You have proficiency with artisans tools of your choice: alchemists supplies, masons tools, smiths tools, or tinkers tools. In the center of this extra 1d6 piercing damage and you can shove the targetmaze is the Palace of the Bull, another labyrinth in its own 5 feet as a bonus action. With that in mind, they craft calfskin caps with living vestiges of the forest growing from the brim. While wielding a flail, you may attempt against a charge. When a creature attacks you with a sweep your opponents legs in an attempt to trip them.weapon, you may use your reaction to make an attack roll Make an attack roll against a Large or smaller creature. Live to Fight Another Day. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Thanks to your undead ancestry, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. COMPOSITE BOW Sunder Joints. Your size is Medium. +2d4 25 lbs. Most dhampirs are neutral, but some are werewolves and worgs in the North, but sometimes the driven toward evil by the bitterness and suspicion their Northern dwarves take to the sea in their longships and parentage thrusts upon them. These vary in some respects from similar tables in the standard rules, reflecting unique aspectsof life on Midgard. Your Constitution score increases by 1.20 Richard Harris - [emailprotected] - 265919RACESGNOMES Male Names. Two main subraces of bearfolk exist in Midgard: grizzlehides and purifiers. against the number of ranger spells you know.DEFENSIVE TACTICS ZOBECKER SPELLSAt 7th level, you can choose the following feature in place Ranger Level Spellsof Escape the Horde, Multiattack Defense, or Steel Will. Concealed Sidearm. raiding the desert or the plains for generations, and you know the land in which you live like the back of your hand. OATH OF RADIANCE SPELLS Paladin Level Spells 3rd guiding bolt, protection from evil and good 5th magic weapon, scorching ray 7th beacon of hope, daylight 9th aura of life, fire shield 17th banishing smite, greater restoration CHANNEL DIVINITY When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options. Deep Magic also expands the horizons of what's possible for bards, clerics, druids, and even rangers and paladins. They dance in the darkly luminous halls of fey seem more closely related to other fey races than to their shadow palaces, the lords and ladies of elves, despite the relatively short span of time since their twilight. You know one cantrip of your choice centaurs embark on their bandit years, a practice from the druid spell list. . Such a bloodline holds its lineage in the highest regard. You gain proficiency with alchemists supplies, and you know either the guidance The cantonal dwarves serve no kings, but rule or resistance cantrip. Several subraces in the book have sidebars describing their place in Midgard. Mercenary Darkvision. Soulforging cant be added to a wizards spellbook you choose not to maintain the spell or are unable to doas one of the two spells learned for gaining a level. Veltrins servants scour the grasslands, capturing God of the North Wind, Boreas, who wishes to spread his slaves to work the kingdoms fields, mines, or galleys oars; frozen halls and living glaciers across the face of Midgard. You have advantage on Handle Animal checks to influence the behavior of rodents. Success indicatesgoldwhich may be why ravenfolk seldom make promises they believe the sound you created was real.or vows. Darkvision. 9th freedom of movement, stoneskin 17th conjure volley, swift quiver You dont have disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks because of armor. It cant take reactions. On a failure,point of an opponents armor and make a single attack the targets speed is reduced to zero until the dagger iswith your war pick against it. This attack deals no damage, but the next attackroll made against the target has advantage. You can speak, read, and write name of a powerful vampire as a badge of office.Nomadic dhampirs uniformly take the surname Crow. DWARVESDHAMPIR TRAITS The dwarves of Midgard live in three great realms: the Northern halls such as Tanserhall and Wolfheim, theYour dhampir character has certain characteristics derived cantons of the Ironcrags, and the Southern city of Nuriafrom your undead ancestry. Theyswap names whenever they feel like it, until theyfinally settle on one that really suits them. Even those who dont venerate Mavros-Perunchecks while it, the target of its attack, or anything it is recognize and honor paladins sworn to his service. You can bite as an unarmed strike against an incapacitated creature or one you have grappled. You aren't pro-creator if you are anti-consent. You can use your quarterstaff to help you leap may make a single attack roll against a target carrying long distances. In addition, you have advantageon saving throws against plants that are magically createdor manipulated to impede movement, such as thosecreated by the entangle spell.VITAL SURGEStarting at 14th level, as an action you can expend oneuse of Bardic Inspiration to magically remove one diseaseor detrimental condition affecting a creature you can seewithin 60 feet. Their scaly so-many kobold kings, since no kobold ruler is satisfiedskin and keen night vision as well as their dextrous claws with being merely a chieftain) admire dragons as theand sensitive snouts make them quick to sense danger, and greatest sources of wisdom, power, and proper behavior.their clawed feet move them out of danger with cowardlyspeed. The gearforged are an artificial race. With our collaborative game design style, weve created a slew of award-winning roleplaying products. You hail from Female Names. The kobold kings (and there are oh-More than anything, kobolds are survivors. If you land adjacent to a creature at the make a Strength saving throw. Many evil dhampirs turn to greater world and to spare their family the burden of their worship of demons and other gods of darkness and pain, presence. You have advantage on savingcultivated bloodlines, might have archaic names chosen throws against disease, and you have resistance againstby, or in honor of, their familys vampire patron. The subject must make a the DC of the subjects Charisma saving throw by 1. forgotten are all part of the cities, nations, and tribes of the Shadow Realm, always shifting, far more fickle than Stalking through the wastelands are strange, enormous human or dwarven kingdoms.Dread Walkers, creatures summoned by vile rituals andconstrained to move slowly in time. Richard Harris - [emailprotected] - 265919TENETS OF RADIANCE Cleanse Corruption. +2d6 70 lbs. and disappearing. number among its adherents.Each undead, or creature native to the Shadow Realm orwith levels of shadow corruption, that is within 30 feet of Paladins sworn to Thunder are even more reserved andyou and that can see or hear you must make a successful humble in daily life than other paladins. More importantly,its members are created one at a time and come from a vastarray of backgrounds. STRIKE FIRST, STRIKE LAST Starting at 9th level, your reflexes are honed to a razors edge, granting you advantage on initiative checks. The oldest tales say that the god Wotan the Rune Father Age. 6.5. This vial of chemicals is activated byhaven for the resourceful. MINOTAURS The minotaurs of Midgard are a proud people pushed to the brink. bearshirted berserks is celebrated for its ferocity.Darkvision. The subjects original body dies and cannot beRange: Touch returned to life by any means unless its soul is freed fromComponents: V, S, M (a complete mechanical body the soul gem. Your Constitution score Night whisper trollkin trace their ancestry to enigmatic fey creatures from the Shadow Realm. another killer for hirebut one with a dashing and lethal sense of style. following benefit, appropriate to your chosen Fighting Style. If your attack hits, it is an attack rolls against you. Charge. to more valuable (but dull) gold and silver coins.Darkvision. They and dedicate themselves to living in opposition to it. debt-collectors. Be sure to wait for it to finish. Although they arent yet fully grown, the cubs are drawn by a powerful urge to explore. common with all other ratfolk. After you attack with a finesse weapon, WELL CONNECTEDyou can spend 2 prowess as a bonus action to move halfyour speed. the attack hits, the creatures movement is reduced by 10 feet until the end of their next turn. Male Names: Beorst, Cauldvyr, Cirdhan, Dorngal, Erlundt, Gurralt, Hrosvir, Lhod, Nodhr, Yrn, Female Names: Anga, Burli, Daegna, Durtta, Farla, Ingyrd, Johanna, Padhra, Sivaer, Tuli, Deed Names: Fireheart, Ironhide, Lightblade, Moondancer, Razorclaws, Shadowbane, Stonebones, Valgerdsdottir, Yellowfang, Yrnsson. LANDS STRIDE At 6th level, moving through nonmagical difficult terrain costs you no extra movement. Your skin is knobby, thick, and tough, granting you a +1 bonus to Armor Class.RACESWINTERFOLK HALFLINGS Female Names. KOBOLDS, MIDGARD Of the smaller races, the kobolds have adapted best to the changing world. The truth of their heritage weighs on them. The world guide is the DM book, the size of Tome of Beasts, but mostly system neutral. throw as an action on its turn.On a hit, this attack does normal weapon damage. This penalty must be applied NET before the roll is made. With a using this ability, you cant use it again until you finish a minimum of four hours preparation and by spending 25 short or long rest. Each isas distinctive in appearance as other people are. Its activated either by placing it somewhere within reach or by throwing it as farMARKET AWARENESS as 20 feet away. At 11th level, when you shove a creaturefind their way out of the maze. by 1. are possessed of the fierce savagery of a wild stallion. Repel Charge. RIVER ELVES The river elves are what remains of the elves of Thorn, with the River King retaining only slight contact with the Domains of the Princes. The official history of the Shadow Courts assumes this version of events is true, and the Shadow Reckoning (SR) calendar begins at that time. The minor races are bearfolk, centaurs, vampiric dhampir, gnolls, Midgard gnomes, ratfolk, trollkin, and winterfolk halflings. On a failure, the target falls prone.grapple a creature or escape a grapple, you may makea single attack with a short sword as a bonus action. The most prevalent story recounts that the shadow fey were elves who made pacts with forces of darkness millennia ago, most likely during the Sorceresss Revolt when a group of beleaguered elves turned to those powers out of desperation. Gnollish words sound almost like growls for the uninitiated, and gnolls tend to use scents and small gestures to convey subtle meanings. Although not, strictly speaking, different races, gnolls from the civilized lands live in an environment so different from their savage brethren that they are considered separate subraces. All rights reserved. and some may be missing entirely ( I got a large number of "URL . a failure. Hailing from either the cold climates of Midgards Northlands or from a nation of light carved out of the Shadow Realm itself, bearfolk put their trust in family and tribe to stand against the world. Rodent Empathy. The bearfolk place a high value on honesty, trust, hard work, and community. symbol and utter a war cry, using your Channel Divinity. Beyond physical thievery, they They range from 4 feet to just shy of 6 feet tall. Whenyou Dash in this way, attack rolls made against youhave disadvantage until the start of your next turn. 15Dark Thirst. Your Strength score increases LITHE AND GRACEFUL by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1. In the rare instance when a disagreement cant be settled according to custom, honor, and common sense, the elders become involved. build the Red Temples of the Blood Goddess and feed her ever-hungering altars.THE CROSSROADS The Blood Kingdom is a place of terrors, but some of itsHere lies the heart of Midgard: The Free City of Zobeck, people remain true-hearted, and surely someday, the rulewhose revolt 90 years ago forged a thriving city ruled of King Lucas will end. As part of your attack action, make a whip make a Wisdom saving throw. When you take the Attack action, you burglars, trap-smiths and second-story men. +2d4 30 lbs. Otherwise, their personalities are as variedas those of other races. A book club where the wanderers, travellers, and adventurers who peruse the shelves of The Trove gat While manytrollkin share a rough and unkempt appearance, theirinhuman lineage can show itself in a wide variety of Richard Harris - [emailprotected] - 265919trollkin find work that exploits their nature. Many bearfolk wear scarsfrom physical contests, both simple competition and more Powerful Build. At 20th level, you can take on the aspect of the thunder god. Your consciousness and soul reside GEARFORGED COMPONENTS within a soul gem to animate your mechanical body. Harkesh surpasses any other capitol, with its Natal are the oldest and most powerful arcane traditionmighty elemental temples, its schools of philosophy, magic of Midgard, and their magics were taught to them by theand theosophy, as well as fractious schools of brawling living gods who still walk among the cities of Nuria: Aten,elementalists, where dragonkin Wind Palm devotees vie Bastet, Horus, Isis, and Ptah. dangers and golden treasures of the Northlands? The Kobold Press Tome of Heroes is full of player options for any 5E D&D game. Speed. On a failure, it takes 2d6 poison damage. If and either Northern (if you hail from Midgard) orthat means the destruction of a foe, then so be it. They serve a male mask of Rava Airships occupy a similar position. The vastmajority fall into one of two styles: those that are roughlyhuman-sized, with articulated joints, hands, feet, andcrystal lens eyes; and a version made by dwarves thatmirrors their shorter, stouter body shape. You count as one size larger whenserious matters of wounded honor, that went a little too far. 1 9Richard Harris - [emailprotected] - 265919BEARFOLK that brings them all closer together. The so-called elfmarked are the result of unions between elves and humans. As an action, you can magically beguile the mind of a creature that you can see within 30 feet. They favor themes of gloom and seclusionover sunshine and tinkling brooks. You know how to lie,soil of the forest that will aid you? Many bearfolk wear scars from physical contests, both simple competition and more serious matters of wounded honor, that went a little too far. This isnt necessarily as inconvenient as it sounds, since young bearfolk are also more enthusiastic learners and harder workers around the house than most other children their age. Your size is Small. You cant use this ability again until you finish a long rest. 7Elf 110 +8d6 Elf 5 ft. 4 in. Your sizelive to steal secrets. Not surprisingly, some of these are peculiarly well suited to the Midgard races in Chapter 1. The aegis of Triolos fleet, coupled with the fact that a minotaur has recently risen to lead the Golden Council of Triolo, salves the bull-folk pride. When you reach 17th level, you learn the displacer beasts ROGUISH LUCK trick of making itself appear in a slightly different location. Richard Harris - [emailprotected] - 265919actuated by memory gears, transverse cognition gearing, Speed. Also, remove one level of exhaustion for each hit die you spent. Oftentrying to perceive is in the bright light shed by the holy referred to as Valkyries, paladins of this oath are almostsymbol or weapon. To determine a charactersstarting height, roll the dice indicated in the Height Modifier column and add the result to the base height. A creature hit by a dart coated with this (Stealth) check to hide yourself, you may make a Dexterity poison must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. If you are adjacent to at least two other pike- wielders, your pike attacks have advantage. On a failure, Large or smaller creature to a wall or surface by catchingthe target does not add its Dexterity modifier to its AC their clothing with the axes edge. One-click unsubscribe later if you don't enjoy the newsletter. To get more targeted content, please make full-text search by clicking. Many other small races have adopted the kobolds strategy, including the worship of Loki, embracing his cunning ways and the advantages of guile and cunning over brawn and bravado.22 Richard Harris - [emailprotected] - 265919RACESSUBTERRANEAN SURVIVORS Kobolds are closely allied with and related to dragonkin, 23 drakes, and dragons. Richard Harris - [emailprotected] - 265919, The words you are searching are inside this book. Be like Swolbold. The color gives a clue to the particular bearfolks heritage, but its not an exact indicator. 29Ability Score Increase. twice, you must complete a short or long rest before using it again. A Trove of Powerful New Magic for 5E! Also included are background notes on dwarves and elves of Midgard, both of which are considered major races, of course.8 Richard Harris - [emailprotected] - 265919Starting Age, Height, and WeightPresented below are tables for randomly determining the starting ages, heights, and weights of charactersof different races. Humanoid Torso. Here is my evergreen opinion on the piracy of TTRPG books: It is wholly unethical to share PDF books without the express permission of a creator. This SORTA works.. as it's the Wayback master directory for every snapshot of The Trove taken by them. If a maneuver requires a creature to make a saving ritual to bind a shadow to themselves, or drawn in energy throw, the DC equals 8 + the attacker's proficiency bonus from the Shadow Realm to enhance their stealthiness and + the attacker's Strength or Dexterity modifier (attacker's to become supreme thieves, assassins, or spies. DRACONIC RECOVERY At 10th level, when you finish a short rest, you can choose to tap into a reserve of draconic vitality. The corsairs of Kyprion have carved a tale of against an enemy within 5 feet of you if you have an ally bloody blades and shattered hulls on the water, and even thats not incapacitated also within 5 feet of the target. dismantle it or after 24 hours unless you spend 1 hour maintaining the device. Their minds are River elves have the traits of high elves. Posted by 9 months ago. If the attack hits, it does no As it is a polearm, a pike-wielder always has access to the damage, but the target must make a Constitution saving disarming parry and trip maneuvers (see Glaive). staunch bulwark against any foe. While they hold richand common sense, the elders become involved. If you successfully push the attacker away, you your proficiency bonus + your Strength modified) or be can step into the just-vacated space. The majority of them originate in the Moonlit Glades as opposed to Bjeornheim in Midgard.Richard Harris - [emailprotected] - 265919Ability Score Increase. Although they strongly resemble upright bears, they have longer legs than any bear and their massive hands are more like a humans hand than a bears paw. discretion. And a few take on an aspirational name representing a virtue they hope to embody, such as Courage, Noble, Faithful, Endurance, or Truth. Bearfolk come of age in their late teens and livewelcome. restored by a temple. In your youth, you saw bloody GNOME TRAITSsacrifices made to devils; sometimes unwary travelers andsometimes kin, but all offered to the eleven hells at the Niemheim gnomes are clever, paranoid, and dangerous.point of a blade. Summary: In Tribes of Midgard players can play solo or co-op with a team of up to 10 players to resist the oncoming invasion of giants during Ragnark. Your size is Small. Bearfolk are broad-shouldered, bipedal humanoids. And even among those that have held sway overentire realms, glory can be fleeting and no nation lasts Black King Lucas, the vampire lord of the Blood Kingdomforever. Their great physical strength means they excel at battle, and even relatively minor physical altercations can inadvertently become serious. monsters that prey on the innocent. Make a single attack roll with your mace weapon that counts as a club, you may choose to strike or morningstar against a humanoid target. These maneuvers can also be used with dagger-like bladedHurling Impact. Speakers of Machine Speech claim that thea common name adopted by the elf upon maturity, and Clockwork Oracle of the Free City of Zobeck speaksthe last is a lineage name, akin to a family name among in this form, and that their speech is faster and purerthe humans but taken from a list of a few hundred great than any language of flesh-and-blood races.heroes of the Elflands known as the Wild Hunt, whoharried the demons back to their hells. Elves reveal their birthnames to their own kind and trusted friends, and theircommon name to all others. Almostto bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from exclusively sworn by members of the Order of the Undyingnonmagical attacks. Conversely, some dhampirs are born into bloodlines that deliberately cultivate their tainted nature. Some call your people cursed, and perhaps they Gradek, Ksaver, Mikolaj, Serjei, Vilkan, Yavoi are, for they have no homes but the saddle and the caravan. Good superstitious derision of their peers, families containing dhampirs are horrified by their own corrupted existence a dhampir can easily become clannish and reclusive. If you move at least 30 feet straight towardbelieve that a person who claims to own something should a target and then hit it with a pike attack on the samebe strong enough to defend it. from spells or magical effects with the words cure, heal, or healing in their titles. Subscribe to get the free product of the week! You have spent your life surviving in the cold and wild places of Domovogrod. FAVORED ENEMY You must choose undead as your favored enemy type at 1st level. When you make a melee or rangedand the target must make a Strength saving throw. Coppery red, honey-colored, and even pure white fur occur rarely. You can use this trait once, and regain the ability to do so when you finish a short or long rest. Shadow fey advance their goals subtly, so that enemies are overtaken before they even become aware of the danger. The creature wearing the armor cangain advantage when making an ability check to preventitself from being grappled or to escape from a grapple.Weapon. Midgard is a bit of a darker world, in line with Grimm's fairy tales more than Disney's. It has interesting takes on magic that aren't present in other settings, like fey roads, gods taking multiple masks across cultures, and a stronger presence of clockwork magic than the other two mentioned settings. Few kobolds leave home without string,springs, simple latches, and other bits and pieces that canbe quickly fashioned into triggers for traps. To animate your mechanical body sunshine and tinkling brooks generations, and winterfolk HALFLINGS attack deals damage! Why ravenfolk seldom make promises they believe the sound you created was real.or vows unions between elves and.. 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