We are servants of the Lord, they told the sobbing mother, and weve come with a message for you.. We should pray to Him and no one else. In recent years, there has been a tendency to stray from the accepted pattern for funerals. I commit every person in this room. Temporal means temporary. Shelter them with your peace that surpasses all understanding. 2. Fill them with joy and uphold them with your generous spirit. 2. Prayer is two-way communication. Thank you for the times we shared with him. May he/she find love and peace in your presence, and enjoy your glory. I personally outline the structure of the prayer and let the spirit fill in the important stuff. A comforting, spiritual funeral is of great importance. Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good; yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God; and if ye do these things, ye shall be lifted up at the last day (Alma 37:3637; see also Alma 34:1726). You have conquered death, and in you, we also are victors. I will lift mine eyes unto the hillsfrom whence cometh my help.My help cometh from the Lord,which made heaven and earth. Our loved one walked with you while in this life, enjoying a taste of eternal communion with you. Prayer for Transition to the Next Life Lord, we come together in joy and in sorrow. However, there are limits to what may be done without disturbing the spirituality and causing it to be less than it might be. Thanksgiving for the Resurrection God of all grace, we lift up thanksgiving for the provision of your Son, Jesus, our Savior. Let this be the message of hope that resounds throughout this funeral service today. These poems have been compiled from several major religions. The sun shall not smite thee by day,nor the moon by night.The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil;He shall preserve thy soul. May Christ dwell richly in their hearts that they may find strength and increase in power. Thank you for giving us the strength to gather in this place for a service in honor of him/her. Where required by law, alternate methods of disposing of the remains do not nullify the Resurrection. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, for they rest from their labor. A funeral is nevertheless very important. Opening a funeral service can feel awkward speaking the first words to the family who has just lost their loved one. On occasion a family member has suggested, sometimes even insisted, that some innovation be added to the funeral service as a special accommodation to the family. Pasted as rich text. Throughout each day, we can maintain a constant feeling of love for our Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son. They and we became mortal, subject to illness, pains, and even the physical dissolution called death. (Ensign, Sept. 1978, p. 5). We are finding it hard to come to terms with the death of our loved one, but your grace is sufficient for us. Above all, be our shelter today. We desire that all be done decently and in order and that we may be permitted properly to discharge those last sad rites which a kind Creator has seen fit to leave within our power. Amen. Friday, May 18, 2012 Prayers for a Funeral Service OPENING PRAYER God who creates and re-creates us, God who laughs with us and weeps with us, God who walks with us each step of the way, carrying us when our strength fails, we gather today with hearts breaking with grief, with voices crying out words of lament. When we receive this opportunity, we should remember that we are communicating with Heavenly Father, not giving a public sermon. We commit this time of remembrance to you. Your link has been automatically embedded. Your Presence Prayer Lord, today is a tough day for us. It is my conviction that in the spirit world prior to mortal birth, we waited anxiously for our time to enter mortality. And to these four brethren who have joined the First Quorum of the Seventy we say, your fellowship will be enjoyed and your help very much appreciated. After the interment, there is usually a reception for the family and close friends, though the larger community may be invited as well. 2-6; italics added.). I get that way sometimes. The service should be led by a bishop or a member of the bishopric, though it may be led by a General Authority (Church leader), a stake president (leader of an administrative unit composed of multiple congregations), or an Area Seventy (priest within a geographically defined area) should one be present at the funeral. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. Wrap your arm of love around them that they may not be filled with grief. To threaten or to take life, even our own in suicide, is to offend God, for He in all things hath forbidden it, from the beginning of man. (Ether 8:19.). This can be baptism of Sunday School, Priesthood ordinations. The deceased should be dressed in his or her temple clothing by an endowed family member of the same gender. Amen. Inheritance of the Saints Prayer Almighty God, we give thanks to you, our Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in the light. In Jesus name, we believe and pray. Let the things we share about our beloved [name] bring joy and healing in our hearts. 2011-10-26 3-4 (913) pans funeral potatoes. Our hearts are full of hope that we will see [name] again when we go home to you. Give them the willingness to accept what has happened. Order their steps through your word during this grieving period and help them to be strong and courageous. Since death is ever present with us, a knowledge of how essential it is to the plan of salvation is of immense, practical value. 17:14; see also Deut. Not all agree. He loves us and knows our needs, and He wants us to communicate with Him through prayer. You give and you take away. All Rights Reserved. We should remember, too, that others attending the funeral may suppose that innovation is an accepted procedure and introduce it at other funerals. In Jesus name, we pray. Holy Lamb, who sits at the right hand of the Father, hear our prayer. To learn about the differences between burial and cremation see our article: How To Choose Burial or Cremation, To learn about this topic see our article: Embalming. The Mormon funeral is a religious service, and offers an opportunity for the Church to teach the gospel. Many comments can be found posted on websites that take exception to Packers view. May we reintroduce the attitude of reverence each time we gather to memorialize one who has moved through the veil to that place where one day each of us will go. Open their spiritual eyes that they can see your work in everything. Sorry if this came off as kind of speechy. And so, death is the reality of life. The Deep Love of Jesus Prayer God, we thank you for your deep, immeasurable love. We come from you, and in death we return to you. There is the need to reestablish the spirit of reverence at funerals whether in a chapel, a mortuary, or at other locations. He told them bluntly that their little son was lost in endless torment, and it was their fault. But we also know that in days, weeks, months, and years to come, you will heal us, and what we will be left with are the fond memories of the times we shared with [name]. Elder Scott, we welcome you to the quorum. Comfort Prayer God of All Comfort, our hearts are broken. You have promised us that all will be restored, that death is not the end but merely a transition from one phase of our existence to another. The ward Bishop may be the only man to speak, though other men may stand and speak as well. Having the appropriate neeyat (intention) in your heart, You say the first takbir while raising your hands, then you fold and hold your hands on your chest in the usual manner, the right hand on the left, then you seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Shayan, then you utter Bismillah and recite Al-Fatiha. Our prayers for guidance will be only as effective as our efforts to be receptive to the whisperings of the Holy Ghost. Our Heavenly Father is always ready to hear and answer our prayers. Also, you may want to pray that those affected by her mortal loss will be visited by the comfort of the Holy Ghost. But Spartan had some great thoughts on this as well. Divine Strength Prayer God, we bless your holy name forever. You will do great. The following prayer is just one of many that can be used as a closing prayer at a funeral. Sometimes family members tell things that would be appropriate at a family reunion or at some other family gathering but not on an occasion that should be sacred and solemn. Ask the spirit for help if you're nervous, try to be as in tune with the spirit as you can. For women, temple clothing includes a long-sleeved, floor-length white dress (or blouse and skirt), white stockings, and white shoes. Be our alpha and omega in this funeral service. Today you have granted us a chance to celebrate the life of our loved one, and we want to say thank you. July 1, 2022. We celebrate the memories we will always have. Surely we do not want to be known as an irreverent people. Amen. It was as though a clock were set and a time given. Let them accept Christs free gift of salvation through faith in His sacrifice alone. Bishops should remember that when funerals are held under priesthood auspices the service should conform to the instructions given by the Church. Give us the strength to share the beautiful moments that we shared with [name], our beloved departed. It is painful to gather for this reason. You have seen thousands of years pass in a day and a night. As we make a habit of approaching God in prayer, we will come to know Him and draw ever nearer to Him. However, if you live in an area where the funeral director is not familiar with . Prayer to the Lamb. That move down to a lower place came as a consequence of a broken law. (While the funeral home doesn't have to be an expressly Mormon funeral home, it should be familiar with the religion's traditions.) Be with us now. May this not be a day of mourning, but a day of celebration for a life that touched us all. Losing someone is never easy. Help us to be faithful in prayer and joyful in hope. Paying Final Bills, Dues, And Estate Expenses. It is common to have a brief open-casket viewing before the funeral service. Ask for the spirit to guide you as your pray. Amen. Death is a hard thing to accept, especially the death of a loved one. Alma did not say that setting mortal death aside would merely delay or disturb the plan of happiness; he said it would destroy it. You know the end from the beginning, and we don't know anything of what has been done before us or what will happen when we leave this earth. We look forward to being reunited with our loved one. butter (half a cube on each table) From reliefsocietywomen.com. All contain messages of comfort. 8:11) and then bore testimony of the restoration of the gospel. Everplans is not a licensed healthcare provider, medical professional, law firm, or financial advisory firm, and the employees of Everplans are not acting as your healthcare providers, medical professionals, attorneys, or financial advisors. Pray for the people who will be speaking or leading during the service. There are tender feelings, spiritual communications really, which may easily be lost if there is not a spirit of reverence. Reverence, please, brothers and sisters, reverence, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. As we continue to draw near to our Heavenly Father through prayer, we will recognize more readily His merciful and wise answers to our pleadings. Pray for those who are attending the service. Help us to remember that even though we may be sad today, our loved one is happy where they are now. The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.He maketh me to lie down in green pastures;He leadeth me beside the still waters.He restoreth my soul;He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His names sake.Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,I will fear no evil; for Thou art with me;Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me.Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies;Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. We thank you for seeing it fit to place him into our lives. Amen. You can say prayers of peace. As we strive to make prayer a part of our lives, we should remember this counsel: Make our prayers meaningful. Help us remember to be steadfast and immovable in our faith, not fearing death, but rejoicing in our victory. 2 bags crushed ice. It has been adapted from the sacrament meeting opening prayer, which includes the phrase "We thank thee, O God, for that thou hast given us life and enabled us to reach this hour.". Give us relief from our distress and fill our hearts with great joy. "Salat al-Janazah" from Islam. We thank you that our departed loved one is now in your presence. Amen. And now, as we celebrate the life of our loved one, we celebrate the immortality that is our confident expectation. It sets the tone for the memorial service and comforts mourners. 3. Grant them the serenity to accept what they cannot change and the courage to face the days ahead. We must be careful to avoid vain repetitions when we pray (see Matthew 6:7). You sent your Son to die for our sins so that we can be freed from the penalty of sin. Many attend funerals who do not come to church regularly. Each and everyone here is dealing with the loss of this dearly beloved. 3-4 (913) pans cake/dessert. If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. "I Need Thee Every Hour" "Oh, May My Soul Commune with Thee" "Sweet Hour of Prayer" Learning Resources Church Magazines. If we have a difficult task before us, Heavenly Father is pleased when we get on our knees and ask for help and then get on our feet and go to work. Dedicates and consecrates the burial plot as the resting place for the body of the deceased. Take control of everything that will happen in this place, Lord. Ask for an added measure of the spirit to be with you and everyone there during this somber occasion, that those there will feel the love of G-d in their hearts. By The viewing is usually open to all mourners, though there is generally time set aside at the end of the viewing for only family members. Nothing is hidden from you, O Lord. We should regard the bishop rather than the family or the mortician as the presiding authority in these matters. While family members have the option of speaking at the funeral, they are not required to do so. We celebrate a life of love and integrity and grace, a life that was a legacy to those left behind. We are grateful that after a life of love for you and others, our beloved is asleep in you and will be raised again. Topical Guide, God, Access to, Prayer, Pray, Guide to the Scriptures, Ask, Prayer, President Monson Talks About Prayer, CesarH. Bonito Duarte, The Last-Minute Miracle, New Era or Liahona, March 2017, Jessica Larsen, Multiplication Master, Friend or Liahona, February 2017, James 1:56, New Era or Liahona, January 2017, Carlisa Cramer, Five Promises of Prayer, New Era or Liahona, January 2017, Margaret Willden, Five Questions to Ask When Prayers Feel Unanswered, New Era or Liahona, January 2017, I Didnt Feel Worthy to Pray, New Era, January 2017, EvelynE., Goats on the Run, Friend, January 2017, CorwinB., The Aquanaut Badge, Friend, January 2017, Holly Carter, Henry and the Corn Maze, Friend, November 2016, Jill Hacking, Brave Enough? Friend, October 2016, MarcosA. Walker, The Restoring Power of Prayer, Ensign or Liahona, January 2011, Why do I need to pray on my own when I already pray with my family? Ensign or Liahona, January 2011, Janet Thomas, Begin with Prayer, Ensign or Liahona, October 2009, Virgnia Augusta dePdua Lima Pereira, My Childrens Prayer, Ensign or Liahona, June 2008, Daniel Openshaw, United by Prayer, Ensign or Liahona, August 2007, R.Val Johnson, Ricardo Knows, Ensign or Liahona, September 2006, MargedA. Kirkpatrick, I Didnt Want to Die, Ensign or Liahona, August 2004, Francisco Javier Loaiza Vergara, Prayer Helps, Ensign or Liahona, September 2001, December 31January6: We Are Responsible for Our Own Learning, Come, Follow MeFor Individuals and Families: New Testament 2019, Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith, chapter10, Teachings of Presidents of the Church: JosephF. Smith, chapter3, Teachings of Presidents of the Church: HeberJ. The service will often contain songs, hymns, prayers, tributes to the person who died, and a sermon. Amen. That should be kept in mind if a viewing is to be held. The bodies of flesh and bone became temporal bodies. When Christ returns to earth, souls are again judged and sent to either the Celestial Kingdom (the highest heaven for those who honored all the covenants of the Church and were valiant in their testimony of Jesus Christ, and all children who died before the age of eight), the Terrestrial Kingdom (for those who led honorable lives but were not valiant in their testimony of Jesus Christ), or the Telestial Kingdom (for those who refused to repent). Oh Lord, I do pray that You would give us the help and wisdom that we need at this time, as we face the task of having to make all the arrangements for the forthcoming funeral, while at the same . Peace PrayerSovereign Lord Jesus, we loved our relative and friend, but you loved him more. The bishop will notify the Melchizedek Priesthood leader (high-level priest) who will take over supporting the family of the deceased. In his remarkable sermon on repentance, Alma taught his son about death, saying: Now behold, it was not expedient that man should be reclaimed from this temporal death, for that would destroy the great plan of happiness. (Alma 42:8.). We give adoration to Christ our Passover, who was sacrificed for us. Heavenly Father expects us to do more than merely ask Him for blessings. The Prayer for Forgiveness. Following the funeral service, guests may be invited to the graveside service for burial. As Mormons believe in life after death, funeral services are generally serious but celebratory events. Of hope that we can be freed from the accepted pattern for funerals not come to know and... 5 ) they are now dearly beloved we live, we welcome to! With Heavenly Father and His beloved Son here is dealing with the death of loved! If this came off as kind of speechy who will take over supporting the family who has just their! With our loved one the restoration of the prayer and joyful in.. 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