She took a giant shit on my face. I hope they get here before it starts to rain.. 21 Best Contemporary Dramatic Monologues For Women From Published Plays 1. (to Kayleigh.) Hallie: THE STORY 3. All London will know why you did it; and who will blame you? And she cant help herself. Dont repeat that. Its so embarrassing, I dont even whatever. Be yourself! Hes wearing this perplexed expression and hes saying you want me to leap tall buildings and be sensitive and supportive?! You know-plainly, clearly state what they want instead of expecting you to be psychic. [Takes up letters.] Bedroom. Dear old Mom and Dad. A KID LIKE JAKE 5. Judge. A pretty girl at a party once asked me if I secretly liked that Harry had a paunch, because it made him less attractive to other women. You dont love meIsnt that it? AND THEN OF COURSE I STARTED GOING FUCKING STIR-FUCKING-CRAZY THINKING OF ALL THE THINGS I COULD HAVE SAID. And I didnt wanna, like, marry you? Local caf girl is hit by a bike and a car and another bike. If Id known Naomi felt like that I wouldve broken it off with her months ago. But thats exactly why were going to be offering a new series of blog posts in which we group together some of the greatest monologues from published plays. Kim: Like, totally. Sensitive. And I cant be the only thing you like! To have held him in my arms before he went. The thing is you always called our marriage a joke. Thats not a crime, you know. There is no box. Id been seeing him because of my Pyromania thats a person who likes lighting fires-but you probably know that being University educated. startxref Im gonna give you the short version of an incredibly complicated and f up situation, so please be cool. All right. Mules 6. We've got some great contemporary monologues from published plays, films and even TV show and are adding more and more everyday. Have I told you how Martin died? Break a finger, maybe. Then, using the computer model, they generated every thought I could possibly have in the next, say ten years, which they then filtered through a probability matrix to determine everything I was going to do in that period. But you know what? That can entame my spirits to your worship. She told me she just wanted a bit of fun, and now she turns around and does this! HONOUR BY JOANNA MURRAY-SMITH SOPHIE: I wishI wish I was more Like you. IveIve watched you. I know hed never go for a dag like me. The fact is, Ive been acting like a prick. I wonder what woman he is waiting for to-night. Why do you look on me? All plays are available for purchase. Look, I gotta say I wasnt like this at boarding school, I didnt like getting smashed on rocket fuel and talking about vaginas, honestly I had no interest in Alcohol at all. I was interrogated, x-rayed, studied thoroughly. Oversized jacket. Malaria fever and jonquils and then this boy. Who knew hed go flying right off the roof? I mean how hard is it to have one kid asleep at night in your house how hard is it but no . I tell her she reminds me of Sandra Bullock. Required fields are marked *. You made your false idol of me, and I had not the courage to come down, show you my wounds, tell you my weaknesses. So Adam has to beg me to go out with him. Do it! But I dont say that. I mean Im fifteen and worried about every little thing, and Ive got this fucking sumo wrestler in a housecoat trailing behind me. Is he crazy? It does not thrill. Totally freaked out, she did. How to approach a comedy monologue: But what is that to the horror of meeting it on every beautiful woman, and knowing that there is a husband round the corner? But I feel it coming up now, more and more, and I just think- No, thats bullshit, actually, the whole work thing. You know? Even before I met you I was far from indifferent to you. In this monologue Suzy shoplifts. Because I always swear. The fact is constantly mentioned in the more expensive monthly magazines, and has reached the provincial pulpits I am told; and my ideal has always been to love someone of the name of Ernest. James: Why, what means this? You mustnt look soso frightened. Not here, not out on the town having such a good time. You foolish shepherd, wherefore do you follow her, He tells me that Ive got an unresolved problem with my mother. Life in a box is better than no life at all. Yeah. I think, hello, hes not going to tell me to do something Oedipal, like fuck her or somethingbut that wasnt the problem. School school school school school. Ellen from Sales of a Dead Man. Way under list price, payments deducted from my check. If youre looking for an audition piece thats comedic or dramatic, weve got some great monologues to choose from! Im not mad. James: I am coming to you. [A look of triumph comes over her face.]. Im all walking like Ive got a paintbrush up my arse, thinking: One feels there must be something in him after all. I dont do anything to give off any kind of interest whatsoever, I completely look the other way when I see eye contact happening and they STILL come over thinking theyre so suave and its simply repulsive. I can do both male and female (as my theater lacks males, so even though I'm a girl, I've played Scar from Lion King and Shere Kahn from Jungle Book). Dont repeat that. But then it dawned on me. Are you really gay? They get enough practice thats for sure. You know, not everything has to be so goddamn IMPORTANT all the time! (She switches on the rose-coloured lamp.) Amanda Wingfield: Shes so pathetic. Come out of there!. Warren: Contemporary Monologues from Published Plays NO COMPARISON Cordelia and Sophia is a play that drills deep on questioning the true definition of friendship. Oh, it was stupidI shouldntI couldnt help it, you were so kind andand differentand I wanted to share in your work andand everything. Happy is Hermia, wheresoeer she lies; The Monologuer contains an assortment of classical and contemporary monologues from plays, including Shakespeare, for males, females, kids, and adults. As youll see from some of the monologues on this list, some are simply just lighter in nature. Honestly. Just so I can ride on the same bus with him. I highlighted my hair because you said I needed shimmer. Mother has gone, gone to. Child Soldier 4. Its a war against terror and its a war against ignorance, and its a war against prejudice and pure dumb-arsed fuckwittedness, and weve got to win that war, otherwise were fucked. Therefore no marvel though Demetrius You say youre sorry? And all of a sudden I didnt know who I was anymore. I know you look at me now and think, boy she must have breezed through high school. I wish I was joking, but Im not. The only fucking person I have ever allowed to call me Judy. Meaty face. From behind the chair, a hand emerges. it waxes, nears me. Detroit 11. On one hand, I want to forget her. Did you use any of them for an audition? My Brewster, no one ever called him a great mind, even he hits the can seventy percent of the time. Adulthood is where dreams go to die. There was fucking everybody: everyones hopes were up there in those two towers.Its a war, Talbot It is a war. Prom is short for Promenade, a slow, gentle walk through a shady glen, and this beloved ceremony symbolizes our journey from the shadows of adolescence to the bright sunshine of the adult world with all its freedoms. I mean one thinks of it like being alive in a box, one keeps forgetting to take into account the fact that one is dead which should make a difference shouldnt it? She rocked it. How silly to write on pink paper! I always just assumed I had two. Let me tell you something about Janis Ian. Please link to the scripts on the website. <>stream I see jonquils ! Lydia by Octavio Solis. Blacktop Sky 16. Maybe if I just vomited on myself the guy would walk the other way but I bet even then, Id get, The way you vomit on yourself is just so, so delightful., All I want is to be left alone. Than without candle may go dark to bed, Doug: 17 Apr 2023 20:50:01 Moms feel smart just typing it on the homeschool transcript! So we get keys made for each others apartments. I want to be better to do good and better things and to make a proper sort of decision here, but I I cant. Where Can I Find Monologues from Published Plays? And Im like, Whats the problem? and he says The problem is, dude, youre fucking my girlfriend. So I look at Marissa and Im like Youre someones girlfriend? And she says No. Then it comes out Chuck just wishes shes his girlfriend but actually shes his cousin or something, so hes got these feelings of guilt about wanting herand then he starts crying. The Pillowman 2. Killing Chuck is among the most popular monologues for men from plays written by Gabriel Davis on this site.From the one act play Unbearable Hotness, this young adult male monologue follows the character Brandon's journey as he recounts how a friendly rooftop conversation with Chuck turns deadly. Wed finished our dinner. To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off more Scene Synopsis: Hamlet compares his grief to that of a player, and. Not to mention unsatisfied. For me you have always had an irresistible fascination. Get over it. And you will help me. Blubbering, whining, crying Chuck. Yeah, its whatever, but this once, in the grocery store, were at Albertsons and were pushing four baskets around you wanna know how humiliating that shit is? And maybe I can deal with your black soul better when Im older, but right now I cant handle it. BASILICA 8. Henry: I just fuckin killed Chuck. The change of climate from East Tennessee to the Delta weakened resistance I had a little temperature all the time not enough to be serious just enough to make me restless and giddy. when guys come up to me, with their cheesy lines, (imitating guy) Hey, you have such a beautiful smile or Can I just tell you that you are so beautiful. The Best Audition Songs for Mary Poppins by Character. I find actors always have great dramatic pieces on their casting profiles, or at auditions, but rarely have a great comic monologue. Martins dead. Its stupid, but like Id started imaginin it, what Id be like, walkin around with a little fella holdin me hand, teachin him how to cross the road, or a little girl and holdin her up in the air the way they look down at you, theyre so amazed to be up high. Im sure that I never would commit the rashness of matrimony again without being in love. Lysander if you live, good sir, awake, Rosalind: Act 3, Scene 5 You stand there trying to look so deep when youre nothing but a solipsistic bully with your grandiose self-importance and lectures and arias and lets-look-at-the- fucking-canvas-for-another-few-weeks-lets-not-fucking-paint-lets-just-look. Can I join you? No, theyre not in Spain, theyre next to the phone in the study. That is Gertrude Chilterns. You know, I remember what it was like to be eleven. Monologues for Women from Plays Movie Monologues for Women 'Better Call Saul' (Kim): "If we'd had a house, I never would have wanted to leave" 'Annie Jump and the Library of Heaven' (Annie): "Daddy, I know what I want to do with my life" 'Annie Jump and the Library of Heaven' (Annie): "You are being really, really, really mean" Of course I value such affectionate regard very highly indeed. Just dont come any closer. Ensemble. Um. Or maybe get hit by a truck full of hot garbage juice, you know? But- I guess I do care what my peers think about me. If you marry me, your parents will be ecstatic, and you will have lost a lifelong battle of defiance against them. Below is a monologue that represents depression from a play by D. M. Larson, called "The Bullied, Bungled and Botched". Would you like to hear about the latest plays and news (and discounts!) So, its official. Sssh! I was afraid that I might lose your love, as I have lost it now. I hid in the shrubs when Mum came outside to see what was happening. I must not seem proud; happy are they that hear their detractions and can put them to mending. When Tommy wants to be romantic he talks to one just like a doctor. I have, we have feelings for each other. And somehow youre expected to guess when they want you to be controlling and when they want you to be crying-and if you dont make the right guess at the right time its instantly construed as proof that you dont love them enough. And then I worry about whether he can tell my hearts going crazy, and I have to act really cool. Unfortunately, because of copyright restrictions, we cannot sell to persons in your country. 1-minute monologues for teens from published plays for auditions and acting practice. I can lie here for hours thinking about him. Corey was older than me, bigger than me and a whole lot cooler than me. When camps over, I leave as you and go back to London and you leave as me and go to California. Its contradictory! The more my prayer, the lesser is my grace. No, the world must be peopled. I know its a lot to swallow, but you gotta take it on face value, because theres a timer attached to this thing and its counting down. It doesnt matter. Which for some reason I keep calling: vagina. Free Monologues for Men Gillian: Its my Achilles flaw or something. She lives here in this desperate loneliness with no one around her except these colourless shadows that go mooning about talking nonsense and knowing nothing except that they eat, drink, and sleep. So lovely, that country in May. Just how big a target do they need, you figure? Jealous. For beasts that meet me run away for fear: Its too late to go home and change. Shakespeare's Monologues A list of Shakespearean monologues categorized alphabetically by comedy, history and tragedy. Tis not her glass, but you, that flatters her; Ten years. 89 pages. But it turns out bikes can go fast and flip you into the road. Thank you! Who knew those would be the magic words? 5. I went and stood in a card shop for a bit to sort my head out. Maybe Ill never walk down the aisle with a smug look of bridal triumph. I know how you felt, dear. I lost 75 pounds! Learn More Pricing. Get home, shower, lay in bed. But how was I to know? Then I realised that the smell was coming from the lounge room. ISBN-13: 978-1518661082 I liked this girl. Twenty years after making her Broadway debut with this one-woman show, Whoopi Goldberg played a return engagement of this evening of comic monologues from various characters, from a nine-year-old . Im sure you two will have a real great time. A nice manly slap on the back. My mum was always saying bring Corey with you on the weekend and shed go all flushed and wear low-cut tops in the kitchen. Its just that for a moment I thought Martin was still with me and I panicked. Gift Guides Even if we have to go with our cousin, or our gay best friend from tap class, we will have a Prom. I mean, who the hell does this guy or that guy think he is to give me such compliments? Boy On Black Top Road 5. Invitations poured in parties all over the Delta! Fuck. After I base my entire concept of self-esteem on the fact that youre willing to marry me! None of the monologues that we select are self-written or stand-alone pieces. Choose! So I put the dog outside but the smell didnt go away. I mean, I know its not nice to have a bit of your stomach lining poking out, I get it, I do, but really how much more is there to say? She carries a bunch of jonquils the legend of her youth is nearly revived.). Free FUNNY Short Stage Play Scripts and COMEDY Skits, "Humpty Dumpty Private Egg Hard-Boiled Detective", "Ghosts I've Known" 5 Minute Monologue-Woman [html]. And God knows we tried. Ive been at the hospital, Kayleigh. And as an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. I can't do this. (struggling) Do you remember when you found that picture in my car of you, me and Chet, with Chet cut out of it? Whenever, wherever I saw them, Id say, Stop ! Tom: I make an appointment, six weeks later in I go. But that other stuff I gotta tell you up front Im just not ready, Alison. I Ate the Divorce Papers - Comedic Monologue, Female Excerpt: "I ate them. THE BAD GUYS 14. Everything Will Be Different: A Brief History Of Helen Of Troy 8. Aug 8, 2022 - Explore Monologue Blogger's board "Female Monologues from Plays", followed by 201 people on Pinterest. I thought we had a really good time together and I was actually in a fairly Up state of mind for once. People used to throw firecrackers on my head in high school. I mean, youd never know you were in a box, would you? But he does it in a horrid confidential way. Sue was kind of prude. Thats about as bad as it can get! He tells me theres a one in four chance Im not fertile, that I cant be a father, like. Picture this: Ive been through all the sitting, the waiting, spent three pounds thirty-nine on a mediocre sandwich, been wired up to a monitor, jogged, et cetera, Ive been jiggled about, prodded, pressed with some very chilly instruments, got released, finally, back into the world, with my clogged-up arteries and uncertain future, Im in the lift going down, who should I bump into? Just follow the link! And this may happen twenty times. Its all right, dear. I know every girl at school except Monica is in love with him. Your email address will not be published. Uncontrollable passion, etcetera. She has a TESOL drama certificate, a BA in theatre, and has worked and interned with Broadway and Off-Broadway theaters. It was a separate arrangement. We have only included texts from great writers and all our monologues are edited by the StageMilk team to assure quality. He called me by my name. 14 Monologues from Published Plays PHONE CALLS Why do guys always have to play the stupid three day rule? Possess your soul in patience you will see! My wife left me. I dont know what it is with me lately but I just get so UGH! WHO CARES WHAT PSYCHIATRISTS WRITE ON WALLS? 14 Monologues from Published Plays October 12, 2021 MB Team Are you looking for a monologue from a published play? Make-up. On this chip he had laboriously painted my grandmothers face, using ashes mixed with water for ink, and his own hair as a paintbrush. - Female comedy monologue. Than any of her lineaments can show her. Thats all. Martin couldnt stand unidentified smells. This is my side. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. I want you. Julia shows the audience her pain, anger, guilt, and sorrow as she begins one of the lengthiest monologues about death on the list. But it is my right, and the right of every plain, frumpy, book-wormy, soon-to-be librarian to have one night of Cinderella magic. Gertrude. I trust you. I am going to be married. boarding school! They were running around the backyard burning and howling-theres no such thing as grace under pressure for a burning cat, let me tell you. Make none now. Meaning of Life monologue from published play Watch on "The Barn" - Short monologue - Male "Farting is Such Sweet Sorrow" - Short comedy monologue - Male "Blondes Prefer Gentlemen" is a stage play script by D. M. Larson about two women who want to make it big in Hollywood. If you really loved me you wouldnt need to ask. Afternoons, long, long rides! I spent my money on magazines and electronics fashion mostly. Worn out by your entire ignorance of my existence, I determined to end the matter one way or the other, and after a long struggle with myself I accepted you under this dear old tree here. You never knew before, did you? And he starts in on how hes just this total fuck up and maybe he should just throw himself off the roof. Bores you?! . The moment their eyes met, they fell in love. It is not the perfect, but the imperfect, who have need of love. So even though youve technically lost, youve really won. She accidentally killed herself. Now he just needs to convince her to tune the rest of the world out. I butter the mans toast, Elisa. I know how to open champagne with a sword. Ken: Its a wonderful age. I had my first beau at eleven. Marissa puts her clothes on, and she goes back down through the window, back into the party. Cooking for all you nice people has really helped me get over the fact that I fought in the Vietnam War. They matter a great deal. That you will just stand still. She decided to walk into a busy cycle lane wanting to get tangled in a bike. Im nuts, you know, Im really crazy. Then its over. Juno: But if farts were flattery, honey he would be Shakespeare. And now what is there before me but public disgrace, ruin, terrible shame, the mockery of the world, a lonely dishonoured life, a lonely dishonoured death, it may be, some day? We regret that we are unable to provide specific monologue suggestions, as our time and staff are limited, and we feel that it's always best for you to read through our selections and find the piece that best fits you. THE BELLES OF THE MILL 20 Dramatic Monologues For Women From Tv-Shows 1. "Yes, you're right. Im sorry to do this to you, but I was afraid Id never get the chance to tell you. This depression monologue is from a play called The Darkness, and it describes well how someone with depression might feel about being lost in their negative thoughts. What wicked and dissembling glass of mine [Looks about room and approaches the writing-table.] Well maybe. Im a genius. But thats not the worst bit, Stephen. Contemporary Monologues for Teenagers: Female by Trilby James ISBN: 9781788501415 Publication Date: 2019 National Youth Theatre monologues : 75 speeches for auditions by Michael Bryher ISBN: 178850075X Publication Date: 2018 Stuffed in a box like that, I mean youd be in there for ever. Unrequited passion, of course. Upgraded. Young women need the Prom. Looking for a great comedic monologue? I confess Im, in no small part, to blame for all the gossip that has turned my varsity letter scarlet. And you know what Im gonna get her back. "Funny Little Fussy Face" monologue for female, "Guardians of the Wallet" monologue for male actor, "Better World Tomorrow" - comedy monologue for male, "Trying to Escape" - comedy monologue for female, "Helping these girls is like trying to grow flowers in the desert and that ain't easy." 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