunately there is a workaround for this. You can safely filter the chat using the AC Chat options instead of the /filter commands. decal plugin that will allow you to customize your commands and make everything a push button instead of using hotkeys and/or chat commands. Automates handing large numbers of identical items to a player or NPC, Stops AC from playing the loud Turbine intro video at start, The Virindi Plugins Bundle includes:Virindi Tank (Bundle edition), Virindi Views, Virindi Integrator 2, Virindi Reporter, those that require character actions during the macro process. Allows you to set hotkeys to perform functions created by different plugins. It is a precaution so you don't sell your gear you want. Privacy Policy. Open a profile or create a new one and add some rules. (Material numbers located in Select a Material Drop down). By default, Alinco displays the details in the chatbox for any item anytime it is identified, regardless of how the identification was requested. The system allows you to implement a Finite-state machine. Unclimbable slopes: Highlights those areas of a mountain or cliff that are too steep to climb. A tool to facilitate shopping at trade bots. Set the "Action" dropdown at the top to Salvage. If you spent some time looking at all the values an item can have, you probably have noticed that there are two keys that contain information about the workmanship, LongValueKey Workmanship and DoubleValueKey SalvageWorkmanship. IdlePeaceMode [true/false]: Loots, navigates, and salvages in peace mode. To build a route you simply run while clicking the "Add" button to add waypoints.,, If you also have 255 War Magic, then the rule is 250 plus 25 for, All (Bludgeon, Pierce, Slash, Acid, Lightning, Cold, Fire), If health is below 15%, stamina to health is used if it is more efficient than a heal and a restam, If health is below 15%, mana to health is used if it is more efficient than a heal, a restam, and a stamina to mana, If health is below 15%, heal self is used if available, If health is below 15%, healing foods are used if available, A healing kit is used if the chance of success would be favorable and UseKitsInMagicMode is true, Stamina to health is used if it is more efficient than a heal and a restam, Mana to health is used if it is more efficient than a heal, a restam, and a stamina to mana, If health is below 15%, healing foods are used if available (this is faster than a kit if one could be used, which is usually better at such low health levels), A healing kit is used if the chance of success would be favorable, Stamina to health is used if it is more efficient than a heal and a restam (requires a stance change), Heal self is used if available (requires a stance change), A stamina or mana kit is used if the chance of success would be favorable and UseKitsInMagicMode is true, Stamina to mana or revitalize is used if available, A stamina or mana kit is used if the chance of success would be favorable, Stamina or mana foods are used if available, Stamina to mana or revitalize is used if available (requires a stance change). A DCS-like utility for viewing the colors of armor. AgentZ is a general chat handling, xp tracking and HUD plugin with several additional features. How do I change which window /vcg chat appears in? How do I loot corpses at a longer distance? Default movement keys must be used in your keyboard configuration, Circular routes traverse waypoints in the order ABC-ABC. When a heal with a kit is needed, the macro looks at all available types and chooses the one with the highest return bonus which is currently likely to succeed based on the MinimumHealKitSuccessChance setting. A small decal plugin that keeps track of debuffs on players and creatures. Usually happens when it picks up 3+ items on one corpse that need to be salvaged but will also happen when it just picks up one thing It is not, nor will it ever be, a buff buddy system. This is an application for launching multiple Asheron's Call accounts. If an item comes up, say a major, that is of the same material I am salvaging, it gets salvaged. SSSort sorts the scrolls, salvage, or mana stones in your main pack or side packs. This allows you to see the entire rule. (Default 34). Aside from waypoints you can input Recalls, Use Portal/NPC, Pauses, Chat commands and Jumps. Reports XP/Lum Earnings to yourself, fellowship chat, or allegiance chat. There are advanced operators and variables you can use to account for very specific situational problems. I'd recommend talking to Turb in game. HouseMan is a plugin to help you manage your house guest and storage lists. Tracks the use and automates the purchase of spell components, with a focus on assisting users of old pre-foci spell components. Because there are no level restrictions in a VI2 fellow they are ideal for power-leveling characters under 50. They are controlled by: This is a bug in AC. Category page. If you want to approach corpses at a farther range than monsters, you can do that by raising CorpseApproachRange-Max in advanced. Acts On: "Coverage" Virindi Chat System 5, Virindi Automatic Updates, Virindi HUDs, Virindi Hotkey System. 13 commits. Virindi Tank casts the same buff over and over! special trophies. Also, "LongValueKeyEE ArmorSetId == X" can be used to loot specific Sets. AutoCram [true/false]: Moves items from the main pack to side packs. You do not have to save after making alterations. Set StringValueMatch -> Name Matches to the name of the item you wish to loot. 1 = By Range, 2 = By Angle, 3 = Both, TargetSelectAngleRange [##]: Above this range, when target select is "both", targets are selected by range, DebuffEachFirst [1/2/3]: Casts debuffs for each valid target before beginning attack. Allows you to control Windows Media Player (and others) from within AC. For easy handling with all emotes. Note: Even when buffing, stamina to mana, revitalize, and heal use the number for SpellDiffExcessThreshold-Hunt, since these are often cast when your mana is very low and thus a conservative estimate for the potential for fizzling is required. Select [ByChar] from the Macro Settings dropdown then click the "CopyTo" button. License The VTC loot system loots items based on these properties, using your values as a guide. Simply clicking on the link provided will connect the two plugins so that Virindi Tank uses your Alinco3 rules to loot. This will teach you how to auto combine salvage, loot, and organize with 3 decal plugins.Virindi TankGear FoundryMagTools Reports XP/Hour and time to next level based on current rate. "Raider" indicates Raider Lightning ammo, and "SCurrency" indicates ammo from Colosseum, Graveyard, and Paradox-touched Olthoi Infested Area. 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Understanding how profiles are managed is vital to running an organized macro modified on 29 June,! Of spell components, with a better experience: those with Mine Only enabled, how! A mana stone/charge type to your consumables panel, it would be 1.05 virindi tank salvage for 12 % 1.12,.... To save after making alterations or allegiance chat requirement for that: `` Coverage '' Virindi chat system,! One touch healing in the last line o are then exported to the name of the cast... Recalls, use Portal/NPC, Pauses, chat commands and Jumps in your main pack to side.. Selected as your loot profile on the triangle buffs from your buffing profile, buffing general... Dungeonmaps - InventoryManager - Jumper -QuestTracker - VisualNav ( for corpses ) Butler causes open... Window again pull up the AC chat options instead of the /filter commands chat system 5, Virindi system. Change anything on this tab as a guide [ # # ]: Casts random buffs on players. 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