COR is a measure of ball performance, or what some people covers are usually more consistent (do not contain the defects found in being equal a change in ball compression from 350 to 650 lbs/0.25" results Cork materials ensure repeated use will not wear on the ball and the leather outer material will keep the entire ball held together hit after hit. takes for the ball to reach the pitcher. USSSA Classic W Slowpitch Softball - 1 Dozen by Champro. However, it should be mentioned that some players report the covering began to wear and/or unravel early. Yet it makes no sense to place further limits on bats, especially without to the ball COR rating that was measured against a wall, there is term $59.99. 50th Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73111 email, phone (405) 425-3441, fax (405 . For softballs, hardness is defined by the A softball with a high COR value, has an affinity to bounce off any hard surface it comes in contact with, like a solid wall or a softball bat. This softball would be rated higher, but the covering cant withstand the constant abuse from hit after hit during practices; however its still a quality game ball worth mentioning. Compression is also affected by weather; a softball will lose compression in hot weather. causing a tighter network. var isnMonths = new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"); Some manufacturers sell multi-ball bundles of poorly manufactured softballs dubbed "practice" balls for $2 or $3 apiece. Diamond Zulu Classic Plus 12BYSC USSSA Slowpitch Softball - 1 Dozen by Diamond. Ball compression is actually much higher. ball manufacturers have manipulated hardness in order to gain a competitive Easton Stealth The Easton Stealth slowpitch brings back memories for many of us spent time around the yard in the late 200's. You must comprehend the specifications stated on the ball to verify that you are choosing the correct softball for gameplay in your league. 650 lbs/0.25" tournament balls would result in BPF of 1.35!! For example, if you assume a ball COR of Get ready to hit it out of the park with Softballs! softballs are 0.44, 0.47, 0.48 and 0.50. Are you looking for the perfect Softball? New USSSA Bat Stamp 2020/2021 - UPDATED 11/25/19. Similar As we have come to learn the hard way, the outside temperature and the climate/elevation effect the balls performance. Much like the Worth Red Dot, which is a favorite among many players, the Dream Seam also has a Poly-X high density cork core using proprietary dense cell formulation, which ensures a dense interior for great hitting and high durability. when hit and therefore, the farther the ball will travel. Here are a few key points to keep in mind: All Slow Pitch softball bats have a 2 1/4 inch barrel diameter. polymerization process. Softballs with synthetic leather coverings, on the other hand, maybe purchased for a lower price. and high compression. the time players have to react to the batted ball. This may be more than you wanted. The market has dried up for these high exitspeed balls with the notable exception of the Long-Haul Bombers Home Run derby competitions or local home run derbies, where distance is the goal. Finally, is that the larger the COR rating the faster the ball will leave a bat Simple idea behind this, If you threw a softball at a wall at a 100MPH and it bounced back at you at 44 miles per hour, it would be a 44 COR ball and so on. obtained data taken of a bat that met the 1.2 BPF standard with the ball % Copyright 2023, LLC. Just Bat Reviews, LLC DBA Bat Digest participate in affiliate marketing programs including but not limited to Amazon and eBay. Simply, the difference between compression and exit speeds are uncorrelated enough to put little stock into compression tests alone. COR measures the percentage of speed retained after bouncing off a solid immovable object, for testing purposes its typically a cement or brick wall. Factors like pitch speed, bat and ball weight as well as the quality of the barrels material all play significant factors in the optimal compression. The interior is wrapped in a C-LOK adhesive and moisture barrier offers enhanced sealing of the interior, ensuring the ball with stay together. The collision efficiency is measured using the ball-in/ball-out method in equation (2). A wet ball will initially experience an increase in compression, but as more moisture is absorbed, compression will decrease. the more elastic deflection you will get in the bat, increasing the so-called The softball's core is the part that you never see. Learn more. No matter what temperature or weather conditions, the Decker Red Big Shark was made to last, withstanding hot heat and humid temperatures while delivering great pop to players at bat. The most common COR ratings for If this data extrapolates linearly, then the high-compression The BBCOR is often represented by the symbol e and represents the ratio of the combined speeds of the ball (vball-exit) and bat (vbat-recoil) after the collision divided by the initial speed of the ball (vball) before the collision. Men's slow pitch is usually played with blue dots, whereas women's slow pitch is played with green dots. real irony is that according to the ASTM standard for determining the BPF, The ASA website maintains current listing of bats which are legal for ASA play, as well as list of bats which are banned form ASA play. Those factors include, among other things, both the quality and durability of the material. Dudley Thunder Heat 4U-551Y USSSA Slowpitch Softball - 1 Dozen by Dudley. Barrel compression results in certification testing come from precise lab equipment, not on the field barrel compression testers, which can lack accuracy. focused their attention on bat performance testing and stricter regulations of Restitution of the bat-ball collision and is determined by shooting Around the age of 10, fast-pitch young players will begin utilizing a 12-inch ball. A regulation men's softball should be 12 +/- 0.125 inches in circumference (or approximately 3.8" in diameter) and can weigh between 6 and 7.25 oz. If you are a woman or a girl who wants to swing in a mixed co-ed slow-pitch league, it is better to get your hands on an 11-inch ball. I cut this from a post by Stoneman on the board. which still uses a cork core. Bat Testing Educational Video. Im probably wrong but I believe cor= the size of the inside core of the ball. Finally, 0.44 only 12" softball that does not contain a "poly" core is the Dudley SB12, This solid core determines the bulk properties of deform inelastically, which leads to denting. As both of these terms imply, you are returning more WOMEN'S-USSSA or GSL stamped ClassicW ballor 44/400 core/compression balls. This is the kind of result that is reported with the current version of the F2219 test standard. fully controlling ball properties, namely hardness. Disclaimer: This site uses affiliate links. cannon is used to propel the ball against a wall at 60 mph and the speed This is the smallest softball size you'll find. Normalizing to ball COR is not part of the most current version of the F2219 standard. Bats 2.2.1. The ball would be rated with a COR of .50 (referred to as a fifty COR ball). may get deflection or bending in the handle, which is referred to as the In light of these research findings, the ASTM's Baseball and Softball Equipment subcommittee F08.26 began drafting a new test standard which would more closely represent actual game conditions in the field. To ensure success, select medium-sized seeds for planting. Its made using the Worth Poly-X high density cork core which focuses on a dense interior for durability, great hitting, and moisture protection. The Hycon is not nearly as susceptible to compression changes under increased and decreased temperature compared to .40, .44 and .47 poly core softballs. 350-375 lbs. a "hardball"). Softballs are generally priced between $4 to $10 apiece. Rawlings said, without surprise at this point, very similar things. The data shows that higher compression balls come off bats faster than lower compression balls, with the difference being slightly greater for high performance bats. COR represents how "bouncy" the ball is. Unfortunately, the increase in softball Get ready to dominate the diamond with Softballs today! Hit a home run with Softballs! A softball's cover is made of one of two materials: natural or synthetic leather. The higher the COR, the more bouncy the ball is and, generally, the farther it will fly. The barrel of the bat is butted up to that rod and cannot touch the sides of the compression tester frame. Hitters should focus less on barrel compression and more on swing mechanics, timing, and approach at the plate. natural leather) and are less impervious to moisture; however, most people The moment-of-ineritia of the bat and the mass of the test ball are measured, so that the kinematic factor may be calculated from equation (3). The ball is constructed of a polyurethane core wrapped using Vapor Block technology, protecting from effects of moisture and humidity. In As SSUSA rolled out their new proprietary senior softball in 2018, I thought this would be an opportune time to discuss two important characteristics of a softball: COR and compression. All rights reserved. The Center-of-Percussion (COP) was found not to coincide with the location on the bat barrel where Batted-Ball Speed is highest. The Worth Hot Dot slow pitch softball is rated at .52 COR with 300 pounds of compression. year. Some seams are stitched in red, while others are stitched in blue. However, balls marked having a vapor-block inside, allow the balls to be less sensitive to temperature change. This is basically a measure of how hard the ball is. Softballs are rated based on two metrics - Coefficient Of Restitution (COR - pronounced like core) and compression. The final "part" Follow on
. to 1.26. Compression numbers matter in a few specific instances. In slowpitch softball, either an 11 or 12 ball is used. The lower the cor the less bouncy. The COR value (i.e. The ball is wrapped in a tough leather outer, which means these balls will be durable enough to hold up to the constant abuse of being struck with a bat. Quantity. Bats get all the press and therefore, all the blame. Compression ratings of 275, 350, 400, or 525 pounds in the softballs are common. have defeated the regulations placed on bats by changing the balls!!! I still think the best flying balls are high cor. min=today.getMinutes(); Not only that, but the injuries will tend to be more severe. A bat with a lower compression means the barrel walls are more flexible or elastic. It's hard to find softballs today that are 525lbs compression or higher as they are found to be too hot for our senior bats. Therefore, all data on our website is for reference only. They were perfect for small neighborhood parks as the ball did not travel as far. Available in both 11 and 12 inch sizes. 2.1.2. Compression: The compression rating for a softball helps to determine how far the ball will travel when struck with a certain bat speed. So, the question has been raised as to how valid it is to use a 60-mph ball COR test to select balls for use in a 110-mph bat-ball collision. clcks=((sec<10)? Key Features. The ball would be rated with a COR of .50 (referred to as a fifty COR ball). Purchasing softballs by the dozen is the most cost-effective option. While the F2219 tests don't exactly match field measurements, they do so much better than the F1890 test does. COMPRESSION AND COR Compression and COR essentially deal with how far the ball will go when hit with a set amount of power. A second important discovery was that the old F1890 standard was not correctly predicting the difference between high performing bats and the extremely high performing composite bats that began appearing in 2001 and 2002. But, non-linear designs, standard in performance bats these days, makes compression tests less helpful in predicting exit speeds. At Homechit, we do not manufacture or provide any products or services. Last year, ASA approved the 52/300 ball for SP play. Consequently, today's "softballs" have more Therefore, a harder ball will tend to come off of a bat faster and travel Slow-pitch softball leagues generally utilize 12 softballs that move slower and further than fast-pitch softballs. Features a Core Flex Pocket Design that offers enhanced comfort and range of motion. Just Bat Reviews, LLC DBA Bat Digest Company. If you are from Chicago, you may know that the game was first played in the Windy City, and that 16 softballs were used. Get ready to dominate the field with Softballs! $84.99. A ball 2.2. The bar chart at left showed that the old F1890 was not accurately predicting field performance, and the bar chart at right shows that F1890 was severely underestimating the performance of the high performing metal and very high performing composite bats being used in games and tournaments. the game more exciting, (except for the increased injuries), these harder of a rigid wall compared to the ball's incoming speed. increasing the time required to play games. We also monitor auctions on a daily basis and compute the average selling price of the bats we review assuring you of having the best information when you purchase your bats. This throws into question the entire validity of the BPF standard as a legitimate predictor of performance. scrutiny in recent years. a superplayer) This data is included in Table 1, along with the time it Women's fastpitch softball is played professionally and is an Olympic and summer sport. because of the significant increase in the distance the balls travel, a Each hit will offer players high velocity and a great amount of pop. Champro CSB83 11in. The dependency of the collision efficiency on the elastic interaction between bat and ball may be described by the Bat-Ball-Coefficient-of-Restitution (BBCOR). Batcompressioncan be a useful tool to estimate the performance of a given bat construction, but taking thecompressionvalue without reference will rarely provide an accurate measure of actual bat performance. to about 17 extra feet that the ball will travel!1 Titanium If the rebound Some believe that a more elastic barrel wall can produce faster exit speeds. Softballs come in different sizes. and a COR of 0.47. SECURE PROTECTION - Core flex pocket design and integrated cup lock keeps a cup in a more natural position BREATHABLE - Dual . Then the six impacts required for the certification test are conducted at this maximum BBS location. Instead, the right elasticity in the barrel simply depends. Our new SSUSA STOTE contains a vapor-barrier-lock, which provides for better performance in warmer weather conditions. We now know that ball compression rating describes the stiffness or hardness of the ball, and is the most important factor for senior bat performance. to have bats meet the 1.2 BPF using balls with a compression of 625-675 the pivot point of the bat while being swung is on the handle approximately 6-inches from the knob end. specified in the standard and then ran the tests again using balls with Effect of Ball Hardness on BPF, Calculated Batted Ball Speed, and Time The COR normalization drastically overcompensates for the higher COR ball. The maximum compression of all blue dot balls is 525 pounds, whereas the 400-pound green dot balls are gentler. By using a series of equations that are In light of this data, the COR normalization was removed from the ASTM F2219 test standard in 2005. In case you already dont know, some co-ed slow-pitch leagues will require men and boys to bat a 12-inch ball. Standard with the current version of the inside core of the collision is... 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