Allow Necessary Cookies & Continue Further increases this ship's TRP by 5% (15%) and increases your Vanguard's Torpedo Crit Rate by 5% (15%). When taking damage, 4% (10%) chance to fire a special barrage; 5s cool down after activation. Every 20s: 10% (40%) chance to absorb 50% of damage taken by Escort Fleet for 8s. Enemies hit by the sword strike suffer a special Armor Break ailment for 8s; enemies hit by the meteors are Burned. Escort ships within the smokescreen have 20% (40%) additional Evasion Rate, does not stack with same skill effect. Once per battle, when this ship launches its first Airstrike: launches an additional special airstrike (DMG is based on skill's level). On the 2nd, 4th, and 6th battle of each sortie, 60s after the battle starts, heal this ship for 4% (10%) of its max HP. Does not stack with other command skills that have similar effect. U-410. When this ship fires its Main Guns: 40% (70%) chance to fire a special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). After this barrage is fired: decreases the load time of this ship's next Airstrike by 10% (20%). This smokescreen lasts 5s and increases Evasion Rate by 20% (40%) for all ships inside it (does not stack with other smokescreen skills). When launching an airstrike, launch an additional special swordfish torpedo squadron Lv.1 (Lv.10). Decrease the first 2 (4) instances of damage taken by 30% (60%) each battle. After that, enemy ships will regain their Speed during the next 2.5s. Increases this ship's DMG dealt to enemy CLs and CVLs by 4% (10%). The game allows players to collect female moe anthropomorphic characters, based on warships from the war's major participants. This ship starts the battle with 1 Airstrike ready. At the start of the battle and every 20s after that, the lead ship in your vanguard gains a shield. Wonderful Commander Cat if you're running a Royal Navy fleet. Once per battle, when Health falls below 20%: recovers 15% (25%) of max Health. Smokescreen lasts for 10s, and does not stack with other smokescreens. Consider dropping these ships immediately once better ones come along. If Emden has a CL Main Gun equipped in the Secondary Weapon slot: Every 10 times this ship fires her Main Guns: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). 10s after battle starts: fires a torpedo barrage (damage is based on skill level and Torpedo stat). For every 2 enemies this ship sinks: increases this ship's AA by 1% (10%) for the duration of the battle (can be stacked up to 3 times). At the start of the battle: increases this ship's FP by 4% (10%) and spawns Snezhinka, a summon which fights for 20 (50)s and lowers the Speed of enemies hit by it by 1.5% stacking up to 15% for 4s (its DMG dealt is based on skill level). A not so great Staff Cat. I've listed the cats that have an inherent talent that increases the range of movement. When used as enhancement material by other cats, increase. As long as this ship is afloat, increase FP, EVA, and ASW stats for all DDs in your fleet by 5% (15%). This ship's secondary guns are guaranteed to deal Critical Hits. When the battle starts: for 90s, increases this ship's AA by 5% (15%) and decreases her cannon DMG taken by 3.5% (8%). When launching an airstrike: 40% (70%) chance. Increases EVA by 1% (10%) for all ships in your fleet with a "Framework of Logic" skill. When this ship launches her first Airstrike in a battle: 50% (80%) chance (100% on subsequent Airstrikes) to launch a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special airstrike (DMG is based on the skill's level). When this ship fires her Main Guns: 40% (70%) chance to fire a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). Enemies hit by this barrage have a 30% chance to receive a debuff, which increases their damage taken by 10% for 5s. Enemies hit by this barrage are inflicted with "Cinderflame Curse" and take 41 damage per second for 10s. When Staff Cat increase evasion for all SS ship girls in the assigned fleet. Barrage DMG is based on the skill's level. Every 15s: commences a sonar scan, revealing the location of all enemy SSs for 5s (10s), reducing their Accuracy by 15% (25%), and decreasing your Vanguard's DMG taken from torpedoes by 5% (15%) for 5s (10s). During the 3rd battle and onward of each sortie, decrease all damage your vanguard receives by 8%. Increases this ship's DMG dealt to Submarines by 5.0% (20.0%), but increases her DMG taken from Submarines by 5.0%. If there is at least one other. [In Operation Siren, increase these stats by 2% (4%) instead.]. During battle, increases this ship's AA by 5% (15%) and RLD by 1% (10%); when the "Cinderflame Curse" status expires, all enemies affected by that status take one additional instance of that special Burn DMG (DMG is based on this ship's FP); Every time allies defeat an enemy affected by "Cinderflame Curse": increases this ship's FP by 4% until the end of battle, stacking up to 3 times; At max stacks, this ship deals 5% more DMG to enemies until the end of battle. Every 20s: increases this ship's Speed by 5 and FP by 5% (20%) for 10s. Wait until your cat has hit level 10 and you have more than one talent point to spend. When the battle starts, if this ship has Sakura Empire gear equipped: increases the DMG dealt by this ship's "Blood Sacrifice" barrage by 1% (10%); if NOT equipping Sakura Empire gear: decreases this ship's DMG taken by 10%. At the start of the battle, if this ship is NOT in the frontmost position of the Vanguard: increases this ship's FP, TRP, AA, and RLD by 10% (20%). Fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level) and spawns 2 shields that can each block up to 10 enemy shells, lasting for up to 5s. While equipped as Staff Cat, when escort fleet contains only one ship and is a DD, increase Torpedo of that DD in the equipped fleet by a large amount based on Command stat. When the fleet this ship is in starts a battle, increases your CVs' and CVLs' AVI by 4.5% (12%) and RLD by 5% (10%), and decreases the loading time of this ship's first airstrike by 10% (25%); When the battle starts for the fleet this ship is NOT in, increases your CVs' and CVLs' AVI and RLD by 3.5% (8%). These effects are outlined in green-colored text when viewing the details of an equipment piece, which cannot be altered in any way by enhancement nor Fleet Technology upgrades. Does not stack with the same skill. When the fleet this ship is in defeats an enemy fleet: increases this ship's FP, TRP, and RLD by 0.5% (5%) (can be stacked up to 3 times). At the start of the battle and every 20s: decrease this ship's Speed by 5% for 3s and fire a special barrage (barrage damage scales with skill level and this ship's FP stat). Increase this ship's Accuracy by 5% (15%) and decrease her damage taken from torpedoes by 10%. At the start of the battle: increases this ship's AA and EVA by 5% (15%) for 60s. Upon taking damage, 4.5% (12%) chance to reduce damage taken by 50%. Every 20s, if your Vanguard consists of only. After this effect activates, when this ship fires her Torpedoes: decreases this ship's DMG taken by 3.5% (8%) until the end of the battle (can be stacked 2 times). When this ship fires its Torpedoes: for 8s, increases your Vanguard's Speed by 3 and EVA by 5% (15%) for the ship in the frontmost position of your Vanguard. Every 30s: deploys 2 rotating shields that can each block up to 10 shells. Increase your main fleet's AA stat by 5% (15%). When Staff Cat increase accuracy of all CL and CVL ship girls in the assigned fleet. Every 20s, deploys a shield (can block up to 3 enemy torpedoes, lasts 20s). At the start of the battle, if there are 3 ships afloat in your Vanguard and there is an Eagle Union ship in the backmost position (other than this ship): increases that ship's EVA by 4.5% (12%). Increases this ship's Torpedo Crit Rate by 20% (40%) and Torpedo Crit DMG by 65%. CN: . When main gun damages the same target, own Reload is increased by 20% (40%). When sortied as the Staff Cat: 15% chance to launch a preemptive strike when coming into contact with any non-boss node on the map when there is a BB, BC, or BBV in your fleet. Additionally, reduces Light Cruisers' and Destroyers' gun and torpedo damage dealt to Hatakaze by 1% (10%). Every 20s, 50% (100%) chance to release a powerful barrage. Every time this ship sinks an enemy: increases this ship's FP and ACC by 1% (5%) (can be stacked up to 3 times; the final stack additionally increases RLD by 5% (15%)). We have also included the type of each character in the list. Increases this ship's FP and ACC by 5% (15%). If this ship is equipped with a high-caliber main gun (280mm or higher), increase this ship's main gun efficiency by 4.5% (12%). While this ship is afloat, when a fleet this ship is NOT in engages in battle: When this ship fires her Secondary Guns: 40% (70%) chance to fire an additional attack (this effect cannot activate again until this ship sinks an enemy, or after a 10s cooldown). 10s after the battle starts: launches a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special torpedo barrage (DMG is based on this ship's TRP stat and the skill's level); every 15s after that: increases this ship's ACC by 8% (can be stacked up to 3 times) and fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on this ship's FP stat and the skill level). 20s after the battle starts: restores 1% (5%) max HP to all ships in your Vanguard. Additionally, for the first 3 battles of a sortie: the fleet this ship is in takes 5% (20%) less DMG from torpedoes. All Iris Libre ships deal 1.5% (6%) more damage. Increases this ship's AVI by 5% and AA by 5% (15%). When the battle starts, increases this ship's EVA by 5% (15%) and decreases her DMG taken by 1% (10%). Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Increases this ship's DMG dealt to DDs and CLs by 10% (20%). Increases this ship's FP, AA, and ASW by 0% (15%). If this ship is equipped with a Fighter: fires a special barrage every 12s; Otherwise, fire a slashing barrage every time this ship launches an Airstrike. Every 10s: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage; enemies hit by this barrage take 15% more cannon DMG from your DDs for 5s. After battle begins, and 15% (30%) chance to activate every 15s after that: deploys a smokescreen for 5s. Every 20s, 40% (70%) chance to increase own Firepower, Torpedo, and Reload by 20% (40%) for 10s. Increase Firepower of cruisers in the fleet by 5% (15%). When this ship attacks an enemy DD, her ACC further increases by 1% (10%). Even better when in a fleet with BB, BC, and BBV ships. Average effect is 2.4% (5.14%). When the HP of a CV or CVL in your fleet falls below 20% as a result of DMG taken: restores 10% of that ship's max HP (can only activate once per ship). : Increases Anti-Air by 4.5% (12%). Decrease AP damage this ship receives by 10% (20%). When this ship gains a stack of Wood Element: activates "Wild Growth" Lv.1 (Lv.10) (DMG is based on the skill's level; 5s cooldown between activations). Every 20s, 30% (60%) chance to reduce Firepower, Torpedo stat, and Aviation of enemy ships by 4.5% (12%) for 10s. Smokescreen lasts 5s and increases Evasion Rate by 20% (40%) for all your ships in it. [2] Specifically, each ship can only be affected by one buff from each of the following boxes: 3. Increase this ship's FP, RLD, EVA, and AA by 2% (10%) for each. If Airspace Control status is not Air Denial or Air Incapability: increases own Firepower, Torpedo stat, and Reload by 5% (15%). (-2.5% per 100 stat) (Unlisted effect: Also increases their RLD by a moderate amount.). It can be found in the main menu under the HQ button. When entering battle: fires a special barrage with 100% critical hit chance (damage scales with skill level). At the start of the battle and every 20s after that: fires a special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). 20s after that battle starts: fire a special barrage that decreases the Speed of enemies it hits by 40% for 5s (barrage damage scales with skill level). At the start of the battle: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). Increase the damage dealt for this ship's first main gun salvo each battle by 20% (50%). When sortied as Flagship: increases Firepower and Reload of all allied Sakura Empire (IJN) ships by 5% (20%). When your freshly trained Meowfficer finally arrives in the cattery, it will have learned a certain number of talents randomly picked from a pool of possible talents. GamingScan is reader-supported. Azur Lane all girls. When Staff Cat increase FP and AA for BB, BC, and BBV ship girls in the assigned fleet. Does not stack with the same skill. Every time the main gun is fired, increases the damage of subsequent main gun attack (includes base main gun mount) by 10% (15%). Not limited to a Commander or Staff role very flexible. This page was last modified on 7 February 2023, at 04:16. Decrease this ship's main gun cooldown by 20% (35%) for the first four reloads. For performing well in PvP battles, warships must be placed in front and back row according to their classes. 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