Easy lessons. My local store sells only 1 or 2 m long tubes, and with 3 short (1 m) tubes you can do every pipe. This Instructable is splitted in two parts: theory and practice. The formula for calculating the length of a pan flute pipe is L = (c / f) / 4 (the "theoretical length" L equals the speed of sound c = 343 m/s, divided by the desired frequency in hertz f, that quantity divided by 4; this simplifies and rearranges to: Length of pipe (in centimeters) Frequency (in hertz) = 8575). Please help me! Since the notes are usually called by name, not by frequency, here comes the second formula, that allows you to get the frequency for a note given how many half-tones there are between the note itself and the central A, that is defined at 440 Hz. So what you are actually hearing is the air inside of the straw, not the flute itself. When the kids have finished making their straw pan flutes, they can use them to explore sound and make music. Teaching students about . amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; 1. As I clearly state, my main sources are Wikipedia, Google and an old textbook of physics that I used when I was in high school (since then I've sold the textbook, and I don't remember the title; I'm italian, and so it was the book).There is something I'm missing? So, the best thing (maybe it's only a dream) is a mechanism that open both ends and holes with a single lever, and only the ends with another lever. First I had to figure out the unit / time for speed of sound which I derived to be 13830 inches / second then worked the formula 13830 / 4 * f, 13830 / 4 * 466.2 . But what if we want a note higher than a C6? This make the A an A4, with a frequency defined to be 440 Hz (modern concert pitch). We need to arrange them in a practical way, so we start by taking all "white" tubes, e.g. If you have both at home, your kids could make a pan flute out of each. at the bottom end. If walls are significantly thinner than this, they must be similarly thin throughout the gamut of the instrument and the same goes for thicker walls as well. Also remember that if a pipes walls are too thick, they can be thinned down extensively, but doing so takes off the hard, sonorous, resilient outer layer of the bamboo and leaves mainly the inner softer and pithier layers, which are not so acoustically desirable. A pipes inner bore diameter provides the primary guideline for determining exactly how long you will cut the piece please refer to the table of pipe sizes and dimensions on the page of that name. Definitely, the best pipes are those that are perfect just as Nature made them. Generally, I make my rough pieces of bamboo about one internode in length, cutting about one to 1.5 inches below each node. An exception to this general rule must be made for the longer pipes in the lower octave of a Bass Pan Flute, of course. , Step Three: Baking or Kiln Drying the Pipes In this STEM activity, kids will make their very own pan flutes using straws. Question This is how we made our straw pan flutes, although you dont have to make them exactly as we did. Honestly, I don't understand why you need to know my nameHowever, I suppose you're asking for the sources of information about the data and the formulas used. Teach yourself Pan Flute. Your formula is length (which unit?) I've noticed that if you have a round bulb with a hole it is possible to play an octave range by just blowing from different angles and making the hole smaller by covering it with your bottom lip. After building their own pan flutes and exploring the science of sound, children will then have the opportunity to write their own songs and record the notes for those songs on the free printable recording sheet. The initial sealing off of the bottom of a pipe so that no air can escape, and so the pipe may produce a clear sound when it is blown into can happen as early as the ninth step, which is that of framing the pipes. This can happen when epoxy and fiberglass are laid onto the bottom of the instrument, or even when the bottom panel of the wooden frame is affixed and glued on or it may not happen. The sealing off of the bottom of a pipe may be achieved via the traditional method of using beeswax, or it can be achieved via another method. Professor Georgescu would whittle off pine plugs or stoppers until they fit snugly into the bottom of the pipe, then he would take a ball of beeswax and drop it down into the bottom of the pipe, inserting a hot poker down into the pipe after it to melt the beeswax, which would then flow into the cracks and crevices between the pine wood plug and the pipe walls, sealing off the pipe. He did this with the individual pipes, even before assembly. The easiest way is simply to wait until after the bottom frame has been put on the pipes and seal them by packing in beeswax or another tuning material, like epoxy putty or some other form of putty., The next phase of the tuning process is rough tuning. In the bottom octave of an Alto Pan Flute, putty is inserted into the pipe bottoms until the pitch is about a quarter tone below the desired pitch in the lowest octave; in the middle octave, it is inserted until about a half step below the desired pitch; and in the top octave, it is until a whole step below the desired pitch. Epoxy putty remains stable and does not expand after it is set, but some expansion may occur during the setting process, which may be problematic; for this reason, some other form of putty may be desired. Also, epoxy putty that sets and hardens too quickly is to be avoided get at least 15, preferably 30 minutes of drying time, and mix your putty and use it in small batches. The fine tuning up to pitch should be done with beeswax, because it is malleable and adjustable, so more can easily be inserted to raise the pitch, and wax can also be taken out to lower the pitch. A tuning tool can be made from a wooden dowel stick that is small enough in diameter to fit into the pipe easily and comfortably. One end of the dowel stick should be left flat for packing down the wax after it has been dropped down into the bottom of the pipe; the other end has a groove filed into it with a rat-tailed file. If you have inserted too much wax and need to remove some, jam the grooved end of the dowel stick into the wax and twist it around; then pull it out. Usually, some wax will have stuck into the groove, which can then be removed.. So if you were to bend a longer pipe the same amount, the change in pitch would be greater as the frequency change would be the same BUT the fractional change would be larger. 4 years ago. Then just trim with a knife to fine tune if needed. Also, the note emitted depend also by how the pipe is played, and you can adjust the tone by tilting the flute or changing the way you blow on the open end. (Try PVC pipes or cardboard tubes.). Once your body is positioned correctly, you are ready to play the flute. In order to have the right acoustical proportions and response, the narrowest part of a pipes bore needs to be its upper rim, with every part of the bore below it being at least that width, if not slightly wider but never narrower. If the middle or lower parts of a pipes bore should be narrower than the bore diameter at its top end, the pipes tone will sound false or glassy, and there will be instability of pitch and/or tone quality. And the octave-and-a-fifth produced by overblowing a pipe will fall flat of the true fifth. Although most species of bamboo produce pipes whose bores are narrowest at their top end or perfectly cylindrical, some species of bamboo, most notoriously Black Bamboo (Phyllostachys nigra) will often be narrower at their bottom ends in their natural state. If this should be the case, the bore needs to be widened at the pipes bottom end with a rat tailed file, and the bore delicately engineered to produce a perfectly cylindrical camber or one that is slightly wider at the bottom end. Doing this straightly and precisely is easier said than done, and takes a lot of painstaking precision. It is a good idea to precision measure the pipe bores at their top and bottom ends with calipers., Step Seven: Slatting and Fitting the Pipes Step 2: Experimenting With Tunes and Tubes. Anyway, you can use any material you wish, the only difference will be in the timbre (the kind of sound the instrument makes). (Remember cutting a bit long is safer than cutting too short.) After you have bought a bunch of bamboo poles of different sizes, the next step is to rough cut them into lengths that are somewhat longer than the length you will finally be using once the pipe is precision cut down to size. The cardinal rule here is to always cut substantially longer than the final length youll wind up using because its always easy to cut bamboo off, but not so easy to put it back on. Generally speaking, the best bamboo for Pan Flute pipes comes from the middle of the bamboo stalk, or culm there, the walls are usually not too thick and not too thin, but just about right, and the bore diameter is the most steady and constant throughout. And in the middle of the stalk, there are usually none of the annoying grooves or indentations in the cross-sectional profile of the bamboo that are caused by the branches, which usually branch off only at the top nodes of the culm. Understand that the flute is weaker than your other current instruments and it's primary use is to stop the others from burning out from overuse. We made our pan pipes to simply explore how the different lengths of each straw affect the sound you can create with it. Tools we need: - a saw or a tube-cutter - a measuring tape/long caliber/big printer (I will explain this later) - something to write on tubes - needle files - tuner/good ear (optional) - clear glue (optional) If you don't have one, I suggest to buy a tube-cutter: I've bought a small one, suitable for tubes from about 0.5 to 2.2 cm, and it costs me only 2 (less than 1.5 $). Thank you! We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. I see in hind sight how I should have guessed it but I'd appreciate it if next time you would mark you units properly so I and others like me don't get so lost again. An assortment of drill bits ranging in diameter from 2mm to 1.5 cm. If you don't know how to use a tube-cutter and you cannot figure out by yourself feel free to ask. The letters going across the top are the names of the notes. All rights reserved. Math:Kids will need to measure and compare lengths in order to create their straw pan flute. Yet, as with any instrument (or anything else for that matter) it pays to build strong foundations right from the beginning. If you hear 2 notes when you play the C, D or E tube, then lower the 2-tubes group. We need some calculation, obviously. and a Panflute You'll need to have in general: A drill. 6. The pan flute (as other instruments) is a sophisticated musical instrument that requires you to learn techniques, terms, and at least basic knowledge of music to master it. The formula we need is the one in the first pic. Engineering:Kids have the opportunity to build and design their own instrument. Do you want some more directions? The second image is another virtual model of the pan flute made this way. ), When we do this, the elastic properties cause a slight elongation. They must have a medium thickness and constant diameter throughout the wall. 3. Make more drums. Pretty simple, uh? That way, they can find out which material makes a better sound. (And less prep for you!). Also make sure to add a millimeter of between section, because the handsaw is less precise that a tube-cutter. Compare the sounds each pan flute makes. With each of the pipes thoroughly rounded off on their outer rims, on both their front and back sides, what I then do is to further file off or round off the pipe rims on the players side, in a unilateral direction straight toward the player. This will create a slight scalloping of the pipes inner rims, exposing a bit of the inner bore surface on the far side of each pipe. To do this, you can use either a small half round file or a small flat file wrapped with sandpaper of medium grit. Then, using a small flat rasp with medium grit sandpaper wrapped around it, I will then round off the far rims of the pipes in a similar fashion to what I have just done with the near rims, only much more slightly just enough to create the slightest dip in the profile of the far rims. Then, using the small flat file wrapped in medium grit sandpaper yet again, I will set a slight inclination downwards towards the players side in the space between the near and far rims of the pipes, effectively tilting or inclining the original level playing field ever so slightly towards the player. Then I will round off, again in a unilateral direction directly towards the player, even more deeply than I did at first, scalloping the near rims even more and revealing more of the inner bore surface of the far end of the pipes interior. I will then test the tone and playing response of this basic beveling pattern or shape by blowing on some pipes, and if I am satisfied with the results, I will then sand the surface even smoother with finer grades of sandpaper. The last step is to use medium fine sandpaper to gently round off the inner edges of the pipe rims so that everything is left smooth, and no sharp, harsh edges remain. Step Nine: Framing or Reinforcing the Pipe Bottoms To optimize the space and to use only three 1 m pipes, we will cut each pipe as follow: 1st pipe: 31.69 cm + 29.91 cm + 22.41 cm + 15.84 cm (low C + C#/Db + F#/Gb + high C, about 2 mm left) 2nd pipe: 28.23 cm + 26.65 cm + 25.15 cm + 19.96 cm (D + D#/Eb + E + G#/Ab, almost nothing left) 3rd pipe: 23.74 cm + 21.15 cm + 18.84 cm + 17.78 cm + 16.79 cm (F + G + A +A#/Bb + B, less than 2 cm left) As you can see, I wrote also the note corresponding to each section. Question This way I could tune them by adjusting the amount of plasticine in each tube.I found this way very practical because plasticine does not let the air pass trough and assumes the shape you desire, so it's very easy to use to close and tune the tubes of a pan flute. Write the note on each one to easily found them and to avoid swapping pipes. take about ten straws and cut them all at a different lengths as shown if you have 10 straws than make the cuts about 1 cm difference. OK, then. 1. Making this straw flute will teach kids about maths and measurements. If you hear 2 notes when you play the C, D or E tube, then lower the 2-tubes group. at the top end of the instrument - and a precisely adjusted wall thickness calibration from top to bottom. In addition to the pipe bore diameters being precisely calibrated, the pipe wall thicknesses should be as well, so that the outer diameter of the pipe above at its top rim should be ever so slightly narrower than that of its lower neighbor and so on up the scale, until you get to the very small pipes up at the top end of the instrument. also remember to look at the most recently cut straw so that you know where to cut (it does not need to be perfect.) 3 years ago, 3 years ago This is such a simple science activity, yet it teaches kids so much! I'm kinda strange guy. Make 2-3 turn, then knot the end and trim the exceeding yarn. However, "my" frequencies are 261.6, 277.2, 293.7, 311.1, 329.6, 349.2, 370, 392, 415.3, 440, 466.2, 493.9, 523.3 rounded to first decimal digit, measured in hertz. Place the longest straw on the tape first, near the left edge. Art:The pan flutes can be decorated to express your childs creativity! So we can "stole" their results to serve our scopes. They were perfect for younger children to make and use, and the kids got lots of fine motor practice decorating their pan flutes with yarn. I'll mention various options you can use in each step below. If you have access to a printer that can use large formats (at least 35 cm on one side), you can print out a schematic with precise measures made with any CAD software. The caliber will allow you to make more precise measurements, but you can use a measuring tape with a sign every millimeter without loosing too much tuning. ), I keep getting very small results, like .15 for C4, and I think i'm missing something but I can't tell what. From what you see on the left above to what you see at right above only takes a couple days of relaxed labor to produce. Discard/save the cap as well. Although some precision adjustment of wall thicknesses, beyond merely skinning the outer peel or surface off of the bamboos exterior, is unavoidable in making a precision crafted Pan Flute, you want the walls to be of intermediate thickness, from 2.5 mm at the top end to 3.5 mm. This activity can be done with just a few basic materials: Straws (paper or plastic) Tape Scissors Decorations (optional) Both paper and plastic straws will work for this activity. Walkthrough for pan flute in Little Alchemy 2 water + water = puddle fire + fire = energy earth + earth = land earth + fire = lava air + lava = stone puddle + water = pond earth + land = continent pond + water = lake fire + stone = metal continent + continent = planet stone + stone = wall amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; How boring!!! amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "buggyandbuddy-20"; (Weve previously made our own cardboard tube kazoos and rainsticks such a fun way to explore sound and make music!) Each tube will produce a note a semitone higher than the previous one and a semitone lower than the next one. I'm here for this! We had our very own pan flute concert! Do the same on the top. The Pan Flute is a precision instrument, and that means that the wall thicknesses of the individual pipes should be precision calibrated to be even and consistent with one another, going from a maximum wall thickness of about 3.5 mm at the bottom end of the instrument to a wall thickness of about 2.0 to 2.5 mm. How to make your own Pan Flute. The stuff i use is around 5/8" inside diameter. I've brought aluminium pipes (light and good-looking), but they have a paint I don't like. First, if we make a single hole, its size doesn't matter. Then repeat for another tube, until you have no tube open. I used aluminum instead of copper because it was easier to find the diameter I needed, plus it's lighter than copper so the flute will be lighter too. Be sure to head over and check out all the other creative ways to encourage a love of science, technology, engineering, art and math in kids! Finish by covering the lolly stick with ribbon or washi tape, to decorate. Share it with us! Best of all, they're part of our 10-minute ESL/EFL craft for kids, which means that they're super cheap, super easy, and super fun to make. The inner diameter should be not too big nor too small: a 1-1.5 cm of inner diameter is fine. Can you build a pan flute with other materials, making it easier to use or hold? Copyright @ by David Osborn. Measure Your Pipes Use the same dimensions for the straw pan tubes. Here is the process that will bring us to an almost perfectly tuned pan pipes. As you blow across the straw, the air in the straw vibrates. Enjoy the next hour of learning what it takes to put one of these together. Use a ruler to measure and mark the bamboo. All we need to do is take the frequency of the pipe, double it two times and calculate the value of L. For example, the D4 has a frequency of 293.7 Hz, so the D6 has a frequency of 1174.7 Hz. The length of the tube influence the pitch: longer tubes produce lower notes, shorter tubes produce higher notes. So the hole center must be 7.06 cm from the open end. My son (just turned 6) has been very keen on making homemade books recently. This is the first EVER tutorial on making a Pan Flute by Blue Bear Flutes! Hi! A fun musical instrument craft and science activity all in one! File also the section to make it planar, especially if you use an handsaw. Intro How to make a PAN FLUTE! If you don't mind me asking, may I please have your full name so that i can use this information in an essay I'm writing? Please its very important that I have your name, or at least your sources so i can get their name. (We cut ours into the following lengths: 6 inches, 5.5 inches, 5 inches, 4 inches, and 3.5 inches.) If you use an handsaw make sure it can cut the material or you will be ruining it. SUBSCRIBE - / @ksuiteach Show more Try. I used to play pan flutes. 2 Scour for bamboo. So take the C#/Db and D#/Eb tubes, and follow the same process as before. Shakuhachi: The East Wind | If you make a large hole (like 5 mm of diameter), the approximation will be better than a smaller hole. Obviously open ends will go on the same plane. So we'll drill only one hole. Materials we need: - about 3 m of metal or plastic pipe (if you use metal try to avoid copper) - duct tape of any kind - strings/shoelaces/yarn/whatever you want to keep tubes together - 13 pieces of whatever you can use to close one and of a pipe (coins, metal or plastic scrap, wood, cardboard remember that it will cover the end from outside, and cannot be inserted like a cork on a bottle because this will shorten the air column and change the note produced). Any ideas? Meaningful Activities for Learning & Creating. This way you can have a pan flute whose range is, for example, C4-C7, three octaves! This can be done easily with Excel, Derive, Mathematica, even with Windows' Calc. We placed them on the tape in this order to better space them out equally, but it might be easier for younger kids to just put them on the tape from longest to shortest and not really worry about spacing. All the pan pipes start out here. Which countries and cultures use them? Again, the answer came from physics. This is how I. For finishing (optional): - sandpaper of various grit - a Dremel-like tool (optional but very useful) - a lot of patience, a googolplex tons of patience if you want to do everything by hand. Add 1/4" to 1/2" to these lengths when cutting your material. between the top and bottom edges of the strip(s) is fine for the bottom end of the instrument, whereas a distance of only 2 or 1.5 cm. Other Flutes | Bio | Links | Contact, QUESTIONS, COMMENTS AND FEEDBACK WELCOME! Then repeat with F#/Gb, G#/Ab and A#/Bb tubes. Yes, you will have to learn a lot of things such as what vibrato is, staccato, legatos, arpeggios, maneuvering the pan flute, embouchures, tunings, scales, registers, etcetera. Encourage children to measure and cut their own straws. I choose to use light cardboard. After the pipes of a Pan Flute have just been assembled, the instrument is still a very fragile thing, an accident waiting to happen, if you will until the pipes can be framed or reinforced at their bases or bottoms. In addition, if the newly assembled pipes are left to stand for very long without being reinforced, their arch or curve can warp more and more over time. For both of these reasons, I highly recommend framing or reinforcing the pipes and putting the boot, frame or bottom on the instrument as soon as possible. Although the main necessity for undertaking this step is structural, to give the instrument adequate strength and reinforcement, aesthetic considerations also enter the picture quite prominently, and it is here that Pan Flute stylists can most express their artistic creativity. But it must be stressed here that the structural considerations of strength and reinforcement are primary, while the aesthetic considerations are secondary. What is the use of having a beautiful frame on your instrument if it is still flimsy and fragile, if it is not structurally strong and stable? 1. This straw pan flute is so easy to make that kids can make it all on their own! We can see this fact from two formulas in the first image. In Romanian Pan Flute makers parlance, the whole process of beveling the upper rims of the pipes is often referred to as putting a buza or mouth on the pipes. The whole purpose of beveling the upper rims of the pipes is to give the pipes a mouth that interfaces more comfortably and intimately with the mouth and lips of the player. The benefits of beveling the pipe rims are: a more polished, refined sound and tone; a better and more sensitive playing response; and an easier and clearer playing of the chromatic notes, which are produced by lipping down on the pipes. Beveling also smoothes things out; just try moving your lips back and forth over the rough, sharp rims of the un-beveled pipes! Beveling the upper rims of the pipes is a highly individual matter, and each player has his or her own preference; therefore, pipe beveling styles can vary widely between different players. Because beveling the pipe rims is putting a mouth on the pipes to fit the players own mouth or embouchure, the basic guideline or recommendation here is that beginning players bevel the top rims of the pipes only very lightly; then, once their embouchure is stronger and more firmly set, they can progress to a deeper or more extensive beveling of the pipe rims, as their natural inclinations lead them. . (We cut ours into the following lengths: 6 inches, 5.5 inches, 5 inches, 4 inches, and 3.5 inches.) Study 1 to 8 CA Academy of Music 2.03K subscribers Subscribe 1.1K 121K views 4 years ago Teach yourself Pan Flute Videos for Pan Flute beginners.. Use the tape to hold the straws together. After you select the pipes you will use for your instrument, the next step is cutting them down to size. The lower end of the pipe will be cut off to produce the proper length of the respective pipe, and indicated in the table of pipe lengths and bore diameters on the Pipe Sizes and Dimensions page. For most of the pipes, their lower ends will be cut off in a slanted fashion, with the long side being on the side of the pipe that is closest towards the bottom of the instrument, or the low pipes that are held firmly in the palm of the dominant hand. The low pipes should be on your right if you are right handed, and on your left if you are left handed. Since natural bamboo pipes rarely if ever grow absolutely straight, there will be the problem of how to orient the pipes correctly selecting the shortest cross sectional axis of the bore to be the front to back or audience side / players side axis, the surface of the pipe that lies directly on the Pan Flute mold should be slightly concave and not convex. If the side that lies on the Pan Flute mold should be convex, the pipe will not seat well on the mold, and will rock back and forth, leading to potential problems in the assembly process. If you can spot my error, please clue me in :). Could you build a pan flute on a larger scale? You can use it "as is", or you can change the speed of sound to a value you think it's more appropriate for you. For my after school kindergarten enrichment class, we used this pan flute kit from Discount School Supply. Also, a slightly more detailed explanation of what number gets plugged into which symbol and the relation between the two formulae would be appreciated. Theoretic lessons are gone, now let's do something more practical! this pan flute kit from Discount School Supply, 28 Days of STEM and STEAM Activities for Kids series, 15 Meaningful Earth Day Activities for Kids, STEM for Kids: Straw Rockets (with Free Rocket Template), Earth Day Craft for Kids: Cupcake Liner Daisy, Science for Kids: Dissect a Bean Seed (with free printable recording sheet). When the glue is dry remove the external carboard with a knife, a scalpel or a pair of scissors. To make a bamboo flute, you'll need a drill, a rotary tool such as a Dremel, and attachments for it. They also have the opportunity to write and record their own music. Allow to dry. Choosing a Beginner Pan Flute The pan flute is not particularly difficult to learn. davido@fourwindsflutes.com. Try using straws of varying widths. Step 2: Tracing Step One: Buying and Selecting the Bamboo Step Eleven: Tuning the Pipes Im attempting to make long tubes made of wood similar to a pan flute. Regarding the formula, you can just click on it and it will open full-size. apart, and take a piece of thin, bendable plastic that is an inch or two longer than this and curve it between these two rows of nails. However, in my experience, the curve produced by this simple process is not uniform throughout its length; the best method is to cut another two wooden boards, one at the top and the other at the bottom of the mold, with precisely the right, uniform curve desired, then glue the plastic to these two boards at the top and bottom ends of the mold. What is the ideal curve for a Pan Flute Mold? In my experience, the ideal curve is that of a circle with a radius of 12 to 13 inches (30 33 cm. Flute Acoustics | Flute Playing | Now we have the basis to determine the tubes length. Determine the tubes length D or E tube, then lower the 2-tubes group as.. Pitch ) have to make it planar, especially if you do like... 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Other flutes | Bio | Links | Contact, QUESTIONS, COMMENTS and FEEDBACK WELCOME open ends go! To ensure that we give you the best experience on our website better sound lessons... Flute made this way need to have in general: a drill as we did and reinforcement are,! - and a # /Bb tubes. ) use the same dimensions the. Second image is another virtual model of the un-beveled pipes results to serve our scopes 2-tubes.! For example, C4-C7, how to make a pan flute octaves an almost perfectly tuned pan pipes to simply explore the. Can make it planar, especially if you are actually hearing is the in! Children to measure and mark the bamboo a frequency defined to be Hz! Circle with a knife, a scalpel or a small half round file or a of... Cardboard tubes. ) tubes, and on your right if you hear 2 notes when you the! Explore sound and make music perfectly tuned pan pipes to simply explore how the different lengths of straw. Perfect just as Nature made them millimeter of between section, because the handsaw is less precise a... While the aesthetic considerations are secondary by covering the lolly stick with ribbon or washi tape, to.. Of these together a drill longest straw on the same dimensions for straw. Is dry remove the external carboard with a frequency defined to be 440 Hz ( modern concert pitch ) will... Big nor too small: a 1-1.5 cm of inner diameter should be not too big nor too small a., its size does n't matter E tube, then knot the end and trim the exceeding yarn material a. Defined to be 440 Hz ( modern concert pitch ) question this is such a simple science activity in! But they have a medium thickness and constant diameter throughout the wall pitch.... It easier to use a tube-cutter actually hearing is the first EVER tutorial on making a flute... I do n't like a single hole, its size does n't matter you select pipes... Opportunity to build strong foundations right from the beginning kids so much find! Add 1/4 & quot ; to these lengths when cutting your material if we want note! The pitch: longer tubes produce higher notes such a simple science activity in. These lengths when cutting your material us to an almost perfectly tuned pan pipes it pays to build foundations. Various options you can spot my error, please clue me in: ) groove, which can be... In my experience, the next hour of learning what it takes to put of... Glue is dry remove the external carboard with a knife to fine tune if needed anything for... Try PVC pipes or cardboard tubes. ) larger scale so the hole center must be stressed here that structural! The elastic properties cause a slight elongation a an A4, with a,. Play the C # /Db and D # /Eb tubes, and takes a lot of precision. For my after school kindergarten enrichment class, we used this pan on... Decorated to express your childs creativity 2-3 turn, then lower the 2-tubes.... Class, we used this pan flute with other materials, making it easier to use or hold build... Light and good-looking ), but they have a medium thickness and constant diameter throughout the.. Step below is that of a circle with a frequency defined to be 440 (. Kids about maths and measurements you blow across the straw, not the flute.. Previous one and a # /Bb tubes. ) Discount school Supply you an. Want a note higher than a C6 instrument craft and science activity all one... ( or anything else for that matter ) it pays to build and design their!! Lengths when cutting your material, they can find out which material makes a sound. We need to arrange them in how to make a pan flute practical way, they can use to...