Mash The King of the Storm and the Lord residing over the Ends of the World. Sanzang Select: Yeah, we'll open a path for everyone! Hm. 1. Rushd Holmes Are there any objections? Gawain It must be a dungeon. May no one else fall victim like we did! Select: I can't feel my face Arash Select: What's that ridiculous structure!? 1. Nitocris Why would he be there!? This can't be Jerusalem!There are sandstorms everywhere! G??? As you know, his will is like tofu. Hah, maybe he went easy on them again?The Knight of the Sun is such a kind man! Holy City Soldier ??? Arash C??? You seem to know less about me than Ms. Kyrielight! The Arthur we met in Singularity F!? I've never seen a monk who makes her disciple so frantic! Bedivere Romani believed that humans Masters like that were necessary. It can't be. Cursed Arm Tristan Because you think that is the duty of a king. Mash You have neither the determination nor the dignity necessary. Breaking into a fort is one of the most basic skills for any Hassan. And if for some reason even he could not see past 2018, then 1. Exactly! H??? Hmm, that's a good idea. Select: Trying too hard again I see Chaldea. As I have only just awoken, I am merely at half strengthbut no matter! Sure. N-No! Bedivere Mash Holmes 1. Select: By the way, we'd like some water! So I couldn't help but be wary of sharing such things with him. I see. Well, hardly surprising, considering it's you. Ozymandias A realm even the Sun King of the desert cannot reach.A vault of knowledge buried within the sands. I am looking forward to that moment. Lion King Cursed Arm Mash You do seem to be quite temperamental though Um Monk Sanzang? Hundred Personas Ozymandias First Hassan It helps you're a thoughtful person. At the same time, I am grateful. You cannot unleash the Light of Judgment when that tower is up. Serenity The knights' formation has broken in two places, and refugees are escaping through them. Right. S-Stop this?Are you scolding me? Bedivere Da Vinci It seems the defense mechanisms are still active!I was right to wait for your arrival! 1. Fou Yes. Yes. How dare you act like you know everything! No matter how cruel you were, you once did your duties as a general. What is it, Rushd? Arash Hey, wait, are you serious!? Even if we try to go after Agravain directly, doesn't he have a Gift like the other Knights of the Round!? Da Vinci 1. I don't do well in these situations! Cursed Arm Select: You don't get to decide! Then, how about your hopes for tomorrow? Lucius Lancelot This round's my loss. First Hassan That's right. 2. Especially Tristan. Da Vinci If you choose to resist, then we will not hesitate to kill you. View source View history . So, Fujimaru, you go with the refugees. Hm. Arash Kamangir is gone. Mash is hardly standing up to Gawain at all. That's fine. Bedivere I'm here to correct the course of humanity! Sanzang That's convincing. Lucius What's the meaning of this? Nitocris Dr. Roman Fight, and destroy that lance! Now I grant your True Name! I won't even manhandle the villagers, just slit their throats. Ozymandias Mash One of the Lion King's followers, Sir TristanHow terrible. King Ozymandias's army of divine beasts will arrive soon. Dr. Roman Dr. Roman He reminds me of Merlin. Are you other knights not curious of that, too? Ozymandias They've started admitting the refugees!? Bedivere!? Refugee Woman Nothing! I heard. With that rite, thou shalt be forgiven for unveiling me. Select: This is in the middle of nowhere. Dr. Roman If only the good may pass, then my fist of compassion will make its way through! If you're going to use your own life, use it to defend your own pride! 2. Dr. Roman 2. Lion King Whatever he decides, I shall obey. Select: Thank you. Does that mean you will cooperate with our capture of the Holy City? Holmes Well, I'll just put it down to your being too shy to hug in front of people! Agravain All right, full speed ahead!I'm gonna blast the entire enemy camp! Mash Lament the limits on your life. Dr. Roman Refugee Man Truly a wise decision. Select: Gawain! Bedivere Mash Relationhsip. How about Fujimaru?Is everyone asleep already? Dr. Roman 2. But to be honest, I think this was good.Romani should have gotten a little break thanks to this. Ozymandias Twin girls. I'd like you to find that out with your own eyes. Dr. Roman For them to invite someone like me Arash Let's go, Mash! The changes all seemed abrupt to me Holmes Cursed Arm It looks like that hasn't changed since the start. I hate to use the king's Gift on the likes of you, but Tristan Dr. Roman Yes! Select: She's Leonardo da Vinci. Someone died to protect a child! I was planning to tell Fujimaru everything I knew about Mash myself Da Vinci You butt out! Of course, we'll avoid such a match. Singularities are both realities and unexplored possibilities. So it seems. It appears to be the Servant on the report. The live feed is finally back on! Select: As long as she remained operational? Continue the fight until it does. How could something like this happen? It's probably an enemy Servant, do not engage! Hundred Personas That's what matters most. I see. You mean the army of sphinxes outside!? No need for unnecessary sympathy. Select: Yes. I'll stay with you, Hassan! Da Vinci Numerous bonfires are moving around!Those are Holy City soldiers! Already it's a labyrinth. Holmes I will not let you go to say you have defeated me when I have yet to use it. Even if her Noble Phantasm fails to develop, she'll never stop standing up for her beliefs! You're the arrogant one here, Sir Gawain. Mash Arash Tristan Merlin Enforcement Knight I must repay my debt. Any transmissions from Roman? Dr. Roman Select: Mash doesn't know its True Name Mash Mordred Haha. This Old Man of the Mountain still has a few tricks up his sleeve. Hundred Personas Select: The wall of light Da Vinci Fool. Whoever it was, they certainly have a good eye. Dr. Roman Let's go, Mash! Where are you ever going find such a convenient helper!? It's also possible that they would try to prevent the destruction of the world, fail in the progress, and then go mad as a result Holmes Dr. Roman 2. The place you will travel to is a hypothetical. Because you know that is the best way for a country to prosper. Bedivere The one chosen by the Holy Grail Tristan It may have been in a panic, but she was able to ward off the sphinxes on her own. 2. It's our last night, and we're spending it in this stuffy tactical meeting! Hundred Personas I judge only the outcome. They are at risk of being completely overrun! Ozymandias Records indicate Marisbury brought his assistant along to the Holy Grail War Holmes Mash The enemy is Tristan, Knight of the Round Table! Da Vinci Select: If we only had Da Vinci Mash Tristan Mash 1. We're grateful for your hospitality, Queen Nitocris. Dr. Roman 2. Humph. Nitocris Lion King Ozymandias Plus, she was like, 30% more hysterical about everything. Select: You did well, Mash! 1. Mash Yup, all is right in the world Dr. Roman It's a little sad that it doesn't make sounds while in operation. The magical energy response is enormous! Or to put it bluntly, leave or surrender! The village must've been discovered by the enemy! Namely, fusing a Heroic Spirit and a humanthe Demi-Servant experiments. Select: Was it an actual conversation? Welcome home! Dr. Roman They're clones of the Lion King. You're so used to it, Sir Bedivere. Even though you saved us in Atlas? Well, we owe all of this to Lord Tawara. Yeah, Fujimaru's right. Fort Soldier A Hi Hassans, we're back. Thank you for saving my mom and I back then. Da Vinci Mash 2. To keep an eye on the Holy City's developments, he said. Lancelot Right, Roman? So, I'll get serious, just this once. Dr. Roman There's a possibility that it wasn't related to the Incineration of Humanity. That aside, well fought! Something was entrusted to me. Come on then, let me hear all complaints Mash Ozymandias 2. I thought I finally found some good meatDamn it, you scum Mash That is the truth. Da Vinci Lion King Gawain It's been reborn! Select: That's true. Bedivere Holmes Yet, that person thought of me. Select: Huh? Oh. This was a transcendent viewpoint that went beyond being coolheaded. Mash Bedivere Senpai, and even I, will most likely have no problem. Bedivere The lance that the Lion King possessesHow much do you know of it, Sir Bedivere? We just confirmed that the Foundation of Humanity was restored too. Dr. Roman ?Sitting and drinking wine, too!? Stop. I'm sorry I was forceful. Would you know where she is? A burn from another Round Table-r. Leave the protection to us. Serenity Oh, but watch out, okay? I have always wished for this. Mash Ozymandias Bedivere Hassan! Or to be precise, the daughter of that person. Of course. That must be Shaytan incarnated. Select: Thank you, Da Vinci. Oh Select: At last, we're visiting ancient Uruk! Dr. Roman Mordred The people of the Holy City are gone. Dr. Roman Da Vinci We had a report from our scouts. Dr. Roman I'll likely have to attend to something else. Select: It's too difficult for me to understand. We've defeated the Enforcement Knights. And with the Lion King's information, I was able to calculate the location of the seventh Grail. Holmes Mash Dr. Roman Now that you mention it Go back to the Heavenly Realm already and find yourself a wife! The way I live my life? The greatest, most powerful pharaoh of ancient Egypt. Holmes Da Vinci Mash Select: Ouch! The fallen knights are vanishing. Mash I only met the previous director very briefly. Then we will also assist in scaling the wall. But thanks to that, we now have a fighting chance! Indeed, more information can be acquired this way than through glass. Refugee Woman Honestly, can't they give us a break? Yes, that would be the best way to approach this.This is quite a compromise coming from Roman. Mash Know that this is your one last chance., ??? What? Da Vinci Mash's a perceptive kid, so I'm sure she'll catch on eventually I'm (probably) older! No, there'll be no need for that. Holmes What, now you're suddenly being all meek?I'm telling you, I don't know who you. Dr. Roman The knights feared they had not seen the king smile for quite some time. Relax, I won't let the attacks reach you there.It's just that it's more difficult if you're close by. Isn't that just a laugh? Mold Camelot Noble Phantasm Now is a Castle No wonder he knew so much about this area. I didn't think you'd try and make me feel better. Once every six months? I mean, yesterday, you were happy about it as if it had happened to you. I-I couldn't help it, okay?! I am content to be but a guardian of the mirror to the underworld. Ah, yes! However! That's for certain. First Hassan Behold, the wave of the Ends of the World. Still, King Ozymandias, huh Again with the troublemakers showing up. Hundred Personas This is entirely your fault. It's a miracle from heaven! ??? Holmes 1. Rushd Dr. Roman No, I cannot do that, Lion King, avatar of the sacred lance. Fou, foooou! The one sent to Chaldea is merely a copy. Agravain The black hole said that A crueler fate awaits us Holy City Soldier Select: There's no need to tell him. Dr. Roman Creepy! I will get straight to the point. Select: It's going to be rough, but we'll manage. Camelot will be visited by a time of stormy waves. Mash Ah, I leave it up to you, Saruhan. Naturally. That's where the bad guys tend to escape from. After all, I found a purpose that seems even more exciting than my journey there. Arash Most importantly, it exists at the edge of this world. Arash Bedivere Bedivere 1. Cursed Arm Lancelot Okay, then let's split up. Rushd I see. Refugee Man 1. How is the night watch going? Arash Let's go rescue her! Bedivere We can speculate later. Throw away your arrows, men! Sanzang Oh no! Rushd 3:00. Keep them alive until our eventual battle against the Sun King. These Enforcement Knights are different. Air temperature 48 degrees Celsius, relative humidity 0 percent, atmospheric mana density 0.3 milligrams Da Vinci Bedivere Dr. Roman True. The point is I couldn't turn my back on Romani. Da Vinci In comparison to the Knights of the Lion King, they are easily defeated. But that doesn't mean you'll disappear. That's right. But all of the Knights of the Round Table accepted that idea albeit at the cost of their own identity. It's not as if he can do anything? Bedivere Select: This isn't Shambhala. The young king fought through the fiercest battles I've ever seen. That you never know until you try Ozymandias, Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. It's not possible for them to reach the top of the wall! Cursed Arm The arrow will travel 20 kilometers and take the slab along with it! However, a miracle occurred. Good tailwind today We'll end up right in front of that village! Ah, that was an unexpected development for me too. Agravain Besides, Sir Bedivere is here, too. Get into the Coffins, you two. Unless we rescue her, she may eventually leak our information to the enemy. And it makes sense why the mighty skeleton guy told us to come here. Also, it was never a case of me just going, I think I'll go to Tianzhu! No, it was a vow: I'll make it to Tianzhu no matter what.. We'll also say: When Arash ties a rope to his arrow, beware. Yes. Fujimaru isn't here. Select: Of course, leave the rear to us! Bedivere However), Bedivere I am the Demon God Amon Nay, you shall call me by my True Name. Select: A battle! Bedivere That!? We did not take the oath in order to kill our enemies. Assassin has been neutralized! Although, after all of that we were told to leave and essentially chased out. Yes, you're right. I had no idea that she would sacrifice herself for us 1. Cursed Arm. His desire was ordinary, his envy was ordinary, and his love of happiness was ordinary That's the type of man he was. How could you possibly know that much!? Select: We still had plenty of supplies, right? You're being dumb. Tristan The king did not smile for himself. Lancelot If we increase the population any more, it would mean mutual ruin. It's a land at the end of the world. I'm also interested in that shrine, but I have to stay again this time. Well done, Xuanzang Sanzang. Agravain And I have the duty to stop you! Still no sense of playfulness, huh, Agravain!Don't you know that's why everybody hates you!? But we are three levels underground already. No, that's not what I meant.We'd like you to be our guides. Huh? Mash You still rely on that man Tristan Yo. Sanzang They bettered each other, they respected each other. Thy voices have been heard. What's going on here!? (No, it would be arrogant to call this a journey.It's like I've been wandering around all this time. Dr. Roman Yes. Holmes ??? It's as if she fell into a Whoa! However, don't expect us to reach an accord so easily. I'm your man! Or maybe it was something set up by the Lion King. However, they have no reason to trust us.Do you understand what I mean? I'm sorry, Queen Nitocris.We totally forgot you were there. many of the fight scenes, some of which looked outright bad. I simply repaid my debt. And I did the same thing at the gates of the Holy City. Copyright (C) GamePress All Rights Reserved. I can see jail cells! Mom saidthat I was her life. Humanity's time has ended and this small world is marching toward ruin. Holmes Yes, I agree. And your friends? Do the soldiers of the Lion King kill women and children first!? Saruhan Ozymandias Select: Isn't the First Hassan a little too scary? Select: I want to ask about the sacred lance. Realize how you insult us by being here! This sure looks like an academic institute, all right. First Hassan The buggy only fits three, anyway. To tell the truth, I've only been able to stand up like this for a few days. There are some things we need to ascertain. Tristan This thing's TOO convenient Mash 1. Arash It was a past I discarded, a tale that had no connection with me as a Heroic Spirit Cursed Arm Cursed Arm Lord Touta? Mash You may be right. You don't remember, huh? But please, you must give it up. I thought you would be opposed to that idea. He doesn't mean to actually defeat us! We need to prepare countermeasures against the Round Table, just in case. Thanks, but I think I've had enough of being a disciple. Talk about someone who hates to lose! Dr. Roman Focus on getting back to Chaldea more than anything! You're an Old Man of the Mountain of this era, right? Now it's time for some one-on-one with that annoying thing above. Enforcement Knight Hence, he is excommunicated until he apologizes to her! Mash Oh, okay. The king kept the sacred lance, and became the King of the Dead that wanders this earth. Dr. Roman You go capture the Holy City on your own. Very well. Mash Is the Lion King really our enemy? Any form of disrespect and our heads will roll. Bedivere We managed to slip in. Tristan Britain's Round Table has fallen to ruin. While I'd love for them to have a good night's rest, we don't have time to spare. Such adorable little darlings. Select: He sat back on the throne like nothing happened! It seems you came from the direction of the desert. Mash Mordred Da Vinci Master Fujimaru.I'll say goodbye here as well. If you surrender now, it may not be too late. Dr. Roman Agravain hate her mother, and eventually hate all woman. I say no! Think. Select: Were you guys okay? Listen! Wait, are they fighting each other! It seems like you've returned from the desert zone. Dr. Roman I'm here to bring forth the divine protection of the Buddha! Find yourself a wife think you 'd try and make me feel better right..., full speed ahead! I was planning to tell the truth I. 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