. A yellow diamond on its body represents a small skin that Bat received as a reward for helping depose the Gambler (a large and powerful deity). In South America among an ancient Mayan cult of the Quiche, located in the jungles of what is now Guatemala, Camazotz was a minor deity associated with bats. However, the nocturnal nature of the bat makes it, like the owl, a creature that has access to hidden knowledge and secret information, able to detect things in the hours of darkness that are not accessible to diurnal creatures. Various myths relate that bats in houses may bring bad luck, or portend that someone in the house will go insane, become blind, be missing the next day, that a letter with bad news will arrive, or that the people in the house will move. The bat is also symbol of communication because the Native Americans observed the bat to be a highly social creature. The Greek word aphros means "foam," and Hesiod relates in his Theogony that Aphrodite was born from the white foam produced by the severed genitals of Uranus (Heaven), after his son Cronus threw them into the sea. The Native American animal symbolism of the bat comes from a keen observation of this magnificent animal. They were then ashamed to meet the other birds and are now active only at night, returning to the temples in the daytime and praying to be turned back into birds. For instance, the goddess of witchcraft was associated with Artemis because the latter was the Greek god of hunting. A woman from California stated that if a pregnant woman sees a bat, her child will die. Called Nosferatu and directed by Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, it is arguably the most influential horror film ever made. Plutarch, Aelian, and Antoninus Liberalis, though with some differences in the detail, relate that Dionysus appeared to the sisters in the form of a maiden, and invited them to partake in the Dionysian Mysteries. With them originated the belief that the vampire entity could leave its body at will and travel about as an animal or even as flame or smoke. Also, we should appreciate that in earlier times, houses were much more than good investments and income tax breaks; they were a persons safe refuge from many very real dangers. For this reason, bats were revered for their special vision, and medicine people often invoked bat energy if they wanted to see clearer into a situation. Both have the ability to penetrate where ordinary beings cannot go. The animals then give teeth to the bat to make it more animal-like. Artemidorus proclaimed in the second century A.D. that dreaming about a bat foretells a lucky pregnancy because bat mothers take special care of their newborns. When you accomplish this, you will realize the profound rewards that come from having compassion for your fellow man and all of his follies through learning to love your own. The basic scenario is that, in a battle between the beasts and birds, the bat repeatedly changes allegiance so as to be on the side that appears to be winning. Both bats and tobacco are associated with shamans (native priests). Bats in a church during a wedding ceremony is a bad omen. A second option is that it came from the word Kawahari, which means skin is stretched between bones. When seen as human souls, bats are often imagined as souls of the dead, particularly souls of the damned, or those that are not yet at peace. During the Greco-Roman Age of Antiquity, the desire of the soul to be freed from earthly chains was expressed by the metaphor of winged animals: birds, butterflies and sometimes bats. Many sources listed them as birds, while some considered them rodents. At thisnot surprisinglyDionysus was angered and instead of a girl became a bull, then a lion, then a leopard. Seasonally, bats are tied to Halloween and this is because when the fall seasons bonfires were lit, it attracted thousands of insects which in turn attracted the bats for a feeding frenzy. Some say the early explorers of the Americas brought news of these bats back to the Old World in the 1550s, while others doubt that word of their existence reached The Continent until the early 19th century. I would like to share I website with you. The suggestion can be obscure, but furnishes enough information to be understood with concentration. God creates a bird; the devil attempts to imitate Gods creation, but ends up with a bat. Other myths are that bats in a house indicate the death of a parent or of a very good friend. In colonial North Carolina, eating roast bat was a recommended cure for children who ate dirt. else if (days == -1) Chinese art is rich with images of bats. Bldg. The wool of bat in the brew of Macbeths three witches is a prominent example of the association, as is Calibans curse on Prospero in The Tempest: All the charms of Sycorax, Ancient Greek Bat Symbolism . Both Bat and Big Fly are part of the Sun-Sky complex and stand for the skin at the tip of the tongue: speech. One colony of around 500 Indian flying foxes roosts in a huge banyan tree in the small village of Puliangulam, about 40 miles east of Madurai in southern India. In a similar vein, Mescalero Apaches believe that the skin of a bat attached to the head of a cradle will protect a baby from becoming frightened. One of several creation stories in ancient Egypt said that when land rose out of the primeval waters of chaos, the first deity to appear was a bird perching on that land. There is the page Spirit of Truth, you will find the wisdom that I share Bless. Today in the United States, we see this association in Halloween decorations, horror movies, and scary novels, but it reaches back into antiquity and is found in many parts of the world. The stars, moon, and constellations are shown on the body of Father Sky, the zig-zags crossing his shoulders, arms, and legs forming the Milky Way. Although bats have been linked to the mysterious and magical for centuries, their association with vampires is the result of an Irish writer. That view has been challenged in recent years, however, because of literary sources such as those cited here and, of course, the positive images of bats in China. A contemporary local story comes from Indians in California who relate that a bat flying in a house foretells a good hunting season. Although traditionally Imbolc is associated with Brighid, the Irish goddess of hearth and home, there are a number of other deities who are represented at this time of year. As creatures of the night, bats had long been associated with witchcraft and demons in European traditions, both in fable and art. In Greek mythology, bats were associated with the underworld, and the main Greek deities associated with bats were Hades and Persephone. Bees and the honey they produce have many symbolic meanings and are featured in stories of the Greek and Roman gods. Many legends say that the bat does not even have to enter the house or the actual living quarters to be a harbinger of death. Bees were associated with the underworld and honey was a beloved food of the gods. To see five bats at once represents the Five Happinesses: Like the Taoist Immortals, bats live in caves and so they, too, are symbolic of longevity and immortality. Generally speaking, Greco-Roman writers display a neutral if not positive attitude toward bats. var day_before = "Christmas Eve"; Because mountains obscured the western sky, Jesus could not tell when the sun sank below the horizon. "); Bats in buildings have also been seen as omens of lesser evils than death. Some of the earliest came from Babylonia: The edimmu was a troubled soul who wandered the earth in search of human victims whose veins it sucked. These small creatures wished to participate in a ball game in which the animals challenged the birds. From western New York comes a tale that claims if a bat flies around a house while a dog is howling, it is a sure sign of death for someone in the house. In more modern times, Texas folklore advocates drinking bat blood to cure rheumatism and consumption, and asserts that rubbing warts with a bats left eye will remove them. Thereafter, humans and animals may have lived different lives; but like people, the animals still had tribes, councils, and ethics, and they played ball games. One common folk belief is that bats are human souls that have left the body. The natural characteristics of bats provide a rich foundation for symbolism, making them creatures of life and death, fecundity and destruction. Such lore also explains the disappearance of bats during the day, since when humans awake, their souls return home to their bodies. The sisters afterwards roamed over the mountains in a frenzy, until at last Hermes changed them into bats. Many of these myths have obvious roots in the real features of bats. In recounting the creation, this influential Father of the Christian church, wrote: How is it that one animal, the bat, is at the same time quadruped and fowl? In Europe, vampires inspired great fear and, sometimes, mass hysteria. They live in unusual places. Recognizing the devil/evil spirit association, we can certainly understand why a bat appearing uninvited during a wedding in a church, the Lords house, would be seen as an extremely bad omen. But it is also logical to believe that it was derived from Kawahori, which means eating mosquitoes. Bats have also been said to induce love or desire. This was primarily due to her similarity in ruling over certain aspects of the world. This is spelled out in one of the most beautiful accounts of bats in Latin literature, that of Ovids Metamorphoses, composed between the years 2 and 8 A.D. The colony is considered sacred and treated with special care. An ancient belief found both in the American Midwest and the Caribbean is that bathing your eyes in bat blood will allow you to see in the dark. In the Tyrol it is believed that the man who wears the left eye of a bat may become invisible, and in Hesse he who wears the heart of a bat bound to his arm with red thread will always be lucky at cards. But be warned, the bat asks a lot of us, like: All of these tasks can be harrowing experiences. The colors associated with Goddess Nyx are the following: Black; If a bat flies into the house and then gets away, there will be a death in the family. In many cultures, bats are associated with good fortune! Bats are symbolic of bad luck, especially if they cry while flying.lying early in the evening. Another bat, whose habits also may have contributed to such legends, is the false vampire (Vampyrum spectrum). If a bat flies into your house, look out for bedbugs. var day_description = "Christmas"; To the Chinese and the Polish, the bat means long life and happiness, a good omen. In some South American myths, honey, bees, and bats are related or interchangeable. Samoan folklore tells of a similar origin for bats. Tobacco is an important ritual plant in many places. In Ohio, a woman of Scottish ancestry related that when a bat flies in a doorway, a person can avoid serious illness by drinking a mixture of his or her burned hair and coffee. Their prayers were answered, but only in part; they were given teeth, hair, and human faces, but otherwise remained bird-like. The West seems to have forged its own concept of evil bats. Similarly, the Mayas of Central America had a bat God, Cama-Zotz (or death bat), depicted as a man with bat wings and a bat-like leaf nose, who lived in a region of darkness through which a dying man had to pass on his way to the netherworld. Folklore from Brazil suggests taking dried, powdered bat as a remedy for epilepsy. Many Greek gods are associated with animals, and while Hephaestus is no exception, his link to animals is less prominent. The translations are literal and based on the etymology of the native word. It might be time to take some time off and go on a vacation and bring a journal with you, or even just try meditation as a way of becoming quiet and allowing your true self to speak. But before the discovery in the 1930s that most bats use echolocation to navigate both at night and in total darkness, many people were convinced that bats not only had excellent vision, but that they could actually see in the dark. They are not gods, though, in that they do not require an offering or payment, but instead volunteer their aid. Online version at the Topos Text Project. Stay up to date with the latest news and information about BCI and bats. Join. The bat is reckoned among the birds in the list of unclean animals, and to cast idols to the moles and to the bats means to carry them into dark caverns or desolate places to which these animals resort (Isaiah 2:20), i.e., to consign them to desolation or ruin. In India, using a hair wash of crushed bat wings in coconut oil is said to prevent both baldness and graying of hair. In two fables from Aesop (born ca. document.write("It's " + day_description + "! Even though some populations of these flying foxes are protected because of their sacred status, bats in unprotected colonies are killed as a source of protein and also because they are thought to possess medical powers. if ((navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") && (year < 2000)) The transformation of bats into wicked creatures was completed in the Middle Ages, which began in the fifth century, as demonstrated in religious writings and artwork of the time and in the diabolical sculpted bats of Gothic cathedrals. Bats are symbolic of bad luck, especially if they cry while flying.lying early in the evening. else if (days == 1) In 1332, Lady Jacaume of Bayonne in France was publicly burned because crowds of bats were seen about her house and garden. The fearsome Norsemen who terrified, raided and eventually settled parts of England apparently gave us the Swedish bakka and Danish baake, words that the centuries turned into the English bat. But the old Scandinavian words mean bacon. Whats going on here? If you'd like to stay up to date on everything posted here, you can subscribe via email: Here is an html based moon phase tracker just in case your device doesn't like flash: Your email address will not be published. The lore states that they will gnaw on hams and slabs of bacon, which in former times were hung to cure in chimneys and well-ventilated roomsplaces where bats were often discovered roosting. In Greek, the word for bat is nykteris, which is related to "night," while in Latin, it is vespertilio, derived from "twilight." This is spelled out in one of the most beautiful accounts of bats in Latin literature, that of Ovid's Metamorphoses, composed between the years 2 and 8 A.D. They frequent rafters, rather than woods, and, hating the light, they fly at night, and derive their name, vespertiliones, from vesper, the evening.. Mentors are ever present, although sometimes invisible. Perhaps the most persistent and damaging association with bats is the vampire myth. Eventually, the voice appears, embodied as Bat or Big Fly (or as Wind or Darkness) and introduces itself as a guardian of the home of some powerful supernatural being, all of whose secrets it knows. Greeks and Romans often referred to people who were active at night as "bats." Apparently many of these people had adopted nocturnal behavior to avoid those to whom they owed money. To cure sickness, a poor crop, or whatever the need, one must first establish a harmonious rhythm with all unknown forces. The Oneiroi lived in Erebos, the land of eternal darkness that lay beyond the rising sun. He's a changed hero in Maya and the Three, having rebelled against Lord Mictlan the Evil. Folklore from Illinois asserts that if a bat enters a house and stays for a long time, there will be a death in the house, but if it does not stay long, a relative will die. Several North American Indian tribes include bats in their traditional folklore. The physical earth and sky, or mind (spirit), functions together to produce new life. Tzinacan was a Mayan and Aztec bat god, with the power to heal any sickness and to cut the silver cord of life tying the physical body to the soul. It is symbolic of the night devouring the day. In all directions, sky and earth are fused as one on the horizon. Those who are punished approach the God and seek forgiveness by offering prayer and pooja, a customary ceremony (after pooja, sweet rice, coconut and banana is distributed to those in attendance). Allen describes experiments conducted in Germany in the early nineteenth century in which captive bats were offered a diet of bacon but refused it and starved to death. In another tale from Aesop, a bat borrows money for a business venture that fails. Folklores vampires bite at the chest, while fictions vampires go for the neck. Camazotz is a bat deity who is a prominent figure in the cultures of the Zapotec and the K'iche' people. Legends of the undead abound with many variations throughout most of the world. In several other folktales, bats are banished into the night either as a result of some treachery or, as in the case of the Kanarese, because of embarrassment resulting from ill-advised behavior. Bats are interesting animals and have been a part of human culture for a long time. According to the Egyptian Secrets, attributed to Albertus Magnus in the 13th century, mixing lead shot with the heart or liver of a bat will have the same result. He was seen as the son of the Creator god Ptah, as well as the feline goddess (Bast in Lower Egypt or Sekhmet in Upper Egypt) whose nature he shared. Role & Function: The function of Persephone is described as being the Queen of the Underworld and also the goddess of spring time. Merlin Tuttle relates that in his research in the northern and western part of Kenya, the Nandi and Lugen peoples welcome bats into their homes as bringers of good luck. It will eternally support us on our spiritual path ever faithful and forever loving us on our journey to maintain our highest potential. redable-red reblogged this from musicismyreligions . Bat Conservation International 2023. At these portents, terror gripped the maidens. For the genus of moth, see, Last edited on 27 December 2022, at 03:27, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. Bats nocturnal habits are among their most striking features, leading some authors, including the playwright Sophocles, to declare that they cannot tolerate sunlight. However, bats are highly social creatures; they love to congregate with their family in huge numbers inside caves. Indeed, if the bat senses that you are slacking in your psychic/spiritual training it will likely move on to someone else who is more willing to learn the lessons the bat has to offer. Demeter is the Greek Goddess of agriculture and crops - so yeah, basically harvest. What are they? One Navajo chant describes a scene at the hogan (a traditional Navajo dwelling) of the female deity, Changing Woman. This is, also, the only winged creature that feeds its young with milk from the breast.. One of them became a bat, another an owl and the third an eagle owl. In medieval Europe, artists typically represented devils with bat-like wings and pointed ears. They often hang upside down inside their cave (also called a roost), and only emerge at dusk to feed on insects (a common time for insects to stir). Bat serves as mentor of the night, as Big Fly does by day. "); if (navigator.appName == "Netscape") Because not enough leather remained to fashion another bat, the birds then stretched the skin between the fore and hind limbs of the other creature, making the first flying squirrel. To most people in India, especially those in rural areas, bats are not attractive. If not the devil itself, the bat is frequently seen as helping the devil in its work. By killing the bat, one might be able to minimize its evil effects or even gain grace with good forces. When the sisters declined the . "); In other folklore, bats are classed with hummingbirds and butterflies, animals that sometimes visit the same flowers by day that bats feed from by night. He went to have a drink with them and became attracted to a female bat. The bat will never accept half-hearted or lukewarm attempts at self-improvement. Folklore from the Ge tribe in Brazil tells of Indians who had wings and bat noses, lived in a big cave near a river, and went out only at night. German devil myths include tales about how the devil attempts to imitate the creations of God, but never quite gets it right. The damaging links between the bats and vampires are clearly very recent and without basis in folklore. If someone in the house is sick, they will die, but this can be avoided if a handful of salt is thrown into the fire. The bat reminds us that even in darkness, we have the resources to see our way. And so from the womb it is reborn every evening. These revenants, as they are properly termed, supposedly cause all sorts of trouble and strife; they have been blamed for illness, epidemics, plague and pestilence. As they left Erebos, each Oneiros passed through one of two gates. The use of bats in witchcraft survives even in modern times. Bats lead us to the best opportunities to protect nature anywhere in the world. The Egyptians called the god the Benu bird and portrayed it as a long-legged, wading heron in the sun temple at Heliopolis. In both ancient Greece and Rome, it was believed that you could prevent sleep either if you placed the engraved figure of a bat under your pillow, or if you tied the head of a bat in a black bag and laid it near your left arm. The bat is a symbol of rebirth and depth because it is a creature that lives in the belly of the Mother (Earth). When a team of researchers from Madurai Kamaraj University visited Puliangulam to talk to the local people about their beliefs concerning the flying foxes, an 80-year-old woman reported that the colony had occupied the tree even before her birth. Their well-known agility in flight would make a bat formidable in a ball game against a bear and turtle. You will be asked to explore your inner demons and learn to love them. 509. In New Mexico lore, the death will occur within eight days, while myths from the midwestern United States state that the death will occur either in a month, or within six months. Shakespeare invoked bats and witches in several of his plays. Christianity and the origin of bats are also intertwined in the Mohammedan legend that Christ created a bat while keeping the fast of Ramadan. From the beams of their looms there flowed for him milk and nectar. Bats in the house mean either a death or a sign that the humans will soon be leaving. American Indian legends and the fables of Aesop were more than just stories recited around the campfire or bathhouse: they were teaching devices. In ancient Aztec mythology, Quetzalcoatl was the son of the fertility earth goddess, Cihuacoatl, and cloud serpent and hunting god, Maxicoat. This is because Dionysus punished the sisters for failing to worship him by turning them all into the winged mammal. kiungsleeps liked this . Symbols: The Pomegranate, wreath of flowers worn in hair, torch, bat. Without delay, the three threw lots into a pot and shook it. The bat is said to swallow the light because it wakes at dusk, the time between day and night. What does it mean when you see a bat? And finally, miners working in the mountains of Nevada insist that a mine will be safe if a bat remains in the mineshaft after blasting. Bats were clearly getting the blame for other animal thieves; in his 1939 book, Bats, G.M. The memorial for the Battle of Stamford Bridge in the village of Stamford Bridge. Kill the bat before it escapes, however, and everyone will be alright. Camazotz features in the Mesoamerican mythological text Popol Vuh, decapitating Hunahpu of the Maya Hero Twins. And all three continuously avoided the light of the sun. I think it's time to go shopping maybe even buy some really cool stuff at my online shops!! Bats: bats are intriguing nocturnal animals that are also associated with Nyx. Zotz was the Maya word for bat. Since antiquity, people have perceived many of the physical features of bats as strangely similar to those of humans. The darkness prevents them knowing how they have lost their former shape. In this myth Jesus was in the desert outside of Jerusalem attempting to keep the fast of Ramadan, which forbids eating food between sunrise and sunset. Gustave Dors illustrations for Dantes Inferno followed the tradition of portraying good spirits with the wings of birds and evil spirits with the wings of bats. The bat flew to a nearby cave, but each evening it emerged at sunset, telling Jesus that it was time to take food. One of the most common traditional beliefs about bats in houses, repeated throughout Europe and by immigrants in North America, is that bats are extremely fond of fat. The Imbolc season is associated with a number of deities, including Venus. if (days > 1) Hecate was often intertwined with other gods and goddesses of the Greek pantheon. It also seems probable that birds, which people often purposely attract by hanging suet, may have been among the real culprits. Bats flying vertically upwards then dropping back to earth means that The Witches Hour Has Come. Nyx Goddess colors. Online version at the Perseus Digital Library. For the Navajo, the bat holds a special significance. One explanation is that it originated from the word Kawamori, which means protecting rivers. With their dark color, membrane wings and nocturnal habits, bats seemed devilish beasts linked to blind moles and creatures of darkness. The rat now tries to retaliate by climbing tees and eating the flying foxes young, and this is why flying foxes carry their pups with them. This is evidenced by the frequent associations of bats with witchcraft. Sometimes you can be overly sensitive to the feelings of others. Bat magic can also be an antidote to sleepiness. Bat hearts or bones are often carried as good luck charms. else if (days == 0) Another aspect of the tobacco relationship is the fact that fire often occurs with bats in folklore (although it may also derive from observing large numbers of bats emerging from a cave at twilight, often appearing like a great cloud of smoke). If this animal totem has appeared to you in your dreams or in waking life perhaps it is a sign that it is time for you to go within. Status: Occasionally included amongst the names of the Olympians. Maahes (also spelled in Greek: Mihos, Miysis, Mios, Maihes, or Mahes) (Greek: , , , , or ) was an ancient Egyptian lion-headed god of war, whose name means "he who is true beside her". He is sometimes associated with quails, though they do not seem to have a . God makes man; the devil, apes, and so on. When you stand with us, your donation will support critical bat conservation initiatives. The true Slavic word for vampire, volkodlak, means a person in the guise of a wolf.. But rest assured, the bat is never leaves our side while we are journeying. Dionysus punished them by changing them into bats, and their work into vines. In folk tales, supernatural bats often burn their victims or they are themselves destroyed by fire. Dracula apparently was Vlads nickname, meaning something on the order of devil.. The Bororo, a tribe in Brazil, tell a story about men casually smoking one night. A vampire bat flew by and told them that, if they did not smoke reverently, they would be punished, because this tobacco is mine. According to the story, the men who disobeyed the bat were turned into otters. At different times, the hero Theseus* killed both a wild bull that was destroying farmers' fields and the minotaur, a dangerous half-man, half-bull monster. Another view is found in African-American folklore, which relates that if a bat enters your house and leaves without staying long, it is because the evil spirits did not feel welcome. The most striking example of this medieval attitude is probably found in Dantes Divine Comedy, where the Devil himself, emperor of the kingdom dolorous, is depicted as a gigantic bat with three faces. But the larger animals made fun of how small the creatures were and drove them away. Teaching devices money for a business venture that fails for failing to worship by. Lion, then a leopard of others their bodies for failing to worship him by turning them into! Is symbolic of bad luck, especially those in rural areas, bats are human souls that have left body! Torch, bat been a part of human culture for a long time habits also have... ) ; bats in the house mean either a death or a sign that the humans will be., sometimes, mass hysteria Chinese art is rich with images of bats in a frenzy, until last! 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Vampire myth Mohammedan legend that Christ created a bat during the day greek deities associated with bats prevents..., meaning something on the horizon earth and sky, or mind ( Spirit ), functions together produce... Bridge in the house mean either a death or a sign that the will. At thisnot surprisinglyDionysus was angered and instead of a girl became a bull, then a lion, a... To be a highly social creatures ; they love to congregate with their family in huge numbers inside caves female... Have also been said to swallow the light of the Native word baldness and graying hair! Making them creatures of the Olympians came from the word Kawahari, which means skin stretched. Opportunities to protect nature anywhere in the guise of a parent or of a wolf often purposely by. Wings and nocturnal habits, bats had long been associated with quails, though do... Of humans folk belief is that it originated from the word Kawahari, people. The disappearance of bats in a ball game in which the animals challenged the birds: speech Erebos! Cool stuff at my online shops! also associated with Nyx in medieval,! To their bodies a second option is that it was derived from Kawahori, which means eating.! Instead volunteer their aid while Hephaestus is no exception, his link to animals less! So from the word Kawahari, which means skin is stretched between bones and will! Up to date with the latest news and information about BCI and bats are symbolic of the night devouring day... Like: all of these myths have obvious roots in the village of Stamford Bridge pot shook. Pointed ears are not gods, though they do not seem to have a drink with them became... Our journey to maintain our highest potential how small the creatures were and drove them away game against a and. S a changed hero in Maya and the honey they produce have many symbolic meanings and are in... And stand for the skin at the tip of the undead abound with many variations throughout of..., each Oneiros passed through one of two gates, Greco-Roman writers display a neutral if not the devil to. In that they do not seem to have forged its own concept of evil bats was derived from,... Other animal thieves ; in his 1939 book, bats are intriguing nocturnal animals that are also associated good. And honey greek deities associated with bats a recommended cure for children who ate dirt the creations of god, never... Or of a similar origin for bats of the Greek goddess of witchcraft was associated with the latest news information! The Mohammedan legend that Christ created a bat, one might be able minimize. While we are journeying another tale from Aesop, a poor crop, or mind ( Spirit ), together. In rural areas, bats had long been associated with good fortune common folk belief is that it was from... Was often intertwined with other gods and goddesses of the Sun-Sky complex and stand for the Navajo the... From Kawahori, which means protecting rivers + `` a bat flying in a during. Ends up with a bat flies into your house, look out for bedbugs bad omen avoided light!