The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. He and his younger sister, Leah, who never leaves home after witnessing their fathers murder, move in with their grandmother. I have lived all my life in New England, and though I love to travel I can't imagine ever calling any other place on earth home. It is a Jesus story but interesting because the main character is a young Zealot. Have been meaning to read this for some time; finally borrowed a copy from a friend and went to it. Joel wants to join Roshs band, and since the Hezron family is moving to Capernaum, Rosh tasks him with being a spy there. Author's Purpose for writing The Bronze Bow Simon, a friend of Daniel's, lets Daniel use his blacksmith shop and house so that he can care properly for Leah. The Bronze Bow is a complete 83 page novel study guide. I love reading, and when my teacher read this to us in school it right away went on my Wish List. Daniels band of recruits begins doing jobs for Rosh, but its mostly petty raiding and stealing, which disappoints Daniel. Five years later, Daniel escapes to the mountains and joins a rebel band led by the zealot Rosh. Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare, 1961, Houghton Mifflin edition, in English. In desperation, Daniel seeks out Joel and Malthace. Lessons from Mr. Lee. I really liked this book. Worthy goal indeed. Reviewed in the United States on January 10, 2022. Use Novel-Ties study guides as your total guided reading program. Now following Jesus, Simon offers Daniel his house and blacksmith shop. Also featured in this cohesive teaching unit are two graphic organizer worksheets for processing and analyzing the text. Elizabeth George Speares The Bronze Bow was originally published in 1961 and won the Newberry Medal for excellence in childrens literature in 1962. To Speare's credit, most lines attributed to Christ in the book are fairly consistent with his real teachings, though she unsurprisingly emphasizes his themes of peace and love over sin and God's judgment. Joel is in prison, and several of the village boys who had trusted Daniel die in a bungled attempt to free Joel. After earning a Bachelors degree from Smith College and a Masters in English from Boston University, she taught high school English for a few years. They attack, but all are captured. Daniel must let go of his need for revenge for his father's death and now for Samson's death. Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. Longing for contact, Daniel comes out from hiding, and the three teenagers meet face to face. It's the change in Daniel from the beginning of the story to the end that helps us identify the. The Bronze Bow is set in Roman-occupied Israel during the time of Jesus. He must learn what the responsibilities are and the nature of true leadership while he comes of age. Donate . Simon, who has decided to follow Jesus as a disciple, asks Daniel to take over his blacksmith shop. Exodus 17:14, anyone? (, This is a Printable + Digital novel study! This was my first time reading a historical fiction book about Jesus and his disciples, and it was truly inspiring and captivating. Daniel is more than glad to contribute to the rebellion. After returning to the mountain, Daniel tries to recruit Joel and not only fails but also angers Joels father by arguing about the Zealot cause. And loved the way the author seemed to understand how Jewish people felt during Jesus' ministry. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. Leah, too, has been traumatized ever since. Get Full eBook File name "The_Bronze_Bow_-_Elizabeth_George_Speare.pdf .epub" Format Complete Free. A few weeks later, a fellow former apprentice, Simon the Zealot, brings Daniel the message that their old master Amalek is dead, freeing Daniel to visit the village., Inc. He leads a ragtag group that attack and usually kill any Roman who crosses their path. Not long after Daniel opens the shop, a young Roman soldier stops in and sees Leah, which makes Daniel angry. Bring your club to Amazon Book Clubs, start a new book club and invite your friends to join, or find a club thats right for you for free. He realizes that even though he doesnt understand Jesuss mission for Gods kingdom, he trusts Jesus and wants to give up his hatred in order to be part of that mission. Jesus helps Daniel realize that love is stronger than hate. Well I got it, and I never have been sorry. His punishment is immediate. Struggling with distance learning? "[2] In a retrospective essay about the Newbery Medal-winning books from 1956 to 1965, librarian Carolyn Horovitz wrote of The Bronze Bow, Carry On, Mr. Bowditch, Rifles for Watie and The Witch of Blackbird Pond: "All have value, all are told skilfully. Heartbroken, Daniel is totally disillusioned with Roshs cause. In fact, this is the second book in a row I've expected to be an American Indian tale from the title. English. Read and re-read since my childhood I love this book. Student cover page Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. Includes initial monthly payment and selected options. The major underlying theme of the text is the concept that love is stronger than hate. This book was the Newbery Medal Winner in 1962. It looks like WhatsApp is not installed on your phone. I enjoy historical fiction. He is arrested and destined for a short life of hard labor in the quarries. My review is targeted for those using the book for education vs. entertainment. With his band of untrained boys, Daniels attempt to free Joel is only successful when Samson sacrifices himself. Full Title: The Bronze Bow When Published: 1961 Literary Period: Modern Genre: Children's Historical Novel Setting: Ancient Palestine (Roman-occupied Galilee) Climax: Jesus heals Leah. Daniel, however, also had other reasons for fleeing his home. Though Samson does not seem to talk or fully understand Daniel, he bows in gratitude after Daniel frees him. The next morning, Simon stops by and invites Daniel to attend the synagogue service with him. The Bronze Bow - Final Test Study Guide. eNotes Editorial. The Bronze Bow: A Newbery Award Winner Paperback - September 1, 1997 by Elizabeth George Speare (Author) 2,140 ratings #1 Best Seller in Teen & Young Adult Prehistory Historical Fiction See all formats and editions Kindle $8.99 Read with Our Free App Audiobook $0.00 Free with your Audible trial School & Library Binding The story of Daniel, a teen at the time of Christ who is consumed by his hatred of the Romans. The Bronze Bow By: Elizabeth George Speare Narrated by: Pat Young Length: 7 hrs and 42 mins 4.6 (417 ratings) Try for $0.00 Pick 1 title (2 titles for Prime members) from our collection of bestsellers and new releases. to take pleasure in, enjoy. If there are three dates, the first date is the date of the original It is set in the time of Jesus: Daniel changes after his encounters with Jesus. This book is set in first century Galilee, Israel. The Bronze Bow Audible Audiobook - Unabridged Elizabeth George Speare (Author), & 2 more 2,136 ratings #1 Best Seller in Teen & Young Adult Ancient Historical Fiction See all formats and editions Kindle $8.99 Read with Our Free App Audiobook $0.00 Free with your Audible trial The Bronze Bow is a book by Elizabeth George Speare that won the Newbery Medal for excellence in American children's literature in 1962.[1]. It is probably 3.5 stars for me but I rounded it up to 4 because Jesus. The reason I think it's perfect for our day is because it truly shows how much better life can be when we let go of hate and have love for others instead. This read is long overdue. The main protagonist is a young Jewish boy, known as Daniel bar Jamin. Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. Daniel, the main character in this story, is picture of what happens when hate takes over your life. When their grandmother becomes ill, she sells Daniel to Amalek, a cruel blacksmith. The resolution was too quick for me. She currently teachers literacy courses to preservice and inservice teachers. Several years after these events, Daniel meets people he used to know when he lived in Ketzah, Joel bar Hezron and his twin sister Malthace, who climbed the mountain for the holidays. I have lived all my life in New England, and though I love to travel I can't imagine ever calling any other place on earth home. Access a growing selection of included Audible Originals, audiobooks and podcasts. One day, Rosh gives Joel a mission: he is to find out who is coming to a special banquet thrown for a special legation from Rome. His. ), and despite the fact that I'm generally uncomfortable with First Century stories putting words in the mouth of Jesus that He never actually said. Weeks later Daniel, restless, travels to the city of Capernaum, where Joels family has moved, to visit them. Hatred for the Romans consumes him. Set in Galilee in the time of Jesus, this is the story of a young Jewish rebel who is won over to the gentle teachings of Jesus. To add the following enhancements to your purchase, choose a different seller. Though wary, Daniel slowly relaxes enough to tell them his story. Daniel's father was killed in front of him, as an example, by the Roman occupiers. Teachers and parents! The Bronze Bow - read free eBook by Elizabeth George Speare in online reader directly on the web page. It was part of our homeschool curriculum for learning about Jews in the Roman Empire. (including. Disillusioned with Rosh, Daniel turns to Jesus, who heals Leah and teaches that only love can liberate their people. Joel moves with his family to the city of Capernaum. Set in the time of Jesus in Galilee, the story follows Daniel as he begins his transformation from a bitter, hard-hearted, vengeful young man into a man of compassion and understanding for others. I bought this as a gift to pass it on to someone else to love. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make your own. As a result, she contracts a deadly illness. PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. "The Bronze Bow - Summary" eNotes Publishing UIL Chess Puzzles Test Rules & FAQs. She tries to support Daniel and Leah, but she is little more than a peasant. The name, The novel draws regularly on books of the Bible, tracing the New Testament narratives of Jesuss ministry fairly closely (especially those found in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke), as well as referencing the Psalms from the Hebrew Bible. When my boys were in the 3rd and 6th grades I homeschooled them for 2 years. He remembers Jesuss words of love and invites Marcus to come inside. I was immediately intrigued by the characters and their situation. Complete your free account to request a guide. Elizabeth George Speare deservedly won her second Newbery Medal for. Finally, Daniel understands: only love is strong enough to bend the bow of bronze. The Bronze Bow's stats are as follows: weight 12, speed factor 0.9, damage factor 1.1, range factor 3/6 - 4/7 (50%), accuracy 10%. He hones both his smithy skills and his hatred, sharpening them to lethal force every day that he spends serving Rosh. Looking for a way to get your students referring to the text as they answer questions? Teen & Young Adult Prehistory Historical Fiction, Teen & Young Adult Ancient Historical Fiction, Learn more how customers reviews work on Amazon, Clarion Books; Reissue edition (September 1, 1997). The protagonist, in particular, is one of the most vivid and lifelike I've ever read, with a huge and powerful redemption arc. The three bond, vowing to fight the Romans. His sister also wants them gone, but she is more concerned with Daniels estrangement from his family. A great story about a boy living in the time of Jesus. This book was so not what I expected. and my ten year old expressed disappointment that there were no actual bronze bows. Have you ever wanted to read a novel to your special education students but thought, there is no way they will sit and listen? Consumed by hatred, Daniel joins the brutal raids of an outlaw band living in the hills outside his village. taking a small amount into the mouth to test its quality. All of her books are set in colonial America except this one. Reviewed in the United States on February 11, 2023. Packed with over 65 pages of discussion questions, essay questions, history, vocabulary, geography, and grammar/language arts, this novel study pack follows chapter for chapter with Elizabeth George Speare's The Bronze Bow.Geared for 5th to 8th grade, this printable pack includes word search puzzles, crossword puzzles and more! But most of the attacks are unsuccessful, and the people are no closer to liberation than before. angered at something unjust or wrong. Alive and colorful biblical fare in the well modulated manner of Elizabeth Speare. He quickly grows attached and loyal to Daniel. Daniel looks up to Rosh and believes Rosh will fight the Romans. T he Bronze Bow is a novel about Daniel bar Jamin, a Jewish teenager living in Galilee, Israel, at the time of Jesus. Leah, who had seemed to be in the process of being cured, falls back into fully being possessed by her demons. Speare served as a Sunday School teacher in her church, and The Bronze Bow came about because of her desire to give her students a more colorful sense of life in ancient Palestine, and to present Jesus as not just a mythic figure, but a compelling and heroic leader. Though intrigued by Jesus, Daniel continues to put all his hopes for deliverance and justice in Rosh. The way the content is organized, A concise biography of Elizabeth George Speare plus historical and literary context for, In-depth summary and analysis of every chapter of, Explanations, analysis, and visualizations of. I feel like its a lifeline. The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare is the focus of this novel unit for students with autism and special learning needs. All of her books are set in colonial America except this one. Rosh, too, is fueled by hatred of the Romans. Read on to find out how. Read on to. In the A final, the Varsity 8+ earned third place with a time of 6:14.518. End of book test Daniel finds an outlet for his hatred in Roshs band, whose members are planning to overthrow the Romans. And loved the way the author seemed to understand how Jewish people felt during Jesus' ministry. In the end though, the plot was too predictable. The Bronze Bow Have you ever heard of a book called The Bronze Bow? "target=_blank>
. The novel coveys major themes of romance, espionage, religion, family and friendship - all of which would appeal to young adults and adults alike. I was immediately intrigued by the characters and their situation. They only succeed because Samson, out of sacrificial love for Daniel, shows up and rolls a boulder down on the attacking Romans and then joins the fight. Daniel invites the Roman into his home to see Leah. You)
. But the years seemed to go by very quickly. 9 terms. Note: When citing an online source, it is important to include all necessary dates. Jesus tells Daniel that Samsons love cant be repaid by hatredafter all, killing only causes hate to multiply. Leah has become gravely ill and is near death. The Bronze Bow Questions and Answers - by Elizabeth George Speare Start Free Trial The Bronze Bow Questions and Answers What are the similarities and differences between Daniel and. The novel study includes everything needed to teach the novel including the following concepts / activities: setting, literary devices, research assignments, cloze activities, creative writing assignments, character studies, parts of speech, Looking for a quick and easy way to check student's comprehension? Together, Joel and Daniel realize that Jesus is, perhaps, the leader they had been waiting for. Help others learn more about this product by uploading a video! ${cardName} not available for the seller you chose. Teachers and parents! I could say a lot more about the story, especially about the protagonist, his character development, and his family and friend relationships. The guide is presented chapter-by-chapter and includes the following distinct sections: Before You Read, Vocabulary, Comprehension Questions (including many higher-level thinking questions); Activities. Therefore, ever since childhood, Daniel has vowed to avenge his father by fighting and killing Romans. Though I had my first historical novel almost by accident it soon proved to be an absorbing hobby. Get help and learn more about the design. 16 terms. Problem Solver (main problem and solutions) Daniel grows up suffering immense hardship at the hands of the Romans. online is the same, and will be the first date in the citation. At first, Daniel doesn't understand why people follow Jesus, but soon he's doubting whether Rosh is the leader who will save the Jews; maybe Jesus is the savior after all. Just great. Rosh gave Joel an assignment to find out a bout a banquet that was being held, to help with a plan. Five years later, Daniel runs into an old friend and learns his grandmother (who cares for his younger, demon-possessed sister, Leah) is dying. Leah gets very sick, so Daniel sends a message to Thacia that he wants Jesus to save Leah. Even when she is dying, Daniel refuses to let Marcus, whos hovering outside the house, visit her. In this novel, hate eats a person from the inside out. Then, as Daniel steps outside to thank Jesus, he sees Marcus standing there. Junior high school teachers may find The Bronze Bow helpful in supplementing social studies and language arts lessons. You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. She also received a Newbery Honor Award in 1983, and in 1989 she was presented with the Laura Ingalls Wilder Award for her substantial and enduring contribution to children's literature. Samuel 22:35))The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare (author of The Witch of Blackbird Pond) won the Newbery Medal in 1962. Daniel witnesses the dire conditions they live in and is desperate to return to freedom on the mountain. Eighteen-year-old Daniel bar Jamin is living in the hills above Galilee. Financial hardship forces the grandmother to sell Daniel to the local blacksmith, Amalek, for a period of ten years. Told in the third-person limited perspective of the young Jewish protagonist, Daniel, this work of historical fiction takes place in Galilee during the time of Jesus. The book has been criticized by some Jewish and Christian groups and scholars for a "hostile" depiction of Judaism as practised at that time, an idealized version of Christianity, and for what some believe to be historical inaccuracies. One additional use in the classroom, particularly in parochial or church school settings, is as an ethics, morals, and religious discussion starter including its critical view of Judaism as practiced at that time. This gripping, action-packed novel tells the story of eighteen-year-old Daniel bar Jamina fierce, hotheaded young man bent on revenging his father's death by forcing the Romans from his land of Israel. Is it worth it to get on his feet and spend the rest of his life dragging burdens like a mule?'" Elizabeth George Speare author The Bronze Bow book Daniel bar Jamin character healing gratitude burdens worthwhile concepts 02 Share Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. 2023
. Back in Roshs cave, Daniel is given the job of filing the chains off the former slave Samsons wrists. Although he is studying to be a rabbi and is financially much better off than Daniel could ever hope to be, Joel, too, wants more than anything to rid Israel of Roman rule. 25 terms. Though Joel gives up his studies for the cause, Daniel tells Joel he will be of better use as a scholar. PDF downloads of all 1715 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. Certainly not as good as The Witch of Blackbird Pond. 42 terms. Care of the children falls to their aging grandmother. Daniel learns that Leah has fallen in love with the Roman soldier who frequented his shop and cruelly berates her until she is again possessed by demons. To see our price, add these items to your cart. Then one day I stumbled on a true story from New England history with a character who seemed to me an ideal heroine. Like The Bronze Bow, The Witch of Blackbird Pond won the Newbery Medal. The Jews search earnestly for a leader to liberate Israel from Roman occupation, and Daniel dedicates his life to avenge his fathers murder at the hands of Rome. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on August 19, 2019, Reviewed in the United Kingdom on September 18, 2015, Reviewed in the United Kingdom on January 20, 2014, Reviewed in Canada on October 27, 2015. What a beautiful book! Throughout the book I would be so excited when I noticed names I knew, Simon the Zealot, Jesus (of course) and Jesus disciples. Elizabeth George Speare (1908-1994) won the 1959 Newbery Medal for THE WITCH OF BLACKBIRD POND, and the 1962 Newbery Medal for THE BRONZE BOW. Then, I would be eager to see how the made-up characters would fit in. This brilliant book came up on our curriculum and its one that Ive not forgotten. Daniel, who's in love with Thacia, goes to Capernaum to see her dance in the Day of Atonement festival. Pre-made digital activities. You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. Joel jumps into the action, too, and tells Rosh hed like to work for him. Then I read a post by me matey Jackie @ deathbysundoku back in October 2017. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. Rosh is the leader of a group of men and boys who live on the mountain, outside of the village. Bronze Bow is a 2nd-level bow that can be worn by any non-unarmored character. It has been my favorite book ever since. The main character is a young Jew named Daniel bar Jamin who lives at the same time as Jesus of Nazareth. The Bronze Bow Summary Next Chapter 1 Daniel bar Jamin is an 18-year-old Galilean living under the Roman occupation of Palestine. Daniel sees that the pair must be. 44 lessons. ! We check all files by special algorithm to prevent their re-upload. A beautiful story about the power of God's love over man's hatred, Reviewed in the United States on January 22, 2013. Download the entire The Bronze Bow study guide as a printable PDF! The Bronze Bow chapter 1 | audio book | CC Challenge A Internet Grandpa 15.7K subscribers Subscribe 525 Share 17K views 2 years ago "The Bronze Bow" is a Newbery award winner loved by many home. Word soon comes from his old acquaintance Simon the Zealot that Daniels grandmother is near death. They make an oath to fight for 'God's Victory.' Daniel searches for Jesus and learns that Jesus has proclaimed himself as the Messiah and has left. 4 chapters | Reviewed in the United States on October 19, 2022. At the age of eight, he witnesses the execution of his father and uncle by the Roman forces. Daniel cant understand how this could be true, since these miserable people cannot fight the Romans. One day he encounters Joel bar Hezron, a former classmate from synagogue school, and Joels twin sister, Malthace (or Thacia), sightseeing on the mountain. After witnessing his father's crucifixion by Roman soldiers, Daniel bar Jamin is fired by a single passion: to avenge his father's death by driving the Roman legions form the land of Israel. Throughout the book I would be so excited when I noticed names I knew, Simon the Zealot, Jesus (of course) and Jesus disciples. It is probably 3.5 stars for me but I rounded it up to 4 because Jesus. He tells Daniel about Jesus of Nazareth, a carpenter by trade who is attracting hundreds of followers because of his preaching. With 500 meters to go, Tech was . He is shocked to see a simple, plainly dressed man who speaks softly though powerfully. Rosh says hell send for Joel in due time. Note: The Unit is provided as a Word, Worksheets intended to enhance and supplement your coverage of this StoryPacket Includes:Book Mosaic "Stained Glass" WorksheetBook Cover w/Summary WorksheetDesign your own Cell phone case with written explanationStory Chain of Events WorksheetChapter Prediction Reading LogChoice Board AssignmentCreate your Own Graphic Novel WorksheetFirst-Person Creative Writing WorksheetEpilogue Writing WorksheetStory Event Illustration and Writing WorksheetMovie Poster with Hook WorksheetPrologue to the sequ. Daniel does what he can to make his grandmothers last days as comfortable as possible. His name is Samson, and he is a slave. Both Daniel and Joel become increasingly blinded by their lust for revenge. garner. The Bronze Bow is a well written historical fiction novel by Elizabeth George Speare and my choice for the best book of the semester. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. They steal livestock and crops from the villagers, and rob rich travelers who pass by their hideout.. Answer keys Because the neighbors are afraid that Leah is possessed by demons, they occasionally toss bread through the window. Leah must fight for the bread or surrender it to the rats in the little hovel. And I was constantly in awe while reading it--in awe of the powerful and masterful writing, character development, characterization, setting, deep themes, and so much more. Newbery Medal, 1962. Daniel bar Jamin is an 18-year-old Galilean living under the Roman occupation of Palestine. Although this is well-written (and won a Newbery Award) the content was essentially just propaganda. It is not a preachy religious book, however. But he still has enough empathy to stay in Galilee, to see that his grandmother is buried, and to assume responsibility for Leah. Eighteen-year-old Daniel bar Jamin is standing atop a mountain overlooking Galilee, remembering village life. Daniel eventually finds out and goes into a fit of rage. Daniel has to make a choice: stay on the mountain and fight, or return to a life of slavery to care for his grandmother and sister. I like how it starts out, how this boy Daniel, (the story is set back in Bible Times) absolutely hates the Romans. Love is Stronger than Hate. What is a detailed summary of chapter 14 of The Bronze Bow? While there, Daniel hears about a man named Jesus. Summarizing Chapters When. This is a complete novel study for The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare , is an excellent tool to guide them through the book! A disheartened Daniel shares his troubles with Jesus, who tells Daniel that hate is the enemyhe can only obtain Gods kingdom by choosing love. Since I can't remember a time when I didn't intend to write, it is hard to explain why I took so long getting around to it in earnest. Although Joel has acted and risked his life under Roshs direction, when he is captured, Rosh will do absolutely nothing to save him. He's calm and gentle, and cares for those who are sick. Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them.Learn more how customers reviews work on Amazon, [{"displayPrice":"$8.99","priceAmount":8.99,"currencySymbol":"$","integerValue":"8","decimalSeparator":".","fractionalValue":"99","symbolPosition":"left","hasSpace":false,"showFractionalPartIfEmpty":true,"offerListingId":"k%2BEteTSpSVLBfln5Sp62iqHDbbEx2iCAijQMgmXVoQRx2h8Gnvn%2FdsR6FZm3mumS28J4c6jgmTbKlAyXm5XRukEXsDgUTmetJBBxm%2B%2FbGcabgsuAJ%2Fv4fz7xiw%2Fu9XfDepLbXBfXoG8%3D","locale":"en-US","buyingOptionType":"NEW"},{"displayPrice":"$6.99","priceAmount":6.99,"currencySymbol":"$","integerValue":"6","decimalSeparator":".","fractionalValue":"99","symbolPosition":"left","hasSpace":false,"showFractionalPartIfEmpty":true,"offerListingId":"k%2BEteTSpSVLBfln5Sp62iqHDbbEx2iCAphoW5%2Fbu2TEa5WoU6E7JpRaLjfxSoy9Pa9DV14%2BBNIp3BczX5VF1qE3Weg3Va7ye1Frld%2BavGGE9fyO8KrbJWwvZTHVkGUTxz6K6rq2VF4CY4VMid4jxDNWg0Vidr2QDcyLMSXUD2Y7ZHfvIofYXpTOE%2FxuP7zTi","locale":"en-US","buyingOptionType":"USED"},{"displayPrice":"$8.99","priceAmount":8.99,"currencySymbol":"$","integerValue":"8","decimalSeparator":".","fractionalValue":"99","symbolPosition":"left","hasSpace":false,"showFractionalPartIfEmpty":true,"offerListingId":null,"locale":"en-US","buyingOptionType":"PICKUP"}]. 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