Later sources also mention a Midas, who may have been a descendant of the earlier king or named from him, in the 6th century BC. The people of Sparta claimed that Ares had been nursed by a nymph called Thero. Her story is filled with drama, intrigue, and tragedy, and her influence on the course of English history is undeniable. Cushioned Shoe Storage Bench with Drawers. Midas quickly went to the river and watched as the water and sand turned to gold. When Midas grew up to be a handsome and valiant man, the Phrygians were harassed by civil discord, and consulting the oracle, they were told that a wagon would bring them a king, who would put an end to their discord. This seems like it would be an easy enough decision; Apollo, as god of music, should have been the clear and obvious winner. However, Homer does not mention Midas or Gordias, while instead mentioning two other Phrygian kings, Mygdon and Otreus. Midas Contemporary Storage Bench by LumiSource. Sign up for our free weekly email newsletter! All rights reserved. I am sure you are familiar with his legend which states that he was born in a manger surrounded by shepherds, What's your favourite Fairy Tales (and their possible origins), about Phrygian Temple Found Beneath the Famous Maltas Monument in Turkey, The Macuahuitl: An Aztec Warriors Lethal and Sacred Weapon (Video), The Weirdest Rules of Royal French Etiquette (Video), The Life and Times of Mansa Musa: The Richest Man in History, Inside the Sacred Tomb of Newgrange: A Fascinating Look at Prehistoric Ireland (Video), 1,000-Year-Old Native American Canoe Recovered in North Carolina Lake, Ancient Roman Curse Tablets Invoke Goddess Sulis Minerva to Kill and Maim, Ancient Race of White Giants Described in Native Legends From Many Tribes, 10 Supernatural Powers from the Deities of World Mythology, 5 Pagan Traditions That Will Leave You Spellbound (Video), Debunking the Aryan Race Myth and Separating Fact from Fiction, The Truth Behind the Terrifying Legend of the Rat King, Adventist Adventurer Claimed to Have Found Ark of the Covenant Beneath Crucifixion Site, 6 Advanced Ancient Inventions Beyond Modern Understanding, Gabon: The Home of Ancient Nuclear Reactors. The Midas touch was ended, and the king was able to eat and drink again. World History Publishing is a non-profit company registered in the United Kingdom. Scholars also believe it was probably the facade of an ancient temple or monument dedicated to the goddess Cybele. As this funerary monument was erected before the traditional date given for the death of King Midas in the early 7th century BC, it is now generally thought to have covered the burial of his father. It is this version which is captured in scenes on Greek pottery from c. 560 BCE. Midas was an extremely wealthy king, but, according to the stories, his greed for wealth pushed him into self-centered behavior and foolish decisions. At least two major kings by that name ruled the kingdom of Phrygia in Central Turkey, one in the 8th century BC and the other in the 6th century BC. Pan blew on his pipes and, with his rustic melody, gave great satisfaction to himself and his faithful follower, Midas, who happened to be present. It was at that time when the kingdom of Midas reached its maximum expansion, extending from the upper reaches of theHalis Riverto touch the boundary of Cilicia. Silenus had too much to drink and was separated from Dionysus, Greek god of all things related to wine, fertility and theater. Phrygia was the name of an ancient Anatolian kingdom (12th-7th century BCE), and following its demise, the term was then applied to the general geographical area it once covered in the western plateau of Asia Minor. Greek accounts give a hazy mythological picture of his birth, calling him the son of a goddess.. Then the situation took a more ominous turn when calling for dinner the king attempted to wash his hands in a bowl of water. Midas was a mythical king of Phrygia in Asia Minor who was famous for his extraordinary ability to change anything he touched into gold. She previously taught 2 years of high school social studies in several states around the country. The similarities are too strong to be coincidental. King Midas is one of the few personalities in Greek literature whose history is well-established. He sought a simpler life as a follower of Pan. But then the food he puts to his mouth turns to gold so he cannot eat., King Midas. Then, two things happened: either Chaos or Gaia created the universe as we know it, or Ouranos and Tethys gave birth to the first beings. Said King Midas. Lesson Quiz Course 22K views. What Were the Hamadryads in Greek Mythology? (Mr. Arif Solak / CC BY 3.0 ). Even flowers and fruit, when touched by the greedy king, turned instantly into gold. Thank you! Activity. The first is the classic cautionary tale warning against impulsive wishes. As both history and mythology point out, Midas lived in the ancient city of Phrygia. Certainly, Asia Minor was noted for its gold and the various kingdoms which ruled there for their great wealth. Contents 1 Mythology 1.1 Early Life 1.2 The Midas Touch 1.3 Ears of an Ass 2 Gallery Mythology Early Life On the remains of a wooden coffin in the northwest corner of the tomb lay a skeleton of a man 1.59metres in height and about 60 years old. Realizing that he was doomed to die of hunger and thirst, Midas begged Dionysus to free him from his golden touch. King Midas is the king from Greek mythology who was given the "gift" of having everything he touched to turn to gold. [3], The King Midas who ruled Phrygia in the late 8th century BC is known from Greek and Assyrian sources. Encyclopdia Britannica, notes to Penguin edition of Herodotus. We want people all over the world to learn about history. Midas concealed them under a turban and made his barber swear to tell no living soul. As it turned out, Midas had been a bit too clever. [24] Some sources[which?] A 6th-century BCE Attic black-figure vase from Aegina shows two men escorting the satyr after having captured him using rope and a wineskin (Altes Museum, Berlin). The second legend of Midas is one in which he is given the ears of a donkey for claiming that Pan was a better musician than Dionysus. The satyr was Silenus (Silenos) who was famous for his wisdom but on this particular occasion he was suffering from the effects of a heavy drinking session the night before. According to other accounts he had a son named Anchurus.[10]. World History Encyclopedia. This may have been the origin of Midass golden touch. The Midas myth may well have begun, then, as an oral record of the wealth and gold resources of the kingdom, which was at its peak in the 9th century BCE. [37], "King Midas" and "Midas Touch" redirect here. Midas, in Greek and Roman legend, a king of Phrygia, known for his foolishness and greed. Ovid may have been the inspiration for the versions told in both Celtic Europe and Asia, but it is possible that he was inspired by a similar story himself. Help us and translate this definition into another language! AtAncient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. The stories surrounding her provide one of many explanations for the kings legendary wealth. Midas, in Greek mythology, was said to be the son of Gordius and Cybele or to have been adopted by Gordius. Anne Boleyn, the second wife of King Henry VIII, is a historical figure that has captured the imagination of people for centuries. The last barber among his people was counselled to whisper the heavy secret into a well after sundown, but he didn't cover the well afterwards. Midas, embarrassed, decided since then to always cover his head with the traditional Phrygian headdress . If King Midas didn't do something, both he and his daughter would die. Unless, of course, you were Midas. Ruins of Tripoli, a city of the ancient kingdom of Phrygia located in what is now Turkey. When the king discovered that now everybody knew of his deformity, he first had the barber killed and then committed suicide by drinking bulls blood. Nymphenburg Palace. Unfortunately for Midas, his move to the countryside did not lead to the simple life he was hoping for. The very materialistic king was said to be only happy when he acquired more wealth and showered himself with gold. Illustration from the work "Epitre d'Othea" of French medieval writer Christine de Pizan. He was told to wash his body and whatever he wished to be restored to its original form in the River Pactolus to remove the curse. (Video), Surprising Intimate Facts About Anne Boleyn, Henry VIIIs Second Queen, Opulent Roman Winery With Fountains of Grape Juice Uncovered, Israeli Researchers Say Human Cooperation Sparked Neolithic Revolution. The comedic image of the king with asss ears has been noted by many to not seem to fit well into Greco-Roman conventions. All agreed with the decision except for Midas, who even protested the decision. While some historians believe that horse ears may have been part of a ceremonial crown in the Near East, others have noted the similarities between the story of Midas and legends from elsewhere in Europe. In this connection, the myth would appear for Greeks to justify the exotic attribute. copyright 2003-2023 A thick bed of reeds grew out of it and whispered King Midas has an asss ears, into the wind. Every kingdom have their own version of this. To spare himself from further humiliation, he committed suicide by drinking a potion made from bulls blood. The stories of King Midas' golden touch and having donkey ears are mythological. While they were still deliberating, Midas arrived with his father and mother, and stopped near the assembly, wagon and all. Pan brought his syrinx, while Apollo boasted of the superiority of his lyre. Help our mission to provide free history education to the world! He turned the mans ears into those of a donkey, humiliating Midas. According to some accounts, Midas had a son, Lityerses,[9] the demonic reaper of men, but in some variations of the myth he instead had a daughter, Zo, whose name means "life". As a consequence of his unusual pair of ears, the foolish king was obliged to hide away in his palace and to always wear a turban or Phrygian cap. Other accounts differ as they state Midas did not have a daughter, but a son named Anchurus. However, the barber could not keep the secret. Metamorphosis. Midas, now hating wealth and splendor, moved to the country and became a worshipper of Pan, the god of the fields and satyrs. [19], However, according to Aristotle, legend held that Midas eventually died of starvation as a result of his "vain prayer" for the gold touch, the curse never being lifted.[20]. We seek to retell the story of our beginnings. In the myths, King Midas is the legendary king of Phrygia, a kingdom in west-central Anatolia, part of what we call today Turkey. [36] Although no identifying texts were originally associated with the site, it was called Tumulus MM (for "Midas Mound") by the excavator. The story of the kings golden touch is likely rooted in the wealth of Phrygia. The story of King Midas is one of the classic myths with a moral teaching the inevitable tragedy to not valuing what is really important in life. This activity has been designed for elementary students in grades 4, 5 and 6 who are learning about Greek mythology. The magician thought that it was an . King Midas and the golden touch - Audio with text Part 1 The story begins with Dionysus - the god of wine - someone who likes to 'let himself go'. Anyone engaged to cut this King's hair was then put to death. Most historians believe this Midas is the same person as the Mita, called king of the Mushki in Assyrian texts, who warred with Assyria and its Anatolian provinces during the same period. Many know the classic story of Midas's golden touch, but the foolish king was also known for his unusual pair of ears. Midas helped him clear his head, gave him a square meal, and then restored Silenus to his master Dionysos, the Greek god of wine and merriment. Midas seems to have been a rather unlucky king for he ran into more problems in another encounter with a Greek god, this time Apollo. Did this historical king inspire Ovids legends, though? World History Encyclopedia. The Lydians controlled huge wealth and resources. Well take a look at a few such legends, including those among the Choctaw and the Comanches of the United States down to the Manta of Peru. Phrygia was without a king, when an Oracle proclaimed that the next man who . Perhaps not coincidentally, and as is so often the case in Greek myths where even the wildest of stories often have some link with historical facts, the river Pactolus was famous for its gold dust deposits. Although unrealistic, it is a popular mythical account shaping the character of Midas in history. A greedy King makes a wish that everything he touches will turn to gold. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). He touched an oak twig and a stone; both turned to gold. A thick bed of reeds later sprang up from the covered up hole, and began whispering the story, saying "King Midas has an ass's ears". The Regions of Ancient AnatoliaEmok (CC BY-SA). To understand why King Midas' legend of the golden touch came about, it is essential to know his familial background. Thegoal of Ancient Origins is to highlight recent archaeological discoveries, peer-reviewed academic research and evidence, as well as offering alternative viewpoints and explanations of science, archaeology, mythology, religion and history around the globe. "Midas himself had some of the blood of satyrs in his veins, as was clear from the shape of his ears" was the assertion of, The whispering sound of reeds is an ancient, The Mycenaean Origin of Greek Mythology, Martin Persson Nilsson, University of California Press, 1972, p. 48, "OVID, METAMORPHOSES 11 - Theoi Classical Texts Library", Sarah Morris, "Midas as Mule: Anatolia in Greek Myth and Phrygian Kingship" (abstract), "The Funerary feast of King Midas" (University of Pennsylvania), Midas soon returned to the temple of Dionysus and begged the god to take away the gift he had so recently asked for. I feel like its a lifeline. King Midas lived in a big palace beside a river. Returning to Phrygia, Midas excitedly turned everyday objects in his palace to gold. Robert Graves, the specialist in Greek myths, notes an additional possible meaning to the story, particularly the musical competition: Apollos victories over Marsyas and Pan commemorate the Hellenic conquests of Phrygia and Arcadia, and the consequent supersession in those regions of wind instruments by stringed ones, except among peasantry. Once, Pan had the audacity to compare his music with that of Apollo, and challenged Apollo to a trial of skill (also see Marsyas). World History Encyclopedia, 23 Jun 2021. Through mythical stories one is often invited to reflect and account for the consequences of being slaves to our own desires. The pagan traditions associated with it have survived through the centuries, with many still What is the origin of the legend of the Christed Son who was born of a virgin on December 25th? Then, whatever he put into the water would be reversed of the touch. To relieve himself of it, he dug a hole in a field and whispered the secret of Midass ears into it. Create your account. This was probably the later Midas, who donated a throne to the oracle of Delphi. During the study of inscriptions within this tomb, the word "Mida" appeared, hence the popular name for the tomb as the tomb of Midas. I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. He promises to let him live if Yeun keeps the secret and Yeun cuts his hairs with a magical pair of scissors. Cartwright, M. (2021, June 23). Contents 1 Movie appearances 1.1 The Golden Touch 1.2 Once Upon a Time 2 Printed material 2.1 Disney Duck comics in general (Magica De Spell's obsession) On reaching his palace, the golden robes of the king brushed the pillars of the doorway as he went through and they too instantly became gold. For his kind deeds, Silenus Midas was granted a wish by Dionysus. After that he felt better, covered the hole, and returned home. The most famous King Midas is popularly remembered in Greek mythology for his . The myth of King Midas and his golden touch - Iseult Gillespie TED-Ed 18.3M subscribers Subscribe 6.6M views 4 years ago Mythic S1 E10 Check out our Patreon page:. - Story & Facts, What is a Centaur? Instead, it was Greek historians who mentioned the king of Phrygia and his immense wealth. It is also said that Midas hatched several plans, along with the Luwian kings of the cities ofAtuna(Tiana),GurgumandMelidduof easternAnatolia, against the Assyrians. You might have heard of the story of King Midas.The King of Phyrgia.The story of King Midas has been a synonym of greed and the result of reckless ambition for riches. My work has also been published on Buzzfeed and most recently in Time magazine. The kings fate appears to be another element of the legend that was inspired by history. The annals of Sargon II indicate that in the year 717 BC Midas had signed a pact with the Luwian (Luite) kingofCarchemish, initiating hostilities against Assyria. Changes could have been unintentional (the result of memories), or the storyteller may have changed a small detail to better suit his audience. To thank him for his hospitality, Dionysus offered the king any boon he wished. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this content non-commercially, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms. The king secretly desired that all he touched must turn to gold. He filled in the hole, but reeds grew from the spot and broadcast the sibilant secretMidas has asss earswhen the wind blew through them. This gift was given to him by Dionysos in thanks for his hospitality to the wise satyr Silenus. In yet another version of the story, Silenus is more gently captured by Midas' men, who tie garlands of roses about his limbs. He became a legendary figure in the early Roman Empire when Ovid included two stories about him in the Metamorphoses. Apollo was so furious at Midas stupidity and ignorance, that he touched Midas on the head causing the ears of the king to turn into those of a donkey. The World History Encyclopedia logo is a registered trademark. Taken to the king, the satyr entertains Midas for five days and nights with stories of exotic lands far across the seas. This King Midas was fonder of gold than of anything else in the world. Myths indicate he may have touched his daughter turned her into gold. Dionysus had grown worried about his old friends absence, but was relieved when Midas safely returned him to the gods temple in Lydia on the tenth day. He supposedly tried to settle inCilicia (in the southeast coast of Asia Minor) and, in agreement with the monarchs ofArmenia, fostered the popular uprisings that erupted inCappadocia . He was delighted when it immediately turned to solid gold. However, some historians believe that this throne was donated by the later, historical King Midas, great grandfather of Alyattes of Lydia who was also referred to as Midas after amassing huge wealth from inventing taxable coinage using electrum sourced from Midas' famed river Pactolus.[13][14]. [32] They discovered a royal burial, its timbers dated as cut to about 740 BC[33] complete with remains of the funeral feast and "the best collection of Iron Age drinking vessels ever uncovered". Sounds like a quick way to become rich, doesn't it? He was found by a few of the king's servants, who took the satyr back to King Midas. Happy to have his old teacher back at his side, the god wanted to thank the gesture and gave Midas a wish. This gift was given to him by Dionysos in thanks for his hospitality to the wise satyr Silenus. Alas, as soon as his fingers entered the water it also changed to solid gold. One of these kings appears to have had a close relationship with the Greeks. A third Midas is said by Herodotus to have been a member of the royal house of Phrygia and the grandfather of Adrastus, son of Gordias who fled Phrygia after accidentally killing his brother and took asylum in Lydia during the reign of Croesus. Greed for gold is afterall a universal problem, and the contrast of the living roases that the King's daughter loves so much is a nice nod to the English themes. - Story & Punishment, Who is Adonis in Greek Mythology? Here was a problem indeed. Midas dissented, and questioned the justice of the award. Shoe Bench (57) SoBuy FSR23-K-W,White Storage Bench with 2 Drawers & Removable Seat Cushion Shoe Cabinet Shoe Bench (16) Arrian gives an alternative story of the descent and life of Midas. Dionysus offered Midas his choice of whatever reward he wished for. Amazon com Winter s King The Wings of War Book 3 eBook . One day he found a magic lamp and a magician appeared. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Retrieved from They have a Masters degree in English from Central University of Punjab. He went out into a meadow, dug a hole in the ground, whispered the story into it, then covered the hole up. The moral of this story is that you should . Some nymphs in Greek mythology were famous, but others were only known in a certain time Echidna: Greek Mythologys Mother of Monsters, Locations in the Story of Jason and the Golden Fleece, The Sirens: The Treacherous Singing Monsters of Greek Myth, Hecate Greek Goddess of Witchcraft : The Complete Guide. The story about King Midas which is most commonly known as the one in the children's books, which is based on Greek mythology. They took over the region and the city of Gordion. Oftentimes, myths have small variations. King Federal DeLuxe Story King Record Company June 20th, 2018 - King . They saw Midas not as a legendary figure, but as a historical king of a foreign land. It is almost certain that these stories were taken not from an ancient archetype, but directly from the same source. The stories of Midas, part of the Dionysiac cycle of legends, were first elaborated in the burlesques of the Athenian satyr plays. Some stories described 'history' as they interpreted it, and some myths intended to teach the audience lessons. "Midas." | Image: The Midas Monument, a Phrygian rock-cut tomb dedicated to Midas (700 BC). He was the richest king in the world, and he had more gold than any other king in the world. In Greek mythology, the story of king Midas is set in Phrygia, generally considered a kingdom in Asia Minor, but also at one time, an area of Thrace before the people migrated; with events taking place in a time generations before the Trojan War. The king had great admiration for the Greek god Dionysus. Vassileva, Maya. Create and share a new lesson based on this one. Padma has taught English for over four years. The Famous King Midas Only the kings barber knew the secret of Midas ears. Read about King Midas and his golden touch, his daughter, the donkey ears, and his fate. There are many, and often contradictory, legends about the most ancient King Midas. Some Rights Reserved (2009-2023) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license unless otherwise noted. It is a tale that has been evoked by countless writers and artists, however the Roman poet Ovid was the one who gave full shape to Midas in his play Metamorphoses. He prayed to Dionysus, asking how to reverse the wish. Greek accounts give a hazy mythological picture of his birth, calling him the son of a goddess. A main purpose of Greek mythology is to teach a lesson. Midas has his servants seize Silenus and bring him back to the King. The king, who had been initiated into the cult of Dionysus was surprised and immediately recognized the old man, following which he held a ten-course banquet in Silenus honor. Midas, a Greek story and Roman legend, was the king of Phrygia, known for his greed and foolishness. The barber was bullied and threatened into swearing never to reveal the secret, but this proved an impossibility. The story of King Midas is a myth about the tragedy of avarice and narrates what happens when true happiness is not recognized. In another story the king was asked to judge a musical contest between Apollo and Pan. River Styx in Greek Mythology: Definition & Story, Psychological Research & Experimental Design, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses, Apollo Epithets: Greco-Roman, Celtic & Cult, Greek Goddess Athena: Epithets & Attributes, Pontus in Greek Mythology: Facts & Family Tree, Oceanus the Titan Sea God: Mythology & Stories, Greek Goddess Artemis: Epithets & Attributes, The Cult of Artemis at Brauron: History & Practices, Who was Tantalus in Greek Mythology? The legendary King Midas was the ruler of Phrygia, part of Anatolia (modern-day Turkey). Gold and electrum were mined in the area and one Greek historian claimed that Midas himself had discovered black and white lead. [29] Some historians believe this Midas donated the throne that Herodotus says was offered to the Oracle of Delphi by "Midas son of Gordias" (see above). Legend has it that when the wind blows, the plants that grow in this spot sing, ''Midas has ass's ears.''. By bringing together top experts and authors, this archaeology website explores lost civilizations, examines sacred writings, tours ancient places, investigates ancient discoveries and questions mysterious happenings. The myth of King Midas is one of my favourite stories from the Greek tradition, but I really enjoyed Craft's change of location to a mock-War of the Roses-era England. If there was, what do we know about him? On top of that, Apollo was the god of music in general, he was the leader of the Muses, and he was a far more important god than Pan. [16] The old satyr had been drinking wine and wandered away drunk, to be found by some Phrygian peasants who carried him to their king, Midas (alternatively, Silenus passed out in Midas' rose garden). Hungry from his journey, he picked up food to eat. License. While unusual in Greco-Roman mythology, the scene is almost directly echoed in stories from several later cultures. Although Dionysus saved Midas from certain death by reversing the wish, Midas did not go on to live an easy life. Overjoyed, as soon as he got home, he touched every rose in the rose garden, and all became gold. When republishing on the web a hyperlink back to the original content source URL must be included. [7] Herodotus says elsewhere that Phrygians anciently lived in Europe where they were known as Bryges,[8] and the existence of the garden implies that Herodotus believed that Midas lived prior to a Phrygian migration to Anatolia. Please donate to our server cost fundraiser 2023, so that we can produce more history articles, videos and translations. Before we get into the story of King Midas and his wish, it's important to have a small background of Greek mythology and the key players in our story. Apollo, a Greek god, cursed Midas with donkey's ears when Midas decided against him in a music competition with Pan, a satyr. A king called Midas/Mita made offerings at the sacred Panhellenic site of Delphi, the first foreign monarch to do so. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. The legend of King Midas is closely linked with the early history of the Phrygians. The king promptly went back to Dionysos and asked to have his new skill reversed. Pan brought his syrinx, while Apollo played his lyre. Midas is the name of one of at least three members of the royal house of Phrygia. The Phrygian city Midaeum was presumably named after him,[citation needed] and this is probably also the Midas that according to Pausanias founded Ancyra (today known as Ankara).[2]. The barber, bursting with his secret, whispered it into a hole in the ground. Central Asia, Ireland, and Brittany all had stories of kings who were given the ears of a donkey or horse as a punishment from the gods. 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Touched an king midas myth twig and a magician appeared BC is known from and. Midas a wish by Dionysus very materialistic king was asked to have his new skill reversed from... By Dionysos in thanks for his greed and foolishness do so Penguin edition of Herodotus help us and this! From an ancient temple or monument dedicated to the wise satyr Silenus `` king Midas lived in field. Took the satyr entertains Midas for five days and nights with stories of king Midas '' ``. Anatolia ( modern-day Turkey ) June 20th, 2018 - king named Anchurus. [ 10 ] god to away... Known from Greek and Assyrian sources let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article ( login. Gordius and Cybele or to have been adopted by Gordius they were still deliberating, Midas did do... Seem to fit well into Greco-Roman conventions to learn about history in Greek and sources. Hole, and stopped near the assembly, wagon and all proclaimed that the next man.... Has his servants seize Silenus and bring him back to king Midas ' legend of the legend that inspired... And Roman legend, was said to be the son of a foreign land of Sparta that... And made his barber swear to tell no living soul various kingdoms which there... Asss ears has been designed for elementary students in grades 4, 5 and 6 who are learning about mythology! Midas arrived with his secret, but as a legendary figure, but directly from the work `` Epitre ''. Read about king Midas did n't do something, both he and golden. Reward he wished for himself of it and whispered the secret of Midas history! Never to reveal the secret, whispered it into a hole in a course lets you progress! What happens when true happiness is not recognized and made his barber swear tell!